18 May 2017


1 John 4:17

"By this, love is perfected with us, so that we may have confidence in the day of judgment;
“… because we live like Jesus here in this world. (NLT)

You won't hear this verse being preached from the pulpits. Simply because if "as Jesus is, so are we in this world" ... then as Christianity believes Jesus to be God, then we are also God. There is no way to dispute this verse. If you are a believer that the Bible is the infallible Word of God, then you must believe this to be as true statement.

Herein lies the problem of modern day Roman inspired Christianity. They take the Bible to be a literal and historical record of true events, rather than the intention of the writers who delivered the message with allegory, parables, and metaphors. They masked the hidden lessons or Truths, within a story, myth, or fable. They didn't have DVD's, movies, Internet, and recorders. They used a passion, a play, a drama, to speak the story mouth to ear until eventually they began to write it down. It had to be entertaining to the masses. It had to draw their attention and help them to remember the hidden Wisdom behind the myth by remembering the story itself.

The Bible, although a magnificent literary and spiritual artifact, is a composite of multiple myths from multiple civilizations and belief systems gathered, collected, and personalized by the Hebrews in the Old Testament, and Hebrews, Greeks, Egyptians, Persians, and Romans, etc. in the New Testament. The stories have existed since before historical records had begun. But the names, places, people, and geography have been changed to fit the Hebrew people of the time. Then, Roman Empirical powers formed the New Testament myths by combining, editing, changing, adding to, revising, and essentially taking creative license to create a new unified or "universal religion" to bring the empire back together under one system of belief. Keep in mind that the Greek word for universal is "catholic." At the Council of Nicea in 325CE, Emperor Constantine and his council created what would become known as Christianity.

Now, back to the original verse from 1 John 4:17. We have to go beyond the letter of the law, and into the Spirit. We also have to go back in time to pre-Roman Christianity. We have to find the "pearl of great price" hidden in the the text. We also have to look at "Jesus" (not Christ yet) as an archetype, or a reflection of of each of us. His story, is our story. The story of mankind, becoming awakened to the Divine within. "Jesus" became the Christ. All of us have within us the Divine Spark of God and "AS JESUS IS, SO ALSO ARE WE IN THIS WORLD."

We have to awaken or resurrect this Divine within us (our boat/ark) ... which resides in the same way as the pearl lies deep within the oyster. Just as the Apostles went inside the boat to awaken Jesus during the storms and tempest they were experiencing ... so we go within our boat/body and awaken the Christ to carry us through our storms. This is the deeper teaching. It is the Divine within us that helps us to calm the rough seas and high winds we experience here in Earth School.

The "INRI" found above many crosses and crucifixes of Jesus stands for the sacred fire. In Exodus 3, God reveals himself to Moses through the sign of a burning bush, which miraculously is not consumed by the flames. We also find in the OT Book of Deuteronomy 4:24 "For the LORD your God is a consuming fire ..." In Latin, that fire of the Lord is symbolized by the mantra written at the top of the cross, I.N.R.I., Ignis Natura Renovatur Integra, meaning “fire renews nature incessantly”. That fire is a solar fire; it is the cosmic Krestos, that in order to work, to manifest its power, it does it through the cross.

Thus, this is something that we must analyze and comprehend, because the cross is formed by two beams, one vertical and the other horizontal. The vertical beam represents the masculine, positive, solar force that emerges from the abstract absolute space, and penetrates the universe when impregnating the matter, which is that other substance which in Sanskrit is called Akash. In other words, what in Sanskrit is called Prana is Christ, the positive energy, and Akash, the passive energy, from the same source.

The union of the two originates the universe. So from this point of view, we have to understand that the cosmic Christ is universal and the origin of everything that exists, in any galaxy of matter or antimatter. The cross is the intersection of Spirit and Matter ... positive and negative ... masculine and feminine. So from the crossing or union of these two forces appears that which we call the universe. Now, the objective for that energy to appear in the universe is to make Consciousness of its own entity in its different aspects.

Jesus becoming the Christ (karest, christos, krishna, krestus) is an archetype of you and I also becoming one with Christ Consciousness ... the Divine. Jesus said to his followers "you will do greater things than I." How is this possible if Jesus is God as Christianity believes? In the NT Book of John 17:21 Jesus is quoted as praying to the Father/Source and says "I pray that they may all be ONE, even as Thou art in me, O Father, and I am in Thee; that they also may be in us ..." One a deeper esoteric level, and through modern Quantum Physics, we now know that this statement was nothing other than Truth. We are all one. We are tied together through universal unconsciousness. The fiber of the Matrix of the entire universe. There are no "things" ... there is only IT. And we are all an individualized integral element and substance of the entire universal organism.

The Beatles wrote and recorded a song called "I Am The Walrus." The song's opening line, "I am he as you are he as you are me and we are all together" which pretty much sums up the concept of Oneness with Source/God. The very word "Jesus" is the Greek (Ieasus) and Latin (Iesus) version of the Hebrew word Joshua (Yehoshua). They are all the same. And from the original Hebrew, the meaning of the word itself in it's entirety (YHSVH) means "God is Saviour." Just as Yahweh, and Jehovah are transliterations of YHVH ... meaning I am that I am, or I exist. Not the name of God ... but actually being God.

God is not a name, it is a title. Just as Jesus Christ is a title. The title would be something along the lines of "I AM the anointed Saviour, or king." So, God/Source IS the Saviour is what Yehoshua Messiah (Christ) means. That force within us all that saves us from our base nature ignorant and self-centered ego driven animal being, to the Divine and righteous knowing and illuminated Higher-Self that can connect to, and become part of ... God/Good/Source. Because ALL things have come from ONE SOURCE, all things contain the elements of that Source. This is simple logic. Just as anything made from water, contains water.

So in closing, Jesus The Christ represents ALL of us. Because just as 1 John 4:17 clearly states ... "because AS JESUS IS, SO ALSO ARE WE IN THIS WORLD." The NT Bible is not just about a man who walked the hills of Galilee, it is OUR story presented in myth in the same way thousands of years of previous civilizations related celestial astrotheology to mankind. Our story, is written in the stars ... and we are made of star stuff.

Just a thought ...

~Justin Taylor, ORDM., OCP., DM.


All Is One And One Is God

Today, we reach again into the deeper esoteric substance of what has been wrongly taken as literal and historical rather than allegorical within Biblical scripture. The NT confirms to the believer that there is nothing existent other than God. This is a difficult pill to swallow, unless you know and understand the deeper Truths and Inner Mysteries.

"Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word (Logos) of God, so that things which are seen are not made of things which do appear."
Hebrews 11:3

Now let's break this down. God/Absolute/Source does not appear. He is immaterial, unseen, invisible. No man has ever seen God. So, this verse is telling us that everything is made out of God.

"For originating out of Him (being made out of Him), and existing through Him, and returning back into Him are ALL things."
Romans 11:6 (Literal correct translation)

This verse is telling us that everything came out of God, is made out of God, everything is maintained in existence by God, and all things go back to God.

"As He is, so are we in this world."
1 John 4:17

In the above verse, the correct language translation would be the word "as" meaning "just as, or exactly as." This scripture is literally telling the reader that we are just exactly as God in this world. This is because, everything in the universe including mankind is made out of God/Absolute/Source. God is simply playing every role, and man is simply God wearing a mask. The word "personality" as we call ourselves, comes from the Latin word "persona" which literally means "mask of an Actor."

We are as rays of the sun, beaming individualized light rays originating at the source of the sun itself. A ray of sunlight cannot exist without the sun. Each ray is an integral part of and an essence of the sun itself. If it were to come from the pulpits of our churches that WE are God collectively in human form, that God is in you as you, experiencing life with you, there would be no need for the multi-billion dollar religion industry. The Bible evens says "you are the temple of God" and "we are the body of Christ."

When we awaken to the realization that we and God are one in the same, as all things are, then we come to the realization that the Divinity of God is not only alive in all things, but IS all things. "I am the vine and you are the branch" says the Bible. The branch and the vine are ONE. The branch is a manifestation of the vine. So, man, is a MANifestation of God. We are not born INTO this world, we are born OUT of it ... as a leave from a tree.

Jesus said "I and the Father are one." Imagine rain falling from a cloud. Clouds are water vapour. So clouds and rain are water. It is the same as when the Source/God fragmented and manifested all things. The reason and purpose for us to come here, is to realize and awaken to the reality that we are collectively God, and that we should think, act, and create as a Creator God would ... and to evolve and involve as One ... ever growing. The "Kingdom" is the Matrix fiber of all collective consciousness. The awakening has begun ... worldwide. Soon, we will all re-member who and what we are and we can spread the word of Divine power among mankind as was the original intent of so many wise sages, shamans, Hierophants, avatars, and wise men and women of great inner Wisdom and Knowledge. All things that proceed from a single Source, can be made of nothing other than the same thing as the Source. All is One, and One is God/Source Energy/Absolute.

Just a thought ...

~Justin Taylor, ORDM., OCP., DM.

16 May 2017



How many times have you tossed a coin into a Wishing Well or a fountain and cast your wish to the unseen powers? We all have desires we wish to come true. We even make a wish when blowing our the candles on our Birthday Cake. But what is it that we wish for? It's usually something of great importance. Something that bypasses our ego and comes from the Spirit/heart. Love, health, happiness, peace ... All part of the hearts desire.

Rarely is someone going to wish for a new lawn mower, custom paint for the Harley, rims for the car, or even a big-screen TV for the family room. It is always something of VALUE that goes beyond material things. Notice how we toss in a coin (something of value) in exchange for something else of value? We are willing to trade MONEY, for SPIRIT-FILLED wishes. My friend Adam added while we were discussing this ... That never do we use a slug, or counterfeit coin ... It MUST be real, in order to exchange it for something REAL.

Note also that once we make the wish, and toss the coin, we are finished. "IT IS FINISHED." We turn it over to the unseen powers of the Universe, and we detach ... Releasing it forever out of our hands. We simply KNOW that there is a force within and without ALL things that will bring forth thoughts, words, and deeds. We do not return to the Well to check on progress or wish again, we just detach and let be what will be. We don't worry about it, obsess about it, or become anxious about it. How awesome it would be if we were to do this with EVERYTHING.

We are co-creators of this Universe. Every thought, word, and action originates in mind. Yours, mine, and everyone else's. Before ANYTHING can manifest, or become material/matter, it first begins with thought energy. Then spoken word ... Desire and affirmation, THEN - when enough thought and word energy comes together it will congeal. It will begin to form matter as we know it. Matter is energy manifest in form. "In the beginning, the Earth (matter) was formless (unseen-Spirit) and void (unlimited potentiality)." All that ever was, and ever will be is already here and NOW. The time is always NOW. Past, present, and future exist in the here and NOW. Once you understand this principle, you can use the power of the unseen for great things.

Now back to the Well for a moment. Notice how we don't go back(wards) to the fountain and "take-back" our coin, or our wish? Except for Mouth (Goonies) ... We leave it there and let it bring forth what it may. Notice also how INTENSE we were at the time of the wish? We close our eyes, we concentrate, we center, we come to NOW, we take our time ... Really affirm what it is that is our hearts desire ... And then ... When the time is right - we toss it to the waters of Life and walk away in knowingness that there really is nothing else to do. We have turned it over to that which brings breath, Life, and consciousness to all the living.

Learn from this inherent system of desire. Do not say "I want ..." For this will only bring forth more WANT. Say: "I choose to manifest _." Use the great "I AM" whenever possible. Keep your tense in the present. Keep your focus in the here and now. Keep your heart in charge ... Bypassing the ego and carnal mind. The Power within you KNOWS what is best for you and for all living things. Trust it. Listen to hear that still small voice that will guide you through all of your experiences. Remain thankful and grateful for ALL things ... Good and un-good. For even in The darkness, light and Love will finds its way. Be mindful and thoughtful as you create. Tend your garden of Mind as a Gardener would tend the fields. Plant the seed and KNOW there will be a harvest ... When nature is ready. Be sure it will be beneficial to all, and harm no-one.

In closing, may you have all that you wish. This is the Law of the Youniverse. Namaste.

Just a thought,

Justin Taylor, ORDM.