31 May 2015

Not Knowing Something When You Should

Not Knowing Something When You Should 

Have you ever done something that you thought was helping you, but then you come to find that you're actually causing harm to yourself instead? 

What I'm talking about in this particular case is choosing to take a prescription medication for anxiety, finding out that it works to help control the anxiety, and then finding out that it's actual a very dangerous medication with a giant list of side effects (including anxiety), highly addictive, and can cause terrible withdrawal symptoms perhaps worse than what you had before you started taking it. 

Not only that, but then you find out it should be used for a very short time, and it can also cause long-term damage to your physical and mental faculties. Add to that, the fear of also being a cardiac patient, the feeling of imminent doom, and now the highly possible withdrawal symptoms ... and you have even worse anxiety and panic. 

Ativan (lorazepam) is one of the benzodiazepines, so-called tranquilizers and anti-anxiety agents, which, unfortunately, can be highly habit-forming. If you stop taking the drug abruptly, you can develop the symptoms for which you were being treated: anxiety, agitation, irritability, tension, insomnia and, sometimes, convulsions. Bottom line is that it can be very dangerous.

A schedule must be devised by which you gradually reduce your dose over a number of weeks, depending on how long you've been on the drug and how large a dose you are taking daily. This will hopefully give the brain and the body sufficient time to start functioning as it once did prior to dependency on the drug. 

In short, I am torn in two directions. My anxiety was so bad that I felt I needed something to stop the panic attacks and the fear of imminent death ... yes it is that bad. When I am having anxiety, it literally feels as though I am going to die in a matter of moments. The Lorazepam stopped he panic attacks ... even though I am still having anxiety. Even though the drug has helped immensely, I now have the fear of damaging side effects and dangerous withdrawal symptoms. 

Wish me well. I'll need some positive energy coming at me to get through this. It will take upwards of 8 to 10 weeks to gently try and wean myself off the medication. If you are one of the millions out there in the same situation, please do your research and consult with your doctor about what steps you should be taking. 

Just a thought ... 

~Justin Taylor, ORDM., OCP.,DM.

30 May 2015

What Does This Satan Character Look Like Anyway?

What Does This Satan Character Look Like Anyway?

The characterization and personification of Satan is portrayed to humanity in ever changing and numerous graphic images. The diversity of the images is notable, the varied forms “Satan” has taken on through history as is depicted by the images which have been catalogued is not coincidental. 

Either these extremely varied pictures are all true to some extent and represent the “Satan” creature’s ability to morph like some kind of “shape shifter,” or there is no truth to his being a real entity. 

All the images of Satan are just many different depictions of many different imaginations that are based on imagery borrowed from ancient mythological creatures ... such as Pan. Pan being the nature demon that scared everyone. Words such as PANic and PANdemonium immediately come to mind. 

These different graphic depictions can only be mental fabrications and constructs with no real model to base them on. So too is “Satan” himself ... a mental fabrication.

The medieval period has been the most profound period of artistic depictions of what it is believed “Satan” looked like. The graphic images played a huge part in the conciousness of unsuspecting and unquestioning citizens throughout that period and assisted in setting up a belief that “satan” was a concrete being with a concrete form. 

In the book "The Devil," by Amelia Wilson, we are given an illuminating tour of the history of the Devil and the images that were developed to express what he looked like. As for the horned version of the “wicked one,” Wilson tells us that the horned God may well be the oldest deity reconized by humankind. 

Just like the fabrications of creative pagans and superstitious Christians of the past, the demons of the present day and of the New Testament period were nothing and in fact did not exist at all. In fact, the very word "demon" in the original Greek simply meant "spirit."

Although every culture put images to their concepts of their evil god, the Truth of the matter is that the pagan nations each had their own Gods to worship, but that doesn’t make them real. These are non-existent, fabrications of men’s minds and were often made into statues and idols by the very hands of men. It is these “Gods” who were known as diamons/demons by the Ancient Greeks.

Although not specifically good or bad, they were believed to be “spirit energies” but eventually the Christians of the day rejected the concept of “good spirit energies” and concluded they were evil demons.

By the time the Christian movement had swept across the Western world, our language would reflect that reversed perception, the Greek term daimones, “spirit energies,” would become in English, demons ... and considered to be evil. These demons had become Satan's little helpers. 

Just a thought ... 

~Justin Taylor, ORDM., OCP., DM. 

28 May 2015

It Can Happen To You It Can Happen To Me

It Can Happen To You It Can Happen To Me

Back in the day, one of my favourite bands, YES, recorded a song with the same title as this article. What I didn't realize at the time was the multiple meanings and implications this phrase could have, both good, and un-good.

Doesn't it seem that just when things are going well, right on track ... smooth and comfy ... some event comes along to derail the bliss and tranquility. Events like losing your job, being left by a partner, having an accident, unexpected large bills with no reserves to pay them, and ... sickness, illness, and disease.

let me assure you, no one is immune to experiencing both good and un-good in this life. All things are based upon polarity and balance. Sometimes the vibes and experiences are awesome, and sometimes they are much less than awesome. It happens. And it can happen to all of us. So how do we better prepare for the darkness while we are still in the light?

In my life, there have been countless times when this has happened. Everything from car accidents, getting fired, multiple cardiac surgeries, and everything in between. Most have been surprise events. And most times we are never prepared for these surprise events. This is why it is important to just know that they will come, and to learn to accept them as part of this life's book of experiences. Once we accept that bad things happen to good people, and good things happen to bad people, we begin to understand the balance of the universe. 

Back in the days of black and white television, there was a control knob setting that allowed you to adjust the contrast. If you turned it all the way to white, nothing would be seen on the screen but solid white. If you turned it the other way (polarity) nothing would be seen on the screen but solid black. In short, without contrast, we wouldn't see, hear, taste, smell, touch, or be able to best utilize our non-physical gifts as well. It is the contrast, that defines the picture or experience that we are having. We can't have one without the other. So, we can't have good, without un-good ... or we would have no way of learning and knowing the difference between them. 

looking back on all the misery in my current life, I realize that I wouldn't have had all the bliss either. We have to have both. The key is to be able to be good when things are good, and to be good when things are not good. It's like a surfer riding the waves. All is energy in this universe and all are waves. Matter is not solid, but instead is vibrating energy. Once we learn that we can't flatten the wave, we learn to stay right in the pocket. We ride through the curl. It's always peaceful and quiet in the eye of the storm. So we learn to allow all the tempests and destruction to always be around us, rather than IN us. 

When we learn to accept the good with the un-good, we raise our vibration, we raise our consciousness, and we can better deal with the current speed bump. Peace begins within. And no matter what life throws at us, the best goal you can have is to be at peace within yourself. Wait it out. Don't fight it. That which you resist, continues to persist. Instead, find that place within that can give you stillness through the storms of life. Know that you CAN calm the storm, still the sea. Drop the sails, and wait it out. What goes up, must come down. On the roller coaster of life, don't waste the quiet and calm ride to the top, by worrying about what is waiting on the other side of the peak. 

Just a thought ...

~Justin Taylor, ORDM., OCP., DM.

27 May 2015

Consciousness: The Bridge Between Science and Spirit

Consciousness: The Bridge Between Science and Spirit

Today I offer a fascinating look at consciousness by Dr. Peter Russell. Enjoy ...

Growing up in England I thought I had no interest whatsoever in spirituality–I never thought I’d be speaking at places like this–or even an interest in consciousness. In my youth I was fascinated by mathematics, theoretical physics. I quit church when I was about 13, when I was brought up regular Anglican-Protestant. Which meant kind of going to church with my parents about once a month or so. That was considered enough to clear any sins we’d committed.

Then I went through the process of confirmation. First we were told the facts of life, which was wonderful. And then what we were meant to believe. I suddenly realize this thing I was chanting in church every Sunday morning, at least once a month or so, The Nicene Creed, I was actually meant to believe it. This was The Creed. This is what I actually meant to believe it. I just realized it didn’t go with what I was learning in physics. With all this stuff that had been laid down in 300 AD about what was meant to believe, the basics. And what physics was telling me about the universe–it wasn’t created about 4000 years ago, it was millions of years old and there wasn’t a heaven up there and all that stuff. So it was a choice. And I decided physics was my way, mathematics and physics. So I told my parents, "That’s it," I was quitting church. Fortunately, they were fine. They just said that’s great. And interestingly enough, when I gave an advanced copy of my new book, From Science to God, to my mother she said, "You know I never believed that stuff my self really."

So I went off to university and I was studying physics, well applied mass theoretical physics. I was actually fortunate enough to be in the same place as Stephen Hawking. He was actually my tutor for a while. He had just completed his own research. He could still walk and talk then. He had to have a stick. But his disease was only just beginning to come on and he hadn’t actually published any of his major work. It was just wonderful just sitting with him and working with him.

I had reached the stage where I could solve Shrödigner’s equation, which–for most of you unless you majored in physics–means absolutely nothing and I’m not going to try and explain it to you. But what it does signify though, which is just fascinating, is that just from pure mathematics you can start deducing the structure of the hydrogen atom, of any atom, and from that the universe starts to unfold. It’s like how mathematics underlies the universe. Then I realized there was a much more interesting question, which was ‘How come I could do that?’ Not how come I could do the mathematics, but how come there were beings in the universe that could actually begin to understand the universe and do the mathematics. I was studying hydrogen–the universe had started off from the simplest element, clear colorless gas. How did that evolve into all the other elements, into life and into beings such as myself who could actually stop and do the mathematics of hydrogen structures. So, to put it another way, ‘how had the universe become self-reflective?’, how had consciousness arisen? And how could I actually stop and ask that question and wonder how I could study hydrogen. So more and more I started getting interested in consciousness and what consciousness was doing in the universe, how it had emerged, because that was the really fascinating thing. I think Einstein had put it very wonderfully himself when he said, "The most incomprehensible thing about the universe is that it is comprehensible" –the fact that we can actually understand it, how it has arisen.

Science, then and pretty much still today, didn’t want to engage with consciousness. It didn’t know what to do with consciousness. And science has ignored it, for very good reasons for it’s own part. First you can’t measure consciousness. You can’t weigh it. You can’t put a ruler up against it. You can’t time it. It doesn’t fit into the things that science likes to get a hold of and measure. You can’t put numbers against consciousness. Also, science wants to be objective. It wants to look at the objective world. The very essence of consciousness is that it’s subjective. And science tries to get rid of all that subjectivity, which is so variable. You can’t control it. Thirdly, the universe according to modern science seems to work perfectly well with out any need for consciousness. It doesn’t need to engage it. It can understand atoms and living cells and what’s happening out in space. Everything works pretty well without having to explore consciousness.

So there seems to be no need for science to explore consciousness. And yet, this is the interesting thing, consciousness is the one thing of which we are absolutely certain. And we can doubt everything else. I mean right now, who knows, it could be your brain is plugged into some virtual reality machine, which is giving you this experience. We could all be sitting in the Matrix. But even if you’re sitting in the Matrix, you’re still a conscious being having a different experience.

This was something Descartes realized 350 years ago when he said, "Cogito ergo sum"–I think, therefore I am. What he was looking for was ‘what is the absolute truth’, as many philosophers have done. And he suddenly realized whatever is absolute truth has to be beyond any doubt whatsoever. So he developed this technique of doubting things. And he sat down one evening to think what was there he could not doubt. Then he started doubting his own thinking, doubting philosophies, doubting what he was feeling. He even got as far as to doubting he actually had a body–that could be an illusion. Then he realized the only thing he could not doubt was that he was doubting and that he was thinking. And that let him to the conclusion, to this long series which was all written in Latin because that is what philosophers wrote in, the final line was ‘Because I am thinking, therefore I am.’ Am-ness was the only thing he could not doubt. He could not doubt, being-ness, consciousness.

And that’s true of us today. We cannot doubt that we are consciousness. So the most certain thing there is in our lives–our consciousness– is the one thing that science cannot explain. It’s easier to explain how hydrogen evolved into other elements–how those elements probably gathered together to form living systems, how those living systems evolved, how our bodies work. All of that is easier than explaining why we ever have one single thought, or experience, or feeling. According to science, it should all go on in the dark, so to speak. We don’t need awareness.

So that’s the big conundrum for science at the moment. Why is there consciousness in the universe? And at the moment it’s trying to account for it with quantum physics, or chaos theory. There are a lot of different theories going around. But none of them ever get down to the question of how is it that something as unconscious as matter ever give rise to something as immaterial as consciousness. That’s the big question.

Meanwhile, for thousands of years, the great mystics, saints, spiritual people, have been exploring consciousness first hand. Not trying to look at it theoretically, but getting in there, meditating, whatever, exploring consciousness. And one of the key questions has been, What is the very essence of consciousness? What is the self? What is the "I"? And this was a statement from the Delphic oracle, "Know thyself." It comes up again and again and again. What is the self, the essence of consciousness? Very simply, what is the "I"? What do we mean by "I"? I is a word that I use. I’m using it already. Many, many times I use the word. I don’t even count how many times I use it each day. We all know what we mean by "I", right. Until you come to define it. We think we know what we mean by it. I am Peter Russell. That’s just my name. I am British. That just happens to be my passport, my accent, what I identify with. But it’s not "I". I am a male. I could imagine myself being in a female body. I would have the same sense of I-ness. My thoughts, feelings, experiences, view of the world, might be quite different. But that deep sense of I-ness, I think, would be exactly the same. It’s just that I would identify with different characteristics.

I think what I mean by I-ness, what I feel is my I-ness, is exactly what everybody else feels, there’s no difference. At that deepest level we’re all exactly the same. It’s just the stuff that gets built around it is different. But at that deepest level we’re all exactly the same. And this was something actually, going back to Shrödinger–the quantum physicist. He was fascinated by the whole subject of consciousness. And he actually wrote something very beautiful about this. He was writing about the 1930s. And he said, "What is this ‘I’? You will, on close introspection, find that what you really mean by ‘I’ is the ground stuff upon which all experience is based."

So what he’s really saying is that the I-ness is consciousness. It’s that feeling of Being-ness. It’s not so much that you are a being who has consciousness. It’s that you are consciousness, period. And within all that self-identity and stuff grow up. Now what the mystics have said–and this is almost a universal statement from across all cultures, histories– is that when you get down and really start exploring the nature of the essence of I-ness, that universal I-ness, is when you come across the Divine, God, whatever you want to call it. That is the Divine.

I think one of the best statements I’ve come across is by Thomas Merton, the contemporary mystic and scholar. And Thomas Merton said, "If I penetrate to the depths of my own existence and my own present reality, the indefinable am that is myself in its deepest roots, then through this deep center I pass into the infinite I am which is the very Name of the Almighty." Let’s read that again because there is so much in it. "If I penetrate to the depths of my own existence and my own present reality, the indefinable am that is myself in its deepest roots, then through this deep center I pass into the infinite I am which is the very Name of the Almighty."

And that is something that comes up again and again. ’I AM’ is the name of God. The Ramana Maharshi said exactly that. He said, "’I AM’ is the name of God…God is none other than the self." It’s in the phrase, "Be still and know that I am God." I don’t think that means, " You, over there, be still. Stop fidgeting around and be quiet. And recognize the fact that I, over here, am the Almighty Creator of the universe. So shut up and listen to me." It doesn’t mean that at all, clearly. What it means is "Be still" –still the mind. And when the mind is completely still, and you get in touch with that essential nature of consciousness, then you know–not an intellectual understanding, but as a realization–that the sense of I AM-ness is the Divine. Be still and realize that I AM—ness is the Divine in each of us. It’s interesting, when Moses was at the burning bush and met the Great Spirit, and asked the Great Spirit to identify itself. It said, "I AM THAT I AM." The I AM-ness.

And probably one of the best statements of it is, if you go to India, some of the oldest, or the oldest scriptures we have are in the Vedas of ancient India–3-4000 years old or even older if they were handed down by word of mouth. And there you find the idea that Atman is Brahman. Atman means really the essence of consciousness. Atman is when you take away all one’s thoughts, one’s feelings, one’s experiences, one’s sense of being an individualized, localized self. When you get down below everything, when the mind is completely still, you reach that Atman–which is the universal pure consciousness. That is the same for each and every one of us. And that Atman–which is the universal pure consciousness–is Brahman, which is the source of all. We might translate that as God. The essence of self is God.

Of course, what has happened in our culture, in the past when people have woken up to this and said, "I am God," immediately classical religions have jumped on top of them. Meister Eckhart was often preaching this in his sermons, "I and God are one." Of course the Vatican jumped on top of him and said you cannot say that. You can have an experience of One-ness with the Divine, but you cannot actually say you are God because that’s blasphemy. And there were actually people burnt at the stake for saying it.

I think what we are coming to realize now, today, is that there is an absolutely profound truth in that, which is probably the essence of all spiritual teaching, all spiritual awakening. And I think that that is what science is about to open itself to. It doesn’t realize this yet. At the moment science thinks it’s studying the material world. But it’s beginning to get interested in consciousness. There are lots of conferences now on science and consciousness, and new journals and papers being published, and people talking about it. Some of you may have even been to these events.

If you look at most of the scientists are doing, they are trying to explain consciousness within the current worldview. And the current worldview says the real world is the world of matter, space, time and matter. And so they’re struggling with how does consciousness come out of that. Some people are looking to quantum physics, others are looking to chaos theory. Some people think it’s all to do with the chemicals in the brain. But they’re all stuck in this idea that consciousness has to come out of matter.

What I think, what I am proposing, is we actually skip that and say let’s just accept that consciousness is. Period. Consciousness is absolutely fundamental to the cosmos, that everything is conscious. And I don’t think that consciousness is limited to human beings. Maybe our particular mode of self-consciousness is. But we’re not really even sure of that. I mean, who knows what goes on with dolphins and whales and things. Well, I think all creatures are conscious. I mean a dog to me is clear a conscious being. It may not think like we do, or reason. But it has experiences. It seems to dream at night. In fact, if we didn’t believe that dogs were conscious, we wouldn’t give them anesthetics when we operated on them. We’d just say, "Oh, that’s just some biological reaction, all that yelping. Don’t worry." And we don’t. We feel it’s experiencing pain. So we, we protect it.

What’s happened, I think with evolution, is not that consciousness suddenly appeared on this planet or the universe. It’s always there, right from the very start. But what’s happened is, as life has evolved, and senses have evolved, and nervous systems have evolved, what manifests in consciousness–the images, if you like, that appear in consciousness–they’ve gotten richer and richer and more complex, until today we probably have the richest consciousness of any creature on the planet. I mean, in terms of sensory experience, we’re no richer than any other mammal. In fact we’re less rich. A dog hears sounds we don’t hear, and smells things we don’t smell. What we’ve added is a whole realm of understanding, perhaps emotions, a whole depth of perception that isn’t there with other animals. So we have the richest consciousness.

But we’ve also screwed things up somewhat with that. We’ve got so caught in this illusory sense of self and what we think we want in the world that we’re now actually destroying our very planet out of this misguided consciousness because we’re always wanting something else. You know a dog, if it’s got nothing to do–like this one down here–it doesn’t actually worry and get bored and start complaining that it doesn’t understand this particular thing that it’s having to go through right now. It just lies down and goes to sleep. It’s far more intelligent than us. We start wondering what’s on the television, or I haven’t read the newspaper, or let’s just go surfing the internet and see what’s actually out there.

So, if science begins to accept that consciousness is fundamental, things begin to look very different. Instead of trying to explain it, just accept that consciousness is part of the cosmos. It doesn’t threaten anything in modern science. So I want to put a big notice up for modern scientists saying, "This is no threat." Making consciousness fundamental, and stop trying to explain it, doesn’t actually threaten anything. All of physics, chemistry, biology, works perfectly well as it is. Nothing changes. It does actually change some of the problems we see in relativity and quantum physics. At the edge of physics there are various paradoxes, which come from the observer affect–it is often called. Those paradoxes aren’t so problematic when you make consciousness fundamental. I mean, it doesn’t actually change anything.

But what it does do–it’s what I find so fascinating, for what is does do when you accept consciousness as fundamental rather than trying to explain it–it open up the worldview and begins to include spirituality. It begins to make sense of what all the great spiritual teachers and saints and yogis and mystics for thousands of years have been saying in their own particular way and particular language. But, of course, we don’t fully understand it. But, actually, it begins to make sense of it.

And, in particular what I’m interested, in is how it begins to make sense of the Divine, of God. Because where you end up is with a worldview that starts saying the self and consciousness and God are actually all the same. There’s an identity there, a trinity. The self, what we mean by the self when you get down to it, is consciousness. The self is the experience, the feeling, the first person feeling-ness of consciousness. And that the consciousness is Divine. And to me that trinity parallels the Christian trinity of God, the Father, Son and Holy Ghost–if we just drop some of the masculine language there. But God the Father I call God the Source, the source of everything, the Brahman. God, the Source of everything. God the Child. The Child of God. We are each a child of that. Our own consciousness is a Child of that Infinite Great Spirit, the Source of everything. We are each that Child of God. And that is the Spirit. The consciousness is the Spirit. The light that lighteth every mind. That is our essence.

Then you find that when you make that hypothesis, so many statements about God start making sense in a while new way. I find that really, really powerful. It starts impacting how we live our lives. For example, God is the truth. That’s what Descartes saw. Consciousness is the truth. The one thing we cannot deny is consciousness. It is the truth. God is omnipresent. I already said how consciousness is in everything. But it also only present with us.

You know the old phrase–I’m sure you’ve heard it–"Wherever you go, there you are." Which, on the surface level, we can interpret as "You can’t escape yourself." And your stuff–your worries, your fears, all that–you can’t run away from yourself. But it also means wherever you go, there is that sense of Being-ness. There has never been a moment where there has not been consciousness. You may have been fast asleep. You may have been dreaming, whatever. But the consciousness is there. It’s impossible to think of yourself as not being conscious, not in some way. So wherever you go, there is consciousness. Wherever you go there is the Divine with you as your essence.

What we tend to do is look outside for everything. What I want to talk a bit about this afternoon is how we get stuck in certain ways of thinking, certain modes of consciousness, which really are not only screwing up the planet, but screwing up our personal lives. And the whole of spiritual practice starts to make new sense. But what happens is we get stuck in various ways of looking at the world. But what it is that you’re looking for out there is actually within you. The peace you’re looking for is actually there. It’s always with you. The joy you’re looking for out there is actually there. It is the Divine. The love we’re looking for. I mean God is love is a statement that comes up again and again and again. That is something that is our essence.

But this is not something that we have to just understand and accept theoretically. The real challenge we are facing today is not just how we understand this. That’s beginning to happen. But how do we live it. How do we turn this into practice in our daily life, as well as expanding the worldview to include a much richer understanding of spirituality that’s relevant to the 21st century. It’s actually, how do we now understand spiritual practice. And that’s what I’m most interested in–things like prayer. How does prayer become when instead of thinking it as praying to some external being, we’re praying to our own inner most essence? That shifts. How compassion changes when we recognize that every single being is absolutely the same as us in their deepest essence.

So, I think what we are living through are the most exciting and challenging times ever–I was going to say in human history–but probably the most exciting and challenging ever in the history of this planet. It’s partly because of all the developments that are taking place–the science, the technology that there, the internet. But I think that’s small compared to what is really happening. The crisis we are facing is really a spiritual crisis. The crisis we are facing in terms of the environment, various aspects of society. It actually because we have lost sight of what the great traditions have been trying to tell us for thousands of years. We’ve gotten so wrapped up in our materialistic worldview, we’re ignoring it, or even ridiculing it. When a mystic says, "I am God," or something, science says, "That’s just clearly a deranged mind–the result of too much mediation. How can anybody seriously think anything of that."

I think what we’re opening to is realizing the profound truth to that. And that is what is needed today. And that is something happening collectively in our society. In the past it may have been an individual realized that–Mohammad, Buddha, Jesus–individuals realized that incredible wisdom and started teaching it to other people. But inevitably what happens when you start teaching it and passing it on, bits begin to get lost and bits start to get changed, bits get forgotten. It’s like taking a photocopy of a photocopy of a photocopy. It get worse and worse and worse and worse. That’s called truth decay. The truth just gradually decays over time.

What’s happening today is something completely different. I don’t think it’s ever, ever happened in the history of humanity. It’s happening globally. Millions and millions of people are beginning to wake up and realize that essential wisdom. It’s like we’re pulling ourselves up together. It’s not like there’s one of us who’s got it and telling everybody else. There are certainly some people who have a lot of wisdom or are enlightened–quite a few maybe. But what is really happening is this grassroots movement putting things together. And that’s what I think makes these times so exciting.

When I first started getting interested spirituality, back at Cambridge, when I sort of realized there maybe something there after all–after my ten years of atheism. I would go to the local bookstore–the second biggest bookstore in England, the one at Cambridge University–and there was this tiny shelf up in a corner. It had books on spirituality. You now go into a reasonably sized city and there’s a bookstore devoted to it. And that’s partly a reflection of the growing interest in the market. It is also a reflection of thousands and thousands and thousands of people working on their own inner awakening, coming to realizations, having experiences, writing a books on it, people reading those books, integrating that into their own worldview, growing a little bit themselves, putting out something else. You coming here today is a part of that. We are continually learning from each other. It’s a collective movement that is happening. We are gradually raising ourselves up.

I think that in the future, historians will look back on this time–2 to 3 hundred years in the future–the end of the 20th century, the beginning of the 21st century and see this as the time of the great transformation, the great awakening, or whatever they want to call it. We’re so immersed in it we don’t actually see what’s happening. But it’s something that’s actually just been happening over the last 20 to 30 or 40 years. And it’s happening faster and faster. I think this is the most fascinating thing. And science isn’t there yet. As I say, as science begins to open up to consciousness, and when it begins to accept that consciousness is fundamental, and that that is no threat to science and it’s ok to do that, it’s going to unwittingly find itself opening up to what all the great spiritual teachings have been trying to say and tell it. And that, to me, is what makes these times so exciting, that real integration of these two worlds.

Dr. Peter Russell

26 May 2015

Who Were You Listening To All Those Years?

Who Were You Listening To All Those Years?

As children, we are all taught what our parents, schools, spiritual leaders, family, and friends tell us. We assume these things to be true. After all, why would so many people so close to us offer lies and deceptions? The answer is pretty simple ...  they probably didn't know any better. They were just regurgitating what they had been taught.

This is why it is so very important that we investigate those things that we have been taught. Things like love, hate, entitlement, racism, etc. We are born innocent. A fresh new hard drive ready for information. Everything comes at us at high rates of speed. We are bombarded with information, lessons, directions, commands, and at the bottom of the heap ... stupid TV shows and negative lyrics in music. 

Upon reaching a certain age, we should become more inquisitive of all things. But instead, we are continuously bombarded with distractions. Constant distractions that keep us away from the real issues. The Romans invented a process called "Bread & Circus." It was basically ... keep the masses fed and entertained and we can do whatever we want right under their nose. This system is still in use today. The schools, the media, social functions, college, church, temple, mosque, work, etc. All keeping us distracted long enough so that we cannot raise our consciousness and discover our own Personal Truths that can be both empowering, and life-changing. 

Instead, we are fed a constant diet of fear and guilt. Not just by our own loving parents, but by government agencies that seek to control the masses and keep thinking and questioning to a minimum. I implore you, today is a good day to break free from the chains that bind you. Seek Wisdom and Truth. Your thoughts create your reality. Your actions help to create everyone's ultimate reality. What one person thinks and acts upon, can affect hundreds, if not thousands or more. You are a powerful creator. You are a Divine Spark of the God/Source of the universe ... and yes ... ONE person can make a difference in the world. Seek Truth, and you will find freedom and liberty like you have never known. 

Just a thought ... 

~Justin Taylor ORDM., OCP., DM.

Effortless Affirmations And The Vast Wasteland of TV

Effortless Affirmations And The Vast Wasteland of TV

25 May 2015

The Witness Within

The Witness Within

Today I had a metaphysical session with Dr. Dylan Rumley who has been assisting me to find the source and trigger for my anxiety and panic attacks. I was referred to her by Shaman Jon Rasmussen. I reached out to Shaman Jon as a result of working here in Orlando with Dr. Romie Mushtaq. All of these brilliant and gifted people have helped me tremendously. 

What Dylan discovered in today's session was, among many things, that there was something that was said or something that happened during my actual cardiac surgery procedure that my subconscious mind and cellular memory had stored and has proven to be unsettling. Although I was under anesthesia, my mind, brain, body, and all it's sensory functions remained fully operative, as they should. I was just not aware of what was being perceived.

Apparently, what the subconscious had witnessed was disturbing enough to spark the use of anxiety and panic as a way to get my attention. This is the subconscious mind's way of saying "you gave up your control of your body to someone else and they didn't handle it properly." They did not treat you with the respect and honour that they should've. Somewhere along the way, I had become body inventory and the fact that I was a human being with a life, family, hopes, and dreams had somehow become irrelevant. 

Not all the hospital staff were involved in this but it was enough to trigger my subconscious to lead a revolt into my conscious awareness to get my attention. And so it did. Looking back on my experience, after the surgery I spent 15 days in ICU in excruciating pain  around the clock. Morphene, Oxycodone, and multiple other pain killers might as well have been M&M's. I can remember looking at the nurses station with my eyes begging for some type of relief. They had no answers for me. 

Little did I know that months later, the anxiety and panic symptoms that would manifest would be so bad, that it would make me rather have the surgical pain. I write this article as a warning to you. Do not give up control of your physical body to anyone without being absolutely sure of what is being done, by who, and whether or not it is needed. Your body and your subconscious mind will remember things your conscious mind cannot know. Listen to the voice within ... the Witness to all that you experience. Then, and only then can you make a wise decision. 

Just a thought ... 

~Justin Taylor, ORDM., OCP., DM.

24 May 2015

The Truth About Christian Charity

The Truth About Christian Charity

Do not misconstrue what I am presenting in this article. I am not attacking Christianity or the Christian Church. It is my intent to present information that you may not know in an effort to wake up Americans to the fact that children and their parents and relatives, friends and communities, around the world are starving, unsheltered, and do not have clean water to drink. 

The very basis of Christianity according to Biblical scripture is love and compassion for your fellow human beings. We are all children of God/Source and are, as humans, deserving of a dignified and non-suffering existence here in this life. This would be not only possible, but easily accomplished if churches did not hoard their money, and also pay exorbitant salaries to their Pastors, support multiple residences and multiple Lear Jets, etc.  

Thousands of children die every day. This is NOT natural, and it is not what we should allow as fellow humans. There is enough food, supplies, medicine, shelter, clean water, and clothing for every man, woman, and child on this planet if everyone did their part. Just as a reminder ... "Jesus" said: "whatever you do for the least of these, it is as if you did it to me." 

Please consider the following facts when deciding where to donate your money and who to support monetarily in this big business of religion in America. And if you think me to be too harsh, then so be it. My heart is broken when I see people digging through dumpsters for a bite to eat, sleeping in newspapers under bridges, and begging for their next meal. And in foreign lands, some places have no one to beg from. They are ALL destitute and dying.  

"Because the churches are tax-exempt, the average citizen pays an additional $925.00 a year in taxes to support them." 

"According to the Internal Revenue Service, church donations total over 19 BILLION dollars a year. "This does not include profits from businesses, stock holdings, bond holdings, retirement centers or lease back arrangements." 

"The Mormon Church alone collects at least $4.3 billion a year from its members and another $400 million from its many business enterprises purchased with tax-exempt donated money. " 

"The churches own 81 billion dollars' worth of tax-exempt real estate in Texas and $1.3 billion in Los Angeles county alone. Consider the prime real estate owned by them in New York City, Chicago, Boston, in every state - the amount involved is staggering." 

"Every tax dollar that the church avoids paying, you as an individual tax payer must make up." 

Growing in power and ownership, the Christian churches own 20-25% of all the real estate in America.

-Taken from "The Book Your Church Doesn't Want You To Read" - Tom C. Leedom, editor 1993

Please stand up and make changes in your places or worship. Demand that goodness and love and compassion is spread to every human being in this world. If you do not think your donations are well-spent ... then leave. Find another worthy charitable organization that can feed the world ... and actually do the work mankind was commissioned to do. 

Just a thought ... 

~Justin Taylor ORDM., OCP., DM. 

Hunger Hurts And Leads To A Slow And Painful Death

Hunger Hurts And Leads To A Slow And Painful Death

Remember, you should be doing something to stop it. In my nearly 60 years on this terra-firma, I have learned that regardless of your stance on birth control, abstaining from sex and as a result procreation ... it is our right to replenish our species and it is our responsibility to the WORLD as fellow human beings to make sure that EVERYONE has food, shelter, and clean water at the very least.

The world governments who allow this type of suffering or even CAUSE these atrocities are disgraceful and shameless ... evil incarnate. And the multi-billion dollar Empire of Religion is no better. Silk and satin robes, precious jewels, gold, silver, and platinum bling. Billions is gold bricks in the Swedish banks and other financial institutions. An even bigger shame on you.

You profess the love of God and your Christ yet you sit by in Mansions hoarding wealth all the while these children die by the thousands every day. You disgust me. It's time for humanity to wake up from their slumber and take matter into our own hands.

Kick the crooks out of office, boycott the church and religious system ... choke off their money supply. We are 7 billion strong. WE CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE.

There are actually people on this planet that wipe their ass with gold-leaf embroidered toilet paper. You too disgust me. Enjoy your wealth, enjoy your celebrity, enjoy your business accomplishments ... but how many will show up at your funeral because of your love and compassion for mankind?

I will actually be surprised and amazed if anyone even reads this post. But I write it anyway. There is enough of everything for everyone on Mother Earth. Make it happen. WE ARE ALL RESPONSIBLE. Rant over, that is all.

Just a thought ...

~Justin Taylor, ORDM., OCP., DM.



Comparing The Gnostic Christ With The Biblical Christ

Comparing The Gnostic Christ With The Biblical Christ

The Gnostic Christ and the New Testament Christ are not the same thing at all. Gnostism was the original Christian faith. The "Christos" was, and is ... the the "light within" (our Divine consciousness) that leads us to all truth. It was called the Divine Spark within us all that awakened us from our sleep. In the New Testament it became the Holy Spirit who then was a later addition to complete the three-parts of the Christian Trinity. The original Trinity was Father. Mother, Child.

The Gnostics had nothing to do with the Jewish Old Testament books as they felt they were forgeries and plagiarisms of earlier pagan philosophies. Today, one would find it very difficult to prove they any of the Biblical scriptures are real because of a complete lack of historical evidence.

It is a house of cards. The Old Testament writings were used by the Hebrews for power and control by the priest hierarchy. The trouble is that Christians have been so conditioned by the churches ... as to accept that the Old Testament is the true word of God, that church Christians will go on emotional overload if you dare to critically judge the texts.

The Gnostics always wrote scriptures using allegories to illustrate higher levels of thought and learning. In those times of scripture writing, allegorical writing was at it's pinnacle and was very popular. Many times apocalyptic ... surface stories with hidden messages and Truths.

Christos to the Gnostics was not a real person, but instead that small still voice inside (the Divine) that leads us to all Truth. Many decades ago, a small band of stubborn literalists taught and demanded that Christos was a real historical person, and they worked night and day to preach this false message.

They really got nowhere until Emperor Constantine showed favour on the literalists and made this new anti-Gnostic Christianity a state religion to unite the empire under one Holy Universal (Catholic in Greek) Church.

As a result of the First Council of Nicea in 325CE, Jesus was turned in to a real historical person thus making him a literal man on earth. But if he was to be real, Jesus then needed a physical past. This is where the four Gospels come in. Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John.

Only in Justin Martyr, writing in the 150's, do we find the first identifiable quotations from some of the early Gospels, though he calls them simply "Memoirs of the Apostles," with no names. And those quotations usually do not agree with the texts of the canonical versions we now have, showing that such documents were still undergoing evolution and revision. Always being revised and changed.

More than a century after the alleged crucifixion of Jesus, the writings of Matthew, Mark, Luke, John suddenly appear out of nowhere and are used to prove that Jesus was a real historical person, because there was no other reliable sources that could be used as proof.

Mind you, there is also no proof whatsoever that the Apostles of Christ did in fact write them. The churches demand that we must have blind faith that the gospels are not the words of men, but the infallible literal word of God. Yet God/Source is Spirit and cannot therefore write in a physical world. Also, "God" would not leave behind controlling demands for his little mice with a "do as I say or else" attitude. Not if he is in fact the great teacher and architect of what, or is what we call the Universe.

Problem is, that the Disciples of Christ as depicted as illiterate fishermen that could not possibly have written the gospels nor expressed the concepts in highly educated language as seen in the gospels. Not just that, buy they could not have created the beautiful English prose of the King James that was handed over to Sir Francis Bacon to "Shakespeare-ize" it for everyone. To ... "pretty it up" so to speak. To give the King James of 1611 a feel and sound of beautiful Olde English. And, by the way in the original 1611,. the letter "J" had yet to be invented.

Also where did these disciples go for at least 150 years? If Jesus wanted his message written down, the disciples would have been writing everything down on scripts as he spoke. The four gospels were complete forgeries. Why I say this is because almost every action and saying of Jesus was rehashed from the other savior gods of the past.

They too died on crosses for the sins of the world and had done many miracles long before Jesus appeared. But all these scriptures had hidden within them spiritual Truths layered under fables and stories. If you wish more information on these man-god saviors born of virgins, there are numerous websites and publications that further discuss the truths.

Rome was falling apart and suffered massive uprisings from the Hebrews who worshiped Yahweh (Their Mountain God and God of war), and considered Rome to be idol worshipers that had to be put down and slain.

In the 66 revolt, over a million Hebrews had died and by 74 CE Titus and his Roman Military Forces had completely destroyed the temple and brought it to the ground in Jerusalem (The South Country of Judea/Judah). The Nation of Israel, had ended. Forever. Today's State of Israel, is not yesterday's Nation of Israel.

Rome needed to unite the entire Empire or cease to be. Times had become desperate. Constantine was a clever ruler who created a state religion called Christianity. Religion was a fast way to gather to rabble, commoners, slaves, and uneducated under a central system of control. This would become a "Universal" (Catholic in Greek) religion that would unite the entire empire, by liberalizing esoteric Wisdom and Myth and anthropomorphizing these ancient stories in to one real man whom they created and in Nicea in 325CE. Ieusus Christos.

From the Hesus of the Druids and Horus of Egyptian lore (son of Isis and Osiris), and the Krishna of Hindu lore. Later, through mistranslations and invented letters, he became known as Jesus Christ in English. Even though the name never existed. In Hebrew it would've been Yeshua or Yehoshua Moshiach/Moshia/Messiah ... the Greek word Christos meaning the same as Messiah in Hebrew. "Anointed one. or King."

Then Constantine's Bishops would gather together and vote on which books were to be canonized and placed in an official Roman approved Bible. After all, sacred books that were not approved by the Roman Catholic church were destroyed and their owners and many believers were rounded up and put to death in the name of God. It turned out to be a holocaust against all Gnostic Christians at the time. Also, remember ... this was the "Authorized" King James Bible, When something is "authorized" ... it simply mean written by them. So this King James Bible, was "authorized" or written by him. It is HIS story.

What is interesting about Christianity is that it was built on a literal "Jesus" who never existed as a real person. He was a conglomerate concept of Truths having had flash wrapped around them. The main proof offered for this are the four gospels that contain the life and times of Jesus.

The problem is that the gospels are copies of copies of copies with the original scrolls long gone. Now out of the thousands of copies, no two completely agree with each other. You had scribes, (copyists), constantly removing or adding text to suit their on beliefs. This was a real problem since none of the gospels could be compared to the originals and be corrected.

"The differences among the manuscripts have become great, either through the negligence of some copyists through the perverse audacity of others; they either neglect to check over what they have transcribed, or, in the process of checking, they make additions or deletions as they please."

-Origen, early church father

"Some believers, as though from a drinking 'bout, go so far as to appose themselves and alter the original text of the gospel three four or several times over, and they change it's character to enable them to deny difficulties in face of criticisms."

-Against Celsus 2.27

In 1945 the Gnostic gospels were found in clay vases in the Nag Hammadi dessert. Because they were hidden away from the Vatican for thousands of years, they act as a time capsule of the original Gnostic faith and show a completely different Jesus than has been presented by the Vatican Powers of Rome.

In fact, the name Christ, never occurs in the Nag Hammadi Codices, nor does the name Jesus. Rather, there is a recurring code: Coptic XC or XRC (translated CHS or CHRS) and IC or HC (translated IS).

For instance, in The Tripartite Tractate (117.10) you find HC in Coptic, and the translators modify this to H(COY)C, "Esous," then translated into the name Jesus. You can see how far scholars must go to manipulate the codes and make them fit a preconception.

Most Gnostic texts use the terms "the Saviour," the "Lord" and the "Revealer," with no specific mention of Jesus or Christ at all. Scholars who come from a Christian background and consider the NHC to be early Christian writings routinely decode XRC as Christ, or sometimes as Chrest, and IC as Jesus. There is, however, no clear or firm basis for this convention.

I am convinced that these codes do not refer either to "the Christ" of Saint Paul or the "historical Jesus" of the New Testament. The codes are used precisely to avoid those identifications. The term "the living Jesus" found in the NHC refers to an inner guide or psychic entity, not a historical person ... a spiritual principle and inner guidance.

To Gnostics "the living Jesus" indicated a spiritual force that does not die, hence it could not be a real human person. Jesus Christ in the NT says things that would never have been said by a Gnostic initiate. His words and acts are inconsistent with an illumined teacher from the Mysteries. The Gnostic Christos is not the Christ, the Only-Begotten Son of God, in the theology of John and the churches rewritten and revised works of Paul.

Isn't it interesting how Rome invents a new religion that is totally compatible with the Roman Empire. There is not one word of rebuke towards Rome, the butcher of Christians in the New Testament. In fact Jesus supports Rome by instructing all believers to pay taxes to Rome. He also tells his followers to turn the other cheek and be submissive to government.

Note also that Jesus is so well liked by Pilot the Governor of Judea, that he washed his hands of guilt in the crucifixion of Christ in this story. Note too how the new religion of Christianity began to incorporate the Old Testament by saying that Christ was the incarnation of the Hebrew God Yahweh. So how could the Jews fight against Rome now when Rome was now a brother in Christ? A brilliant scheme to say the least.

Once all opposition to Christianity was exterminated, Rome had hoped that all the Hebrews and literalist Christians could now hold hands and united under the Roman empire. And soon they would have their own Bible, that now incorporated both the Old Testament scriptures ... that the Gnostics felt were fabricated with the New Testament. But that was not a major problem since most Gnostic Christians and all of their writings were destroyed and murdered inorder to make room for the new state religion.

Christian Gnostism pre-dated Roman Christianity and was the original faith. It was free of all Zionistic based beliefs that have destroyed the moral fiber of the world since, and has created a global banking system that has plunged the world into slavery, war, and poverty.

In the time of the Old Testament Yahweh was the war god of the Hebrews ... particularly when they became monotheistic from their original polytheistic ways. The nice loving God(s) "EL," or Elohim were shoved aside for the Mountain and War God YHVH - Yahweh/Jehovah.

"And the LORD said unto Moses, Take all the heads of the people, and hang them up before the LORD against the sun, that the fierce anger of the LORD may be turned away from Israel."

-Numbers 25:4

Then Yahweh comes in the flesh (as this guy Jesus) and says the opposite. We are told to love all our enemies and give them all big hugs in Jesus' name. Why do people not see the hypocrisy here? You cannot have it both ways.

Also how can the son represent the father when he preaches the total and complete opposite of what his father stands for, and that is war and extermination. Hebrews exterminated non-Hebrews, then the Christian Romans picked up the ball and started up again the same extermination doctrine ... by the millions.

Today the Zionist Jewish (converts to Judaism from Khazaria) banking system has a choke-hold on the Vatican so the residing power today is the Zionist regime and powerhouse of the Crown Temple and the Black Pope and Jesuits.

Needless to say they control all the churches and religions. They get mankind to war over man-made doctrines and exercise all power and control over them through religion and doctrines ... keeping them enslaved to their religious system rather than freeing them to the spiritual Truths of ancient Pagan Wisdom. Believe one wrong doctrine and you will burn and scream in the lake of fire forever. Talk about mind control. Talk about fear programming. The two thieves on either side of the cross were fear and guilt ... thieves ... robbing us of our spiritual lives.

Is this God our loving father? The greatest enemy to the Global Elite is free thinking Gnostics that think for themselves and do not submit to any religious institution. In other words they can't be controlled and told what to think and when to think. Gnostics (those who know) seek higher levels of knowledge about God and are not easily changed with responses like, "Oh forget all that other stuff. It's all Satan's deception. Just focus on the love of Jesus"

Gnostic Christians do not have a need to convert others to their religion because they have none. They have long realized that people who seek God have different life experiences and learn at different speeds. Gnostic knowledge becomes the wind in our sails that drives us on to greater and deeper truths of our understanding of God. We are set free from the church chains a spiritual doctrines of darkness.

Since we are all born God's children, we need not worry about having the "right doctrine" to be saved from something. God's children are here not to be "saved" but to learn from the Father/Source. If we are children of God (the begotten), then at death we go on to higher levels of ascension while the evil doers go to lower levels ... and then come back and try again.

This is what Grace is. It's a do-over, not a prayer before dinner. Salvation is in us. It is the small still voice that leads us unto all Truth ... a re-member-ance. We have no need of dead writings and dead churches. The Christ (Divine Spark) is in us, leading us in our physical journey of spiritual growth and personal revelation. Each on our own path of discovery. There are many paths lead to the top of the mountain.

Rome gave birth to the literal Christianity and the fruits of it became rancid and brought about the Dark Ages of religious control and death. You shall know them by their fruits ... their own book says it ... and when church literalists came to power, mankind was put into a deep spiritual sleep. A coma. And most still slumber in illusion rather than choose to wake in Truth. The blue pill, or the red pill?

Where the people are set free, is when they break free of controlled thinking and realize that God speaks to us though our spirits within, and not dead scrolls, that have all been edited, plagiarized, and forged. It is the Christos/Christ in us speaking and guiding us to full empowerment.

What Gnostics get rebuked for is that they do not believe that Jesus was God in the flesh on the earth which is the foundation of literal Christianity. If you do not believe this, then you are sent to a fiery lake of fire where you will scream and squirm in pain for eternity. This for the crime of not choosing the right doctrine. Is this a God of love? Literalists say that God did not create hell for mankind, so why is mankind sent there? The Truth is ... and you'll find it here:

"For many deceivers are entered into the world, who confess not that Jesus Christ came in the flesh. This is a deceiver and an antichrist" (2 John 1:7)

To the Gnostics, the resurrection story of Christ wasn’t about the literal man; it was about the spiritual awakening of the divine nature that can happen within each individual. This awakening happens while we are still yet in the flesh.

So John’s statement rings true after all. Christ DOES come in the flesh ... OURS. This coming of Christ is the gnosis (knowingness and mystical insight) attained by the individual going through a profound experience in higher states of consciousness.

So is it important to believe Jesus came in the flesh. Outside of debatable scrolls, there is no evidence for a historical Jesus who was the ONLY God in the flesh. I know many men that came to know a hero personally ... and fashioned their lives around a hero man they followed.

This hero stood for Truth, honesty, and justice, and had a huge impact on the lives of young boys. This man was a great hero of his day and served as an example for all mankind. So who was this great man? It was a fictional character known to comic readers as Superman. He greatly impacted my life as a child ... from comics, to TV, to movies. Ask the boys that grew up with him if it is important that he was a fictional character. Shall these boys who are now men rebuke all moral lessons that they learned and fashioned their lives after because Superman was not a real person? The moral messages remain true regardless.

In the Ten Commandments of the Old Testament it says "Thou not Steal." Do we really need stone tablets to tell us something we already know from the voice within us? If we should fail, do we need a religious hierarchy to enforce rebuke and punishment on us for such failure. Or do we pick ourselves up, repent (turn around and fly right), and move on beyond it having learned our lesson?

Is it knowledge that saves us? Certainly not. Let one who has all answers and knows all things please feel free to correct me. We are Spirit trapped in flesh (Soma/Sema to the ancient Greeks) growing and maturing inside for the final day of release much like a butterfly breaking free of its cocoon. We are in our chrysalis, in darkness, waiting to be freed.

As we are awakened we realize that we are different and do not fit in with the rest of the world and we begin to seek God as never before. People today need to break free from there cocoon churches and be led by the spirit within. Just as the Monarch butterfly can never return to the caterpillar that it once was. It is a metamorphosis, not just a transformation.

"Do not conform to the patterns (archetypes) of this world, but be transformed (a metamorphosis from the original Greek) by the re-new-ing of your mind."

-Romans 12:2

We hold that Salvation is not a matter of belief. Salvation is the outcome of a process of inner unification and transformation where our consciousness is withdrawn from our ego, and centered on the awakened Spirit within us ... and within everyone. The Spirit within has eternal life because it is the substance and essence of God/Source; the living light.

We grow up in the world while we are developing our ego. The ego acts as the interface between us and the world and is the chief interpreter of our experience in the world. The ego is a function of the physical body and derives its energy and life from the body.

When physical death is experienced, the life force of the spirit is withdrawn from the body. The ego no longer has a source of energy. The ego then weakens and fades away leaving only the sleeping spirit. All awareness and consciousness associated with the ego also fades away into nothingness. This is called the second death." Our Spirit and consciousness are eternal. We come and go. As above, so below. Our akashic record (book of life) is an ongoing experience both spiritually, and in metempsychosis ... or more commonly called reincarnation. We keep doing this, until we get it right, and learn all there is to learn ... once again ... joining Source Energy from whence we came.

Just a thought ...

Justin Taylor, ORDM., OCP., DM.



23 May 2015

Being Asked To Do What You Don't Want To Do

Being Asked To Do What You Don't Want To Do

You know when someone continuously tries to convince you to do something that you don't want to do and they don't know when to stop?

How do you respond to this? After the first few times, the nice style reply begins to fade. Your level of aggravation begins to climb. Soon, it takes all you have, to not just blow up and be abusive. 

Why is it that this type of personality is so insistent on getting their way? Is it control? Is it that they feel they know better than you, what is best for you? I'm really not sure. But one thing that I am sure about, is that it is extremely annoying. 

So each time you are asked, chances are that your voice response becomes louder and more stern with each reply of NO. So I would have to ask how many "no" answers must they receive before throwing in the towel? And will they actually give up ... or just postpone it for a later time?
I have no answers on this dilemma. But I do have a great amount of experience being on the receiving end. From childhood, to adulthood, there has always been someone ready to try and convince me of their ways. And that their ways, are the only correct way to do what is requested and suggested.

For me, the more you push, the more I push back. This creates another dilemma. That which we resist, continues to persist. So ... the very best way to handle this, is to simply not play the game. Don't put on the gloves. Don't step in the ring. Just be at peace, and offer no interaction. Anything else, will lead to battle. Let go, and be free. 

Just a thought ... 

~Justin Taylor, ORDM., OCP., DM.

20 May 2015

Where And When Did You Hit That Pothole?

Where And When Did You Hit That Pothole?

You know that feeling right? You're driving along some road or highway and all of a sudden ... BAM! Your front tire slams right into an open pothole and you soon realize, there goes your alignment. 

Sooner or later, off to the shop and there's a price to pay for the repair. Well my friend, the same thing can happen to us ... our own physical and mental vehicle. And when it knocks our emotions, feelings, body, or thoughts out of alignment, there is a price to pay for the repair. 

Somewhere along the path of our life, we have hit potholes and they have done their damage. They have thrown us out of our factory perfect alignment. It may have been one, or several along the way - but one thing is for sure - damage was done. So how do we know where the damage is? How do we know how to fix it?

Just like our cars, we need a mechanic. We need a qualified practitioner to help our subconscious mind find the damage, and repair it. Mainstream medicine will more than likely help you to treat the symptoms through pills and what not ... but this kind of damage needs more. We need to find the root cause of the effect. Treating the symptoms does not repair the damage that was done, it only prolongs the much needed discovery of the problem's source. 

Metaphysicians, Holistic Healers, Shamanic Healers, Energy Healers, Hypnotherapists, and the like will get to the root cause of the damage, and remove it. We personally cannot reach into our subconscious minds via our conscious minds ... but someone else can. They can help your subconscious mind repair the damage that was done. Whether it be physical, mental, or spiritual ... these practitioners know the way to access within the deepest parts of your mind ... going directly to the damaged file, and helping you to fix it. 

Within you lies the greatest physician, and sometimes we need a bit of help from the outside to jump start the process of healing. And once this process begins, and ultimately reaches the goal of perfect healing ... there is no turning back. That damaged file(s) gets mulched ... eradicated, and gets replaced by something positive and peaceful. But it takes the right kind of practitioner, with the right experience to help you fully recover. Never give up when it comes to your health and well-being. Seek and you shall find. 

Just a thought ... 

~Justin Taylor, ORDM., OCP., DM.

19 May 2015

The Time To Live Is Now

The Time to Live is Now

On December 28th, 2012, my implanted pacemaker main wire lead broke inside of me. This was very bad news since I am 100% pacer dependent for life. 

On the way to the first hospital, I had an NDE ... and felt myself drift away and fade into the clouds. Then I got the paddles. 750 volts will definitely get your attention. After that, I was med-evac downtown for emergency surgery. 

Then, on March 1st, 2013, follow-up surgery to complete the rewiring and new implant. I spent 15 days in ICU on Morphine, Oxy, etc. and screamed bloody murder from the pain anyway. 

Since then, I have had PTSD, Anxiety, and Panic Attacks almost daily. I'm trying to stay strong through all of this but at times it is difficult. I am seeing multiple specialists, holistic doctors, metaphysicians, energy healers, a shaman, and the next step will probably be hypnotherapy. 

The bottom line is that this one event, after so many previous ones ... was the one that broke the camels back. It ruined my life. It devastated my tranquility and joy. Things will never be the same again. I know this and I have to accept it. I live with the constant threat that at any moment, it can happen again. And that my entire life depends on a computer implant half the size of an iPhone. 

If you have read this far, the reason I am telling you all of this is so that you can understand how important it is for you to do the things in lie that you want to do NOW. Don't wait. 

I've been around the sun 57 times and probably 95% of my bucket list remains unfulfilled. Do the things that you want to do NOW. Find a way. Shit happens in life and we have to deal with whatever comes our way. Each passing moment is an opportunity to live your desires. Take that trip. Buy that car. Go to the beach and walk in the sand. Drive down the inter-coastal. Buy that fishing boat. Now is all any of us ever have. Do something nice for someone else. ETM ... Enjoy The Moment. 

We never know when something will come along to prevent us from reaching the goals we dream about. Start NOW. Take it from me. It took me far too long to wake up. I was chasing bullshit. Money, property, investments. For what? So I can take them with me? We come into this world with nothing, and we leave with nothing. All we do is borrow it all for a short bit. 

Spend time with your loved ones, your spouse, your kids, your family and friends. Pet the dog and the cat more. Free your mind from chasing the unimportant ... and begin to enjoy the moment. There's no refund of you didn't enjoy the ride. And there's no going back. 

We're all spiritual energy trapped inside a physical body having a material experience. Make it good. Make it envious. Make it last until you slide into home-plate worn out, beaten, and used up. Then, you can go home fulfilled. Peace and namaste.

~Justin Taylor, ORDM., OCP., DM.
19 May 2015

13 May 2015

Holding On To Poison

Holding On To Poison

We all have experiences in life that are "good" and "bad" but in reality they are just experiences. All are for our own personal benefit. They aid us in learning what is beneficial and what is consequential ... for ourselves and for others. Life is being, and part of that being is growing mentally, emotionally, and spiritually through our experiences. 

That being said, it is important to note that we are NOT our experiences. We are the Observer, the Witness to these experiences. We are spiritual beings with the knowledge granted us through physical experiences. We take the knowledge with us when we return from where we came ... Source ... but we do not bring the experiences with us. Much in the same way as we do not bring any personal possessions with us. They are not ours. They were here before we got here and they will be here when we move on. As the Old Testament Bible so profoundly says "There is nothing new under the sun." We are the great re-arrangers. 

We should not take possession of any of our experiences. They are not us ... they are merely what we have witnessed or observed. Sometimes, we are involved, other times not. But it matters not ... they are as a TV show that we are watching. The scenes are not real, and we can only take from them the knowledge of what was contained in the presentation. We use our discernment and Higher-Self to be sure we have learned what is necessary, and then we move on. Some people have to repeat the lesson if they didn't learn it. Nothing goes away under you fully understand what was contained within the lesson. School is about teaching lessons and then a taking a test. Life is a taking a test and then learning lessons. 

So many times we hold on to toxic experiences and memories. For some reason we do not want to let them go. This is the equivalent of dropping poison in your food. And sooner or later, it will kill you. Stress, heart disease, cancer, etc. All are manifestations of holding onto lies and deceptions. Only love and goodness is real. All else are illusory tools used to teach us these Truths. Once the image is seen in the mirror, the real thing is discerned and there is no need for the mirror anymore. It was just a tool.

As we hold onto and fester over dark energy thoughts and actions, we find ourselves in dis-ease. All illness comes from within. Even if you "catch a cold," it must manifest from inside you the the outside of you in physical symptoms. This dis-ease can be a mild illness, or a major life-threatening illness. Just know that ALL illness and disease begins within. If you are not at-ease, then you are at dis-ease. Lose your peace, lose your health. That's just the way it goes ... we are designed that way. What you resist, will persist. Just know that you can change your perception of your experiences in the blink of an eye. It's all about perception. If your problem has a solution, then why worry? If your problem has no solution, then why worry? Let it go ... just put it down and leave it there. 

Holding onto negative beliefs, thoughts, and experiences, is the same as drinking poison. It will kill you slowly, or quickly ... but in the end ... i will bring about the demise of your physical life existence. And all for something that was unnecessary and repairable. Do your Soul and your Body a huge favour and drop the negativity. Drop the tour of the past. Drop the festering. Just let it go ... don't give up but voluntarily let it go and walk away. Do this, then take a deep breath, because you have defeated the real devil. You have taken away the powers of satan (the Opposer). You have taken control of the EGO. Congratulations. 

Just a thought ... 

~Justin Taylor, ORDM., OCP., DM. 

08 May 2015

The Definite Lack of Courtesy In Modern Times

The Definite Lack of Courtesy In Modern Times

I've noticed recently every time I am in a public place, there has definitely been an increase in the lack of courtesy. This applies to anything from holding a door open, to trying to merge or cross over into a traffic lane. I wonder if it's because so many people are in a hurry, or just completely oblivious to what they and others around them are doing. Perhaps ... it's a bit of both.

I just drove our RV up from Florida to Virginia the last couple of days, and as always, something I learned from my Dad as a child ... when I am being passed by a tractor trailer and they indicate that they want to pull back into the right lane, I blink my bright-lights twice to let them know they're clear so they can move over. In the old days, every time I would do this, the truckers would blink their tail-lights as a "thank you" ... you know, out of courtesy or the heads up. This time I actually kept track and less than 10% of the truckers actually indicated a thank you. 

Before I left on the trip, I stopped to get gas, clean the windshield, and do an overall check of the RV at the service station by my house. While there, a guy pulled up with a Nissan sports car convertible with the music so loud it sounded like I was at a concert. The bass rumble was vibrating the metal on the gas pumps it was so loud and deep. He left the music full blast, while he went inside the convenient store. Now, I have a a bunch of electronic cardiac implants and this sort of thing sends then into a frenzy. All the sensors go off, my heart rate gets increased, and it can get very uncomfortable and scary at times. 

I followed the guy inside and nicely explained to him my medical condition and asked if he could lower the music when he went back outside so I could finish up and leave. He didn't say a word, and instead gave me the look of death. Then he walked out of the store without any recognition of my request. The windows in the store were vibrating ... it was that loud and that low o a frequency on the bass and drums. I watched from inside, and he did turn of the music when he got outside. When I went back out, I thanked him for understanding. Another dirty look and not a word. Seriously? Did he really think he was that much of a bad-ass? I certainly was not impressed with his bone crushing loud display of music (and bad music at that), and neither was  anyone else at the pumps. But he was so comfortably rude. 

Along the road, truck stops, gas stations, convenience stores, all seemed to be surreal. The people who work there, and the customers seemed to just grunt their demands and desires. There was very little exchange of any conversation. In fact, it seemed as though it was a world of Zombies. And smiles ... I got one from a Bojangles breakfast crew member in Walterboro, SC. At other stops, if I happened to ask for something like a pack of BBQ sauce, or a glass of ice ... it seems like such a huge burden. It was as if I had asked then to help me repack the RV. Are people really THAT sad and living in such despair? What has been the central reason or such a change over the years?

I don't even want to start with the left lane huggers talking on their cell-phones and no matter what kind of back up there is behind them ... there will be no moving over. None. The bottom line is that I believe large groups of people have lost their zest for life. They see nothing in their future. Their ambitions and aspirations have been crushed by some outside or inside force. So many people are just going through the motion of being. I pray something of such magnitude (of a peaceful nature) can occur soon that it will re-inspire people. Something that will help people to love themselves again, and as a benefit ... love others as well. Something that will give them a reason to live ... a reason to smile, and a reason to become what they have the ability to achieve, if they would just believe it. 

Just a thought ... 

~Justin Taylor, ORDM., OCP., DM.

06 May 2015

The Projectionist

The Projectionist

We all know what it's like to sit in a movie theatre and watch a film. All eyes front and center to the screen, and the sound is all around us. The fascinating thing about this experience is that it's not a fluid event. What we see on the screen is a series of moving pictures. Still shots in rapid succession. Hence, the short name of Movie rather than Motion Picture. 

Our brain works the same way. It captures a series of still images, sends these images to the brain, and they get distributed and filed as needed. We'll get back to this in a moment ... but I want to turn your attention to the back of the theatre. That hole in the wall with the bright white light projecting towards the screen. You see ... that is US. In our lives, we are projecting the movie of our life on the screen. From the world of Spirit, into the world of Matter. We are the aperture or the universe. 

We are the light of the world. We project from within, all that is created without. We are co-creators in this vast universe. Remember, the definition of "universe" is "ALL existing matter and space considered as a WHOLE; the cosmos." There are no individuals, nor are there any individual "things." All is one, one is all. You and I are not separate, we are interconnected through the seen and the unseen realms. This is fact, and science. 

Your light projecting into this world, is your passion play. Your experience. You manifest whatever your thoughts choose to bring to life. You are not your body, you are not your experiences ... just like the movie theatre ... you are the Watcher, the Observer. You are observing your own creation. And it's all happening inside your head. You can never get out of your head because that is where all your physical sensory activity is experienced. What you perceive to be the "outside world" is really in your head. All of it. And you are projecting it into this reality. 

Now back to the filing system of images that we talked about earlier. These images are seen as they are. And they are unable to be seen as a non-image. In other words ... if you see a man walking, your brain register images of a man walking. It cannot create an image of a man NOT walking. There is no red circle with a white line through it when it comes to mind. The man is either walking, or he is doing something else. The mind cannot graphically represent an image of a man NOT walking. Therefore, we must always be aware of what the mind receives from our physical senses. 

Our subconscious mind is our divine feminine ... the creator of our reality. If we think or say "I will NOT drink sodas today," then the mind can only hear "sodas today" and so you will drink sodas. It does not  comprehend concepts such as won't, don't, can't, etc. It can only manifest from positive phase images or thoughts. So instead, you can think or say I WILL drink water today," and so you will. This, the subconscious mind can understand. The default is set up that way. I obviously cannot draw a picture of a man NOT riding a bicycle. He is either riding it, or he is doing something else. 

We must remain aware of our thoughts because these thoughts will manifest as our physical reality. We are the light projecting into this realm from the realm of Spirit/consciousness. Each of us an integral element of the whole universe interconnected and co-creating everything in the world. That's quite a huge responsibility. Mind your mind. Be responsible with your thoughts. Thoughts are things (thinks). 

Just a "thought" ... 

-Justin Taylor, ORDM., OCP., DM.

Flea Markets Junk Yards And Spiritual Growth

Flea Markets Junk Yards And Spiritual Growth

A Flea Market is a tongue-in-cheek term for an open-air or street market for mainly secondhand merchandise, which would be the type of items that might be infested with fleas. The first flea markets were in Paris and they were called marché aux puces which translates to "market with fleas."

A Junk Yard is defined as "an establishment or place of business which is maintained, operated, or used for storing, keeping, buying, or selling old or scrap copper, brass, rope, rags, batteries, paper trash, rubber debris, waste or junked, dismantled or wrecked automobiles, or parts thereof, iron, steel, and other old or scrap ferrous or nonferrous material or for the maintenance or operation of an automobile graveyard."

In both of the examples, there are items ... that some people no longer want, do not know the value of, or are meant to ultimately end up in the hands of other for their personal use. You've heard the phrase "one mans trash is another mans treasure." And any weekend you'll find thousands of people rummaging through both businesses on a search. Sometimes they know what they're looking for, and sometimes not. But you'll find that they all walk away with something they didn't have when they got there.

This is how I present my findings when it comes to Ancient Wisdom, World Religions, Spirituality, and philosophy. I lay out on display what I have found, to be seen by all in open view, but my business is entirely free. You can browse as long as you like and when you find something you like or something you feel can be useful in your life ... by all means pick it up and take it with you. 

There will be things that you may not like, things that may not like you, things you may not feel you have a need for or serve any purpose in your life. Leave those, because for someone else, they may be jus what they were looking for. When you are  Truth Seeker as I am, you have to turn over every rock, climb every tree, open every box to find what lies beneath or within. Here, is where Truth has been hidden. This is what the Book of Revelation is about. It is an unveiling, an uncovering of what was once hidden. The Greek meaning for Apocalypse is "to bring forth that which was hidden ... to expose something." 

I find the curious goods. I display them. If you don't like anything you see, move on to the next table. If you find something meaningful or useful, take it and keep shopping. 

Just a thought ... 

~Justin Taylor, ORDM., OCP., DM.