27 August 2021


You Are Not Your Experiences

Life is filled with experiences, unfolding at each and every moment. Like a film, frame-by-frame, each moment is captured, as it’s own independent experience. Your next one depends on what you just experienced. Be thankful to every person that has come into your Life even for a brief moment. They had a message for you … and a lesson.

In the same way as we cannot reach 11 o’clock without first having a 10 o’clock … we move forward from where we just were. Step-by-step. The wheel of life spins across every peg before it comes to a stop. Clicking its way from the one, to the next … and before that, and before that, and so on. This is karma, cause and effect, in an eternal cycle. Evolution, devolution, involution, and revolution, physically and spiritually.

You are not the experience; you are the one who is experiencing. You are not what’s taking place, you are the witness. Just as you are not the car, you are the driver. But that YOU, is based upon a certain duality - for reference only. Spirit, versus ego. Spirit knows what is right for everything and everyone and acts accordingly, knowing the effects. Ego is led by it’s own selfish desires and acts accordingly … ignorant of it’s effects. When we make the right decision, everyone experiences benefits. When we make an error in our decision, everyone experiences consequences.

So each experience is a lesson. We either learn from it, grow, and move on … or we repeat it, remain in ignorance, and get stuck. It is important to remember each and every thing we witness through our experience, is not what we are … it is what we are to learn from. It is our teacher. We are here in earth school to evolve our Spirit and Species. The body decays and returns to the elements from which it came, and the Spirit/Energy returns also from which it came. We cannot create or destroy energy. This is Law. What is really you, always was and always will be.

When you make an improper judgment that your experience is who you are, it is a huge mistake. When in school, you are not your books, your tests, or your lessons; you are the one who is having that particular experience. When you begin to take ownership of your “mis-takes” or poor ignorant judgment, you will get stuck in a track of guilt and “sin.” Your “sin” is nothing more than missing the mark … missing the bull’s-eye of Truth and Right Thinking and Acting. In Greek, SIN is “hamartia” and literally means “missing the mark.” This was an Olympic Archery term. You are not punished FOR your sin as is commonly taught, but you are punished BY your sin … that is to say, you reap the effects of what it was you thought, said, or did; to cause the negative results.

As I said earlier, every person, and every thing that comes and goes in your life is your teacher, and is there for a reason and a purpose. They can also be your Messenger (Angel from the Greek). Thank these experiences and be grateful you have them because they are your teachers, and you are the student.

The only “mistakes” that we make in life are repeating in ignorance the lessons we have not learned. These events are no longer a “mistake”, they are now a choice. We are to learn by wrong thinking, and not repeat the same thought, act, or cause; if it does not lead to good and right benefit to not only ourselves, but to others.

Live your Life with no regrets. Take no ownership of your experiences, only responsibility for the decisions you made that led to them. Learn all you can learn … as above, so below. You are the Witness to it all ... the Watcher.

I will end with the Test of Three, sometimes credited to Socrates:

The first filter is TRUTH. 
Have you made absolutely sure that what you are about to say or do is true?

The second filter is the filter of GOODNESS. 
Is what you are about to say or do, something that good?

The third is the filter of USEFULNESS or of BENEFIT. 
Is what you want to say or do going to be useful or beneficial?"

Take the time to respond, rather than react. Remember … in school, you're taught a lesson and then given a test. In life, you're given a test, then you're taught a lesson.

Just a thought … 

Justin Taylor, ORDM.


Emerald Tablet And The Kybalion

An Egyptian legend, tells us about the The Emerald Tablet Of Hermes & The Kybalion, written by the thrice great Hermes Trimegistus (Thoth/Enoch). In the tablet, Hermes Trismegistus, discusses the process of creation, and the Law of One summarized in the quotation “As Above, So Below, As Below So Above.”

The Principle Of Correspondence

This Principle embodies the Truth that there is always a Correspondence between the laws and phenomena of the various planes of Being and Life. The old Hermetic axiom ran in these words: “As above, so below; as below, so above.” And the grasping of this Principle gives one the means of solving many a dark paradox, and hidden secrets of Nature.

There are planes beyond our knowing, but when we apply the Principle of Correspondence to them, we are able to better understand much that would otherwise be unknowable to us. This Principle is of universal application and manifestation, on the various planes of the material, mental, and spiritual universe, It is one of the Universal Laws.

The ancient Hermetists considered this Principle as one of the most important mental instruments by which man was able to pry aside the obstacles which hid from view - the Unknown. Its use even tore aside the Veil of Isis to the extent that a glimpse of the face of the goddess might be caught. Just as a knowledge of the Principles of Geometry enables man to measure distant suns and their movements, while seated in his observatory, so a knowledge of the Principle of Correspondence enables Man to reason intelligently from the Known - to the Unknown.

The Higher, The Colder

Since the dawn of civilization, human beings have always been in a lifelong quest for the very fabric of universal reality, - the Matrix (or Field of Consciousness). As you peer into the veil of reality through Science, Philosophy, and Religion ... they all seem to seek the meaning of Life. Religion seeks the Universal and loving "Father," while in Philosophy they seek the Person who is self existence and requires no other being for existence, and science seeks the first cause. “As you approach to the peak of the mountain all routes point to the same peak.”

We Are All Connected

Life is teamed up with countless creatures. There are creatures that crawl on the surface of earth, there are those who swim deep down in the abyss, and those who fly high in the blue sky … and yet they all eat, breathe, and give birth to their offspring. It is a continuous cycle. There are over a million types of bacteria invisible to the naked eye, yet a single one is as important as anything else in life, they are responsible in the process of a lot of things … like in the process of cheese manufacturing, making of a beer, decomposition of waste products, etc. In the chaos theory, a butterfly may be flapping it’s wings in New Zealand, and may cause a catastrophic tornado in Ecuador. This theory/process gets much deeper in Quantum Physics and String Theory.

Heaven And Earth

The heavens are portrayed on the earth. With the rotation of the earth on it’s own axis we get day and night. When the earth revolves around the sun, we get the seasons of the year. Some surgeons avoid surgery during the high tides simply due to the fact that the patient may have severe bleeding more so than during the low tides. In Astrology they believe that the planets affect people’s behaviour relative to their positions in the solar system. The sun provides all energy on earth and if it weren't for the sun, plants would not be able to break down carbon dioxide to provide us with oxygen and make simple sugar such as starch. Some micro-organisms respond to the temperature and pressure in the atmosphere as well.

The Footprints of Reflection

The decisions that we make every single moment plays a big role in shaping our lives, yet it’s not easy to notice, that thoughts are vibrational energy, the drift velocity of electrons vibrating in the neurons. As for now “vibration,” can be regarded as the very fabric of reality according to string theory. Vibrations is everywhere from the smallest particles to the largest heaven bodies, the six senses that we perceive through out sensory organs (in our brain) are all in the form of vibration. Waves and particles.

The electrons vibrate as well, In cosmology we see that everything revolves around bigger objects. Galaxies revolve around black holes, suns revolves around galaxies, planets revolve around the suns, even people with strong personalities have others with weaker personalities around them. When you move into the microscopic world, it behaves the same as electrons revolving around the nucleus. as you go up and down, in and out, you find the same pulsating phenomenon repeating itself.

Circle of Life

It is the same with Life. When you look into the cells, you see that there is always a nucleus that is the center of the cell. In the physical world you will find out that there has to be a source of water or at least food somewhere for Life itself to exist. Take a look at any huge city. There are always natural resources that tend to run that city. And on a much larger scale, as the earth spins on it’s own axis - we get day and night - and when it revolves around the sun, we get the seasons of the year. And, when the sun revolves around the galaxy we get the astrological ages. Everything has a pulsation, heart beat, breathing in and out, day and night, consciousness, etc. Since there is correspondence in everything, as everything reflects the other, we should treat each other as One, because we exist as part, AND The Whole. We are an individualized essence of the entire universe ... each being a piece of one complete puzzle.

Just a thought … 

Justin Taylor, ORDM.

07 August 2021



"By this, love is perfected with us, so that we may have confidence in the day of judgment;
“… because we live like Jesus here in this world.” (NLT)

You won't hear this verse being preached from the pulpits. Simply because if “as Jesus is, so are we in this world” ... then as Christianity believes Jesus to be God, then WE, are also God. There is no way to dispute this verse. If you are a believer that the Bible is the infallible Word of God, then you must believe this to be a true statement. 

Herein lies the problem of modern day Roman inspired Christianity. They take the Bible to be a literal and historical record of true events only, rather than the intention of the writers who delivered the original message with allegory, parables, and metaphors. These original Writers masked the hidden lessons or Truths, within a story, myth, or fable. They didn't have DVD's, movies, Internet, and recorders. They used a passion, a play, a drama, to speak the story mouth to ear until eventually they began to write it down. It had to be entertaining to the masses. It had to draw their attention and help them to remember the hidden Wisdom behind the myth by remembering the story itself. 

The Bible, although a magnificent literary and spiritual artifact, is a composite of multiple myths from multiple civilizations and belief systems gathered, collected, and personalized by the Hebrews in the Old Testament, and Hebrews, Greeks, Egyptians, Persians, and Romans, etc. in the New Testament. The stories have existed since before historical records had begun. But the names, places, people, and geography have been changed to fit the Hebrew people of the time. Then, Roman Empirical powers formed the New Testament myths by combining, editing, changing, adding to, revising, and essentially taking creative license to create a new unified or “universal religion” to bring the empire back together under one system of belief. Keep in mind that the Greek word for universal is “catholico” (Catholic). At the Council of Nicea in 325CE, Emperor Constantine and his council created what would become a new religion known as Christianity. 

Now, back to the original verse from 1 John 4:17. We have to go beyond the letter of the law, and into the Spirit. We also have to go back in time to pre-Roman Christianity. We have to find the “pearl of great price” hidden in the the text. We also have to look at “Jesus” (not yet Christ) as an archetype, or a reflection of each of us. His-story, is our-story.  The story of mankind, becoming awakened to the Divine within. “Jesus” became the Christ. All of us have within us the Divine Spark of God and “AS JESUS IS, SO ALSO ARE WE IN THIS WORLD.”  

We have to awaken or resurrect this Divine within us (our boat/ark) ... which resides in the same way as the pearl lies deep within the oyster. Just as the Apostles went inside the boat to awaken Jesus during the storms and tempest they were experiencing ... so we go within our boat/body and awaken the Christ to carry us through our storms. This is the deeper teaching. It is the Divine within us that helps us to calm the rough seas and high winds we experience here in the Earth plane. 

Symbolically within the texts, we see the “INRI” symbol. This can be found above many crosses and crucifixes of Jesus and stands for the sacred fire. In the Old Testament Book of Exodus, Chapter 3, God reveals himself to Moses through the sign of a burning bush, which miraculously is not consumed by the flames. We also find in the OT Book of Deuteronomy 4:24 “For the LORD your God is a consuming fire ...” In Latin, that fire of the Lord is symbolized by the mantra written at the top of the cross, I.N.R.I., Ignis Natura Renovatur Integra, meaning “fire renews nature incessantly”. That fire is a solar fire; it is the cosmic Krestos, that in order to work, to manifest its power, it does it through the cross. 

Thus, this is something that we must analyze and comprehend, because the cross is formed by two beams, one vertical and the other horizontal. The vertical beam represents the masculine, positive, solar force that emerges from the abstract absolute space, and penetrates the universe when impregnating the matter, which is that other substance which in Sanskrit is called Akash. In other words, what in Sanskrit is called Prana is Christ, the positive energy, and Akash, the passive energy, from the same source. You will also see this symbolism in the Egyptian Ankh. Complete with its womb of the universe at the top of the cross. 

The union of the two originates the universe. So from this point of view, we have to understand that the cosmic Christ is universal and the origin of everything that exists, in any galaxy of matter or anti-matter. The cross is the intersection of Spirit and Matter ... positive and negative ... masculine and feminine. So from the crossing or union of these two forces appears that which we call the universe. Now, the objective for that energy to appear in the universe is to make Consciousness of its own entity in its different aspects. 

Jesus becoming the Christ (karest, christos, krishna, krestus) is an archetype of you and I also becoming one with Christ Consciousness ... the Divine. Jesus said to his followers “you shall do greater things than I.” How is this possible if Jesus is God, as Christianity believes? In the NT Book of John 17:21 Jesus is quoted as praying to the Father/Source and saying “I pray that they may all be ONE, even as Thou art in me, O Father, and I am in Thee; that they also may be in us ...” On a deeper esoteric level, and through modern Quantum Physics, we now know that this statement was nothing other than Truth. We are all one. We are tied together through universal unconsciousness ... the Field. The fiber of the Matrix of the entire universe. There are no "things" ... there is only IT. And we are all an individualized integral element and substance of the entire universal organism. 

The Beatles wrote and recorded a song called “I Am The Walrus.” The song's opening line, “I am he as you are he as you are me and we are all together” which pretty much sums up the concept of Oneness with Source/God. The very word “Jesus” is the Greek (Ieasus) and Latin (Iesus) version of the Hebrew word Joshua (Yehoshua). They are all the same. And from the original Hebrew, the meaning of the word itself in it's entirety (YHSVH) means “God is Saviour.” Just as Yahweh, and Jehovah are transliterations of YHVH ... meaning I am that I am, or I exist. Not the name of God ... but actually being God. 

God is not a name, it is a title. Just as Jesus Christ is a title. The title would be something along the lines of “I AM anointed Saviour, or King.” So, God/Source IS the Saviour is what Yehoshua Messiah (Christ) means. That force within us all that saves us from our base nature ignorant and self-centered ego driven animal being, to the Divine and righteous knowing and illuminated Higher-Self that can connect to, and become part of ... God/Good/Source. Because ALL things have come from ONE SOURCE, all things contain the elements of that Source. This is simple logic. Just as anything made from water, contains water. 

So in closing, “Jesus The Christ” represents ALL of us. Because just as 1 John 4:17 clearly states ... “because AS JESUS IS, SO ALSO ARE WE IN THIS WORLD.” The NT Bible is not merely the story of a man who walked the hills of Galilee, it is OUR story presented in myth in the same way thousands of years of previous civilizations related celestial astrotheology to mankind. Our story, is written in the stars ... and we are made of star stuff. Awaken, and be the Light of the World. 

Just a thought, 

Justin Taylor, ORDM.