30 December 2021



To fully understand the Essenes and their Teacher, you have to at least have an idea of the life and teachings of Pythagoras. Most people view Pythagoras as someone whose only role in life was to torment them in high school geometry with his famous theorem which bears his name. Few people are aware that Pythagoras, was also a spiritual and ethical teacher. In fact, most of the gospel teachings of Jesus may have originated with him, which stands as a clear indication of their Essene roots. Pythagoras was expelled from his native Greece and did most of his teaching in Italy. His teachings did not garner favour among most of the native population and he was reportedly assassinated, though no one seems to know exactly how - and after his death many of his students were massacred.

Pythagoras was undoubtedly a monotheistic man, but his religious philosophy contains the very same dualism as that found in the teachings of Paul. He believed that the soul was imprisoned in the mortal body which was governed by evil passions led by our senses and their desires "We must not, declared Pythagoras, be slaves of our own bodies; and we can improve and save our souls by escaping from the domination of the flesh."—Martin A. Larson, "The Story of Christian Origins." 

This concept corresponds with that of the Buddha who conceived it as a method for people to escape the evil caste system created by the Aryan Brahamanas to enslave the indigenous people of India. It was the Brahamanas' claim that people were born into their caste based on the merits of past lives. So, regardless of a persons merits in THIS life, they were forever chained to their lowly caste by their PAST lives while the Brahamanas inhabited the upper caste due to thier pristine prior lives. 

The Brahamanas or Brahaman priests referred to themselves as 'Fathers,' hence we find in the gospels "And call no man your father upon the earth: for one is your Father, which is in heaven."—Matthew 23:9. Of course, the Catholic clergy failed to practice what they preached and wound up calling themselves "Fathers" anyway. Notice also the difference between the conflict between good and evil in Buddhism as opposed to Zorastrianism. In Buddhism there is no "evil force" - only physical passions.

Pythagoras was initiated into the rites and mysteries of not only the Ancient Greek Mysteries, but also was a student of Egyptian Mysteries and a pupil of Zoraster and a disciple of the Brahmanas. He was pretty much a contemporary of the Buddha, Siddhartha Gautama, so any doctrines similar to Buddhism are probably a coincidence. 

He formed an order known as the Pythagorean Brotherhood. His students were divided into 2 distinct categories; the more advanced members of the inner circle were called "esoteric" and his more casual followers were known as the "exoteric." He required his students to divest themselves, of all worldly possessions, and to undergo instruction in silence. He dressed in a white linen robe, since wool was prohibited because it came from an animal. 

His esoteric students, much as himself, subsisted on a raw vegetarian diet and abstained from sex. His students also received the daily sacrament in which they symbolically consumed the body of Dionysius (yet another Godman). The cannabalistic style practice of the eucharist (communion) dates back to the cult of Osiris in which the participants consumed an image of the god made of wheat paste and drank a libation of barley ale. The ale was later replaced by wine among the Greek Dionysians (the Greek incarnation of the Osiris myth.) 

The practice was based on the concept that you are what you eat, and by eating the symbolic body and blood of a god, you would become holy. Earlier indigenous Egyptian people had partaken in the true cannibalistic practice of eating the flesh of their deceased loved ones. The Pythagoreans also practiced regular baptismal purification, which Pythagoras undoubtedly picked up from the Zorastrians, and would become a staple of the Essene and similar Egyptian Theraputae, centuries later.

The name of the Essenes has been related to the Greek word, “holiness” but the Aramaic equivalent is “pious ones” which is more probable. An Aramaic connection could imply “healers” which fits with Josephus’s statement that the Essenes sought out medicinal roots and stones for healing diseases, or Philo’s statement that the Essenes are especially devout in the therapeutai (healers or in service) of God. You see now the connection made with the Essenes and Theraputae.

Pythagoras’ influence would eventually spread to what would be know as the Pythagorean Illuminati, and his teachings would also find their way within divisions of Freemasonry. These original teachings, before they were polluted by wrongdoers, were intended to raise the inner Divine man (the Christ) to a higher level of consciousness ... and union with God/Source. Pythagoras was truly a wise and gifted sage and perhaps, the very founder of what had become the early basis for many religions including early Gnostic Christianity.

Just a thought ... 

~Justin Taylor, ORDM.

27 December 2021



Each one of us has invisible fuel tanks. We're born with them. Emotional tanks, spiritual tanks, and physical tanks, all filled with potentiality. But what we don't realize, is that they are not refillable. We see this with our own aging and change of appearance. Our tank of youth runs lower and lower. A friend of mine, Forrest, once said when he was 94 ... "getting old is like a roll of toilet paper. The closer you get to the end of the roll, the faster it goes." Wise words, from a wonderful man. 

We have a tendency to use our fuel inadequately. At times, using more than we should. For example, if you go to the gym and work out every day, you're drawing fuel from your physical reserves. If you're going to do this, then do only this. While you're working out, leave your mind at rest. Don't think about troubles at work, bills you have to pay, whether your prayers will be answered, how to make more money ... just use your physical reserves. Draw only from your physical fuel without also drawing from emotional, intellectual, instinctual, and spiritual reserves. You'll get pretty rotten fuel mileage. It would be like driving two or three SUVS at the same time when you can do with one.

The same process works for other events in your life. If you're going to draw from your spiritual tank, do it through meditation or contemplative prayer but do it in isolation. Either among nature, or in a quiet room or a setting with no distractions. Sometimes, you might want to take a walk. But spend your walk time just taking in nature. Looking at the trees, birds, flowers, lakes ... don't jet your mind wander to other stuff. Don't waste your thinking fuel, on walking energy. When you relax, then just relax. Don't mix your quiet, resting, downtime with energy reserved for logic, work, or study. Just chill. Go for a ride and empty your stress-based thoughts. Let your thoughts come and go. Don't label them or judge them. Don't worry or have concern. Just enjoy the moment. 

Listen to the signs that come from within you. If you're mentally tired, give the mind a break and get some extra sleep or a nap once in a while. If you push your body too hard at the gym and you have signs of pain, give it a rest for a couple of days. Be sure to take vacation time, and a 3 or 4 day weekend here and there. Do nothing, or do something. Make it YOUR time. 

And while you're at it ... lose the years of guilt and fear that have overburdened you, not just emotionally, but physically as well. It’s not YOURS, it’s an experience … YOU, are the Witness to these experiences, not the owner. So you ate a burger today, so you had a soft drink today, so you had a piece of chocolate. So what? We're animals. We can handle it. Just don't overburden the body's filtration systems. Soft drinks have no nutritional value, but once a week enjoy your soda. Stay away from GMO foods whenever possible. But by all means, listen to your body, and the voice within. Balance your activities evenly. Get enough of it all, but don't try and do it all at the same time. You'll burn too much fuel, and there is no way to refill what you arrived here with. Remember, you can't eat a pizza whole, but you can cut it into pieces, and eat it once piece at a time. 

Just a thought ... 

~Justin Taylor, ORDM.



This chapter is inspired by a poem written by Bishop Charles Henry Brent(1862-1929) titled "The Sailing Ship." I ran across it while reading a fascinating book titled "conversations With Tom - An Adventure In After Death Communication" by Walda Woods.

The poem paints such a powerful portrait of the transition from this life, to the afterlife; and the next life.
"I am standing on the seashore.
A ship sails to the morning breeze and starts for the ocean.
She is an object - and I stand watching her
Till at last she fades from the horizon,
And someone at my side says, “She is gone!” Gone where?
Gone from my sight, that is all;
She is just as large in the masts, 
hull and spars as she was when I saw her,
And just as able to bear her load of living freight 
to its destination.
The diminished size and total loss of sight is in me, 
not in her;
And just at the moment when someone at my side says, 
"She is gone",
There are others who are watching her coming,
And other voices take up a glad shout,
"Here she comes" – and that ... is dying."
-Bishop Brent

So as we lose sight of the ship on the horizon, the ship remains with us. Where else would it go? To our perception, it grows smaller and smaller until it fades from view ... but this is only OUR perspective from where we stand. The ship remains the same size, with the same abilities, and the same purpose. We just can't see it anymore.

But on the other side of the horizon, people see it coming, not going. it grows larger and larger the closer it gets to their perspective and where THEY stand. When ultimately they see her directly in front of them, they see her true glory. 

This is such an amazing view of crossing over from one world to the next. From the seen to the unseen. From the observable to the unobservable. And WE ... as the Observer in life ... are witness to the experience. There are none who are lost. Where else would they go? We are all in One Universe, and all experiences that ever were and ever will be are already here in the present moment. In the NOW.

This is such a difficult process to accept, but consider in this way. You've "lost" your car keys. But you know they are here, somewhere, or else you would not search for them. They were misplaced, but they still exist. Where else would they go? If you have lost a loved one, they are not "lost," they have simply passed into another realm that is not in the same vibrating frequencies as we are. All matter is merely vibrating energy, and energy cannot be created, or destroyed. 

In closing, everything in reality is ONE thing. We are all a piece of the entire essence of the Universe - God/Source Energy. We are all connected through the Matrix of consciousness. We are as much a part of the invisible air as a fish is with water. If you believe yourself to be separate, you’re captive by illusion, rather than free with Truth. All that ever was … is right here and right now. In this present moment. This is where Life inspires, and expires, with every breath we take.

Just a thought ... 

~Justin Taylor, ORDM.

22 December 2021



Anyone raised in the Christian Church knows the story of the raising of Lazarus of Bethany from his death in the tomb. This, is a preview of Jesus' own resurrection later in the story. The two, are one. 

Here we have a clear deception contained in the Bible that is not only an unhistorical event, but it is yet another copy of an earlier story that came to the writers - from the Egyptians. Just as Jesus traveled to Bethany to raise his friend Lazarus, Horus traveled to Bethanu to raise his Father. Even the names Mary, Martha, and Lazarus all came from Egypt - except their names were Meri, Merti, and El-Azar-us. The name "Bethanu" means "House of God" and was originally used for the Egyptian God Anu. 

These stories were known among the ancient world and therefore had symbolic deeper meanings. As always, this is the deeper esoteric message within the surface story. In this story, Lazarus was the brother of Mary (a very important ancient symbolic name) and Martha. Lazarus, like Jesus; represents “Life Principle in Involution” and this must die so that Evolution can occur. This is the representation of biologic Life ... the Glory of God. For Lazarus it was a 4 day wait, for Jesus it was 3 days, and John writes of 3 and a half days. In the same was as the raising of Lazarus came to us via Egypt, the raising of Jairus' daughter came to us from India. It was Krishna who raised a young girl from the dead, as Christ did with Jairus' daughter. Even the wording in each story is highly similar. 

The raising of the dead is a typical supernatural event in the Godman myth cycles and has it's symbolism in the Inner Mysteries not in reanimating dead flesh in a literal and historical sense. That, is for another day. Remember also, that these myth cycles not only have their spiritual message, but they are tied to the cycle of the Zodiac and it's 12 houses. The patterns of the heavens, the planets (Planetos means wanderer in Greek), the stars, and the entire sun cycle through the seasons. 

Remember, in order for a seed to grow, it must first die - be buried in the ground as our souls are buried in matter. The ancient Greeks had a term "soma-sema" meaning the body (soma) is a tomb (sema). These seeds must have a garden in which to grow. Jesus would be found in the Garden of Gethsemane. After the resurrection story, the “Mary's” mistake him as a Gardener. So much mythology, so much symbolism, so much deeper allegorical teachings. Remember, a “myth” did not have the meaning back then as it does now. Among the ancients, a myth was used in delivery of a deeper message. To borrow from Joseph Campbell: “a myth is something that never was, yet always is.” One must study the words and phrases of scripture in the original Hebrew and Greek to find the keys to unlock the Inner Mysteries ... the revelation of the message. The Greek word "Apocalypsis" (apocalypse) means to unveil, to uncover that which is hidden. 

Just a thought ... 

~Justin Taylor, ORDM.



The word "pneumatikos" is Greek and is referenced as Strong's Concordance Word #4152. To understand what is meant by the Biblical term "Spiritually Discerned" we must first understand what it means in it's original scriptural text. 

The frequency of this term (in English) in the New Testament is 26 times, depending on which Biblical translation you are referencing from. In short form we find it to be "spiritual, pertaining to the Spirit; (n.) spiritual person."

Now let us look at the deeper definition: 
"Spiritual, pertaining to the soul, as distinguished from what concerns the body"
Rom. 15:27; 1 Cor. 9:11; spiritual, pertaining to the nature of spirit, pertaining or relating to the influences of the Holy Spirit (Aggios Pneumatos/Holy Spirit/Holy Breath). 

Let us also be mindful that the Greek word "pneuma" means breath, air, Spirit. You can find the word used in English for example … pneumatic tools such as power tools operated by air-compressors. Among ancient teachings, in the early Mystery Schools, a "Pneumatic" was a person who had a level of attainment through the initiation process of the Inner Mysteries. 

Now let's look at 1 Corinthians 2:14 in a different light:

Young's Literal Translation
"and the natural man doth not receive the things of the Spirit of God, for to him they are foolishness, and he is not able to know them, because spiritually they are discerned;"

King James Bible
"But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned."

Aramaic Bible in Plain English
"For a selfish man does not receive spiritual things, for they are madness to him, and he is not able to know, for they are known by The Spirit."

So, let's break this up a bit and go a bit deeper.

For the natural (ego-self/physical/sense-driven) does not receive (reception) spiritual things (unseen/spirit vs. matter/non-physical) for they (these Spirit concepts) are madness (foolish/incomprehensible) to him, and he not able to know (Truth) them, because they are "spiritually discerned ... KNOWN by the Spirit (indwelling/unseen)"

You see, this was Paul's way of explaining what he was trying to teach them was not to be taken physically, literally, or historically ... it was allegory, metaphor … Truth contained within a myth or fable. Therefore, to be "spiritually discerned" is to look beyond the physical (metaphysical) into the realm of the unseen. As Jesus was quoted as saying "the Kingdom comes without observation" ... meaning you can't see it. Just as we cannot see air, or breath, or Spirit (pneuma). Therefore one who is Pneumatikos, is one who can discern/know the inner meaning ... the temple built without hands. 

Just a thought ... 

~Justin Taylor, ORDM.

20 December 2021



Everybody loves to get presents. Either in-person, a package in the mail, or just a surprise simply out of nowhere. But try and imagine how silly it would be if we just stared at the box and never opened it to look inside. Think about that for a moment. A lot of things come in boxes. Rings, bicycles, books, even refrigerators. Just by looking at the box, most times, we have no idea what lies within the box. We have to open the box the find what's inside. 

When we open a box that appears to have no contents we can see, we say it's empty. There's nothing in it. But that isn't the Truth. The Truth is the box is full. You just can't see, with the naked eye, what's inside. A seemingly empty box is actually filled with many things. Atoms, protons, electrons, bacteria, cells, energy, dust particles, and air. Let's talk about the air for a second. Among the ancients, the Greek word for air is Pneuma. The same word used for breath, wind, and for Spirit. So just like the Truth behind whether a glass is half full, or half empty ... it is always full. You just can't perceive the entire contents with your five senses. It's the sixth sense that can see beyond physical matter into the realm of Spirit. 

Now that you know this, try and visualize yourself as a box. You body contains things seen and unseen. It is a type of box. Among the ancients, they believed the body to be a tomb where the Soul was trapped here in the lower realm. Your box-body is an outer package contained within the universe that holds various contents. There are organs, blood, ligaments, tendons, bones, tissue, nerves, cells, all unseen from the outside. But your box also contains unseen things on the inside as well. Air, Spirit, Soul, consciousness, Mind, thoughts, imagination, emotions, feelings, intellect, intuition, language and communications skills, and we haven't even touched on the powers of your subconscious, unconscious, conscious, and superconscious Mind powers. 

Remember, we are designed from the inside out. We are not born into this world, but we are born OUT of this world. We come out of our Mother, just as a branch and a leaf come out of a tree. As the tree comes out of the Earth, and so on all the way back to the point of the origins of all things, or more properly, this ONE thing we call the universe. Technically, there are no "things" there is but ONE thing and that is all that exists ... and that one thing is Mind. We believe it to be physical, but in reality ALL is Mind. We’re talking about energy … conscious energy. 

When you touch a table, you're not really touching it. There is no way you could ever touch it. The process is all Mind. The vibration and energy of the table interacts with your vibration and energy, is transferred via energy and electrical impulses through your nervous system and into the sensory portions of your brain, where they are categorized and labeled according that what we have been taught to label them. But the entire experience ... is happening IN YOUR HEAD. Your experience of "touching the table" is occurring inside your Mind. Nothing outside of our Mind and senses, can ever be experienced outside of us. All of our sensory perception centers are in our head ... the temple of God. Why do you think the sides of our heads are called "temples?" Even in the Bible, Jesus is crucified at a place called Golgotha … or, “place of the skull.” The cross … the intersection of Spirit and Matter. 

The Great Throne of Judgement spoken of God, sits atop your shoulders. Judgement means decision. And where do your decisions come from? Jesus was quoted as having said "the Kingdom of God is within you." St. Paul said "we are the body of Christ." This means that if we look deep enough inside our box, we will find the Spirit of who we really are. We are an eternal essence of all that is. We are the Christ Consciousness ... the begotten Son of God having transformed from the Son of Man upon the realization, illumination, and ascension of our thoughts and actions. We are not physical beings having a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings having a physical experience. Look in your box. Deeper and deeper. Things of great value are usually wrapped in deep layers. 

Just a thought ... 

~Justin Taylor, ORDM.



This one is going to take us a little deeper into scripture and its esoteric meaning. We hear churches telling us that the Jews are the Chosen Ones of God. So, if this is true, then we should know how to determine what a JEW really means right?

Romans 2:29 in the original English KJV of 1611 says:
"... But he is a Iew which is one inwardly ..."

Notice "IEW" (not Jew) ... or in Latin "IAO" ... and in Greek "ΙΑΩ." The Hebrew Tetragrammaton, or Mystic Name of God, is (YHWH) pronounced ΙΑΟϒ, and signifies "He that is and shall be." So, the Name of the Lord" amongst the Hebrews is of four letters, yod (Iod), Hey, Vav, Hey ... which is properly the Name of God, and may be read as ΙΑΗΟ (Iaho) (in Latin characters). 

Stay with me on this.

The Egyptians express the name of the Supreme Being by the seven Greek vowels "ΙΕΗΩΟϒΑ." Among the Hindu's it was "AUM." (A) standing for the Creator, (U) for the Preserver, (M) for the Destroyer.  

Among the Gnostics, “I” signifies All goeth out; Α, All returneth within; Ω, There shall be an end of ends." It is also symbolic of "Abraxas" ... the name given by some of the early Gnostic Christians to denote the embodied form of God ... or manifestation in the human being as the Christos (the anointed one of God) … the Christ. 

Thus in a sense Abraxas (IAO/IEW) is the cosmic Oversoul, the creative or Third Logos, Brahma. Abraxas also was identified with the Hebrew 'Adonai, the Egyptian Horus, and the Hindu Prajapati.

All this can be very confusing, but suffice it to say that what it all comes down to is that everyone who wishes to find "God", may go within and find God there. This term "JEW" used spiritually means one who enters within ... as Jesus said ... "your closet." You go inside yourself through meditation or contemplative prayer. 

Now, follow me for a moment. Let's take the actual word ISRAEL ... from a spiritual point of view, rather than a geographic region or country. 

Is-Ra-El = Isis-Ra-Elohim, the feminine (Isis), the masculine (Amen-Ra), and EL (Elohim) Spirit or God (Ida, Pingala, and Sushumna in Kundalini Yoga). 

"Is" or "Isis", the Egyptian Goddess, also seen as the Moon Goddess; "Ra", is the Egyptian Sun God, and "El", is generally meant to signify "God" ... Ultimate Spirit.

The lower mind, the moon, is integrated with the higher mind, the sun, by the spirit or conscious energy from above ... as a magnetic attraction. 

"Jews" are not a race and Israel is not a country, biblically speaking that is. It's Mythology describing one who has attained the higher, by way of meditation, by becoming a Jew - one who connects with Spirit within - illuminated, INWARDLY. 

The chosen land is the human brain (your Temple and Golgotha/place of the skull), but first the Canaanites have to be driven out. The lower mind quality is overturned, and then: 

Book of Romans 12:2:
"Be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed (a metamorphosis) by the renewing of your Mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God" 

What would the worldwide religions do, if they read that the holy land is mythology describing the human brain? And that the word "Is Ra El" means "ISIS Ra Elohim?" 

And a Jew is one INWARDLY, one who meditates ... these are the chosen one's of God. An Israelite was an “illuminated one.” Sorry, to the modern country Israel, the Bible is not talking about you. God doesn't choose a race of people. ALL people are of God/Origin.

Although the Bible stories are mythology, the country of Israel takes the whole thing literally, and we see the results of that in Palestine and Gaza, heartless, cold, cruel slaughter, just like the mythological Mountain God of the Old testament ... a murderer if taken literally. 

Failure of modern effort to read the deep esoteric message of the Bible is due to the fact that modern scholars stubbornly refuse to see that ancient scriptural writing was esoteric or hidden as to its meaning, and allegorical and symbolical as to its method. 

The ancients presented their secret Wisdom, given them by the great Sages, in the form of allegories and myths, which were to be taken as fiction outwardly (exoteric), but as profound truth and knowledge in an inward sense (esoteric). Jospeh Campbell offers a wonderful meaning of Myth (from the Greek mythos): “a myth is something that never was, yet always is.”

By a combination of symbols, nature signs and allegories, often woven into a background of real history, they sought to portray the deepest types of spiritual experience and an intellectual grip on reality. The Bible has been taken for literal Truth about living personages on the stage of mortal history. It has been wrongly rendered literally and historically ... rather than through allegory and metaphors that conveyed the real Truth. This is an Apocalypse (apocalypsis in the Greek) ... meaning a revealing or unveiling of what was once hidden.

This is the biggest, the most worrisome error, in all human history, this mistaking of spiritual allegory for literal human narrative. It has brought wars, oppression, racism, separation, and unrest to millions of people on Earth. And all for no reason other than mistaking the spiritual metaphorical myth, for the literal and historical truth.

The ancients themselves testify plentifully that the scriptures are allegories. The early Christian Origen, regards the whole Bible as a set of allegories. But the most astonishing declaration to this effect is St. Paul's own statement in Galatians that the whole story of Abraham and Sarah and Hagar is "an allegory." There is not a scrap of evidence anywhere to identify the Israelites as the historical Hebrews or Jews. The latter simply appropriated the distinction to themselves and fitted their history into the sacred scheme. 

Jerusalem, Egypt, Sodom, Babylon and others are therefore only spiritual names transferred to the map from the celestial chart. In fact the Bible is an assemblage of material comprising the substance of Hermeticism, Gnosticism, Kabbalism, Chaldean astrology, Greek Orphism and Hindu Wisdom, drawn mostly from ancient Egypt and it's mysticism taught among the Mystery Schools of that time. 

Question everything my friend, even those things I write of. For in your questioning, answers will come from within. Scriptures tell us the Kingdom of Heaven/God is within us. And the Kingdom is described as Love, Peace, and Joy. Find this, and you find the answer to all things.

"You shall know the Truth, and the Truth shall make you free."

~Justin Taylor, ORDM.

18 December 2021



Zeus was the god of the sky and ruler of the Olympian gods. He overthrew his father, Cronus/Kronos (King of the Titans), and then drew lots with his brothers Poseidon and Hades, in order to decide who would succeed their father on the throne. Zeus won the draw and became the supreme ruler of the gods, as well as lord of the sky and rain. His weapon was a thunderbolt which he hurled at those who displeased or defied him, especially liars and oathbreakers. Although he was married to Hera, he often tested her patience, as he was infamous for his many affairs.

Zeus, the presiding deity of the universe, ruler of the skies and the earth, was regarded by the Greeks as the god of all natural phenomena on/in the sky, the personification of the Laws of nature, the ruler of the state, and finally, the “Father of Gods and Men.” God ... the Father.

Using his shield, the Aegis, Zeus could create all natural phenomena related to the air and the sky, such as storms, tempests, and intense darkness. At his command, mighty thunder would roll, and lightning would flash, wreaking havoc … or the skies would open to rejuvenate the earth with life-giving water.

As the personification of the operations of nature, he represented the grand Laws of unchanging and harmonious order, by which both the natural and the spiritual world were governed. He was the god of regulated time as marked by the changing seasons and the regular succession of day and night, in contrast to what his father Cronus/Kronos represented before him; absolute time, i.e. eternity. (Father Time)

As the ruler of the state, he was the source of kingly power, the upholder of all institutions connected to the state, and the friend and patron of princes, whom he guarded and assisted with his advice and counsel. He was also the protector of the people, and watched over the welfare of the whole community.

As the Father of the Gods, Zeus made sure that each deity perform their individual duty, punished their misdeeds, settled their disputes, and acted towards them on all occasions as their all-knowing counsellor and mighty friend.

As the Father of Men, he took a paternal interest in the actions and well-being of mortals. He watched over them with tender care, rewarding Truth, charity, and fairness, while severely punishing perjury and cruelty. Even the poorest and most hopeless wanderer could find a powerful advocate in Zeus, for He, as a wise and merciful paternal figure, demanded that the wealthy inhabitants of the earth be attentive to the needs of their less fortunate fellow citizens.

Perhaps, we should have a closer look at his humanitarian side. After all, isn't that what a God should be most concerned with? The well being of all his offspring. The goodness of the treatment of all people. No favourites, every begotten child treated with equality and justice. Of course, there's that lightning bolt that you'd have to dodge every now and again ... but wasn't it the same for us as kids when we stepped out of line? You know, running from the switch, the ruler, the belt, or that long strip of Hot Wheels plastic track? 

Just a thought ... 

~Justin Taylor, ORDM. 



The word ‘Earth’ came from the Anglo-Saxon word ‘erda’ and it’s germanic equivalent ‘erde’ which means ground or soil. Meanings include: the substance of the land surface; soil, the substance of the human body, the surface of the world as distinct from the sky or the sea.

Earth is the only planet name in our solar system that does not come from Greco-Roman mythology. All of the other planets were named after Greek and Roman gods and goddesses.

An important fact is that in Hebrew, the noun “adam” is also the masculine form of the word “adamah” which means “ground” or “earth (red clay).” It is related to the words: adom (red), admoni (ruddy), and dam (blood).

Every civilization has had their way of describing where or what may have sparked all of creation. When we reference the creation account described allegorically in Genesis we find:

Genesis 1:1 - “In the beginning God created heaven, and earth.” 

This is best translated as spirit and matter … the unseen and the seen. 

Now, look at “heaven” not just as an unseen state within, but as a celestial abode. Ancient cosmology played an important role in the cycles of life and the divine patterns and forms.

The first planet discovered that was not known in ancient times, named for the god of Heaven, husband of Gaia, the Earth, from Latin Uranus, from Greek Ouranos literally "heaven, the sky;" in Greek cosmology, the god who personifies the heavens, father of the titans. 

The ancients believed that the Spirit beings or Gods and Angels lived in the unseen realms, the ancients usually called “heaven” and “hell,” which are more accurately described as being "in" or "out" of God's direct presence. Within, and without. Above, and below. 

So, in closing; our physical bodies are our spiritual “ helpmate.” In Genesis 2:18 we read “It is not good for the man (mind/mankind) to be alone, I do make to him an helper … as his counterpart.”

We come from the Earth/matter (Mother Earth) and from Spirit/heaven (Father). 

Our Spirit grows through our experiences here in Earth (matter/soil). This is Earth School, and we’re in class every moment of every day. 

Just a thought … 

Justin Taylor, ORDM.

27 November 2021



So has the world truly gone mad? Before we attempt to answer this question, first ... let's take Banking, Religion, Government, the Global Elite, Big Pharma, and the Mass Media out of the equation. This way, we can begin at a basic level of uncontrolled, and non-programmed, base humanity. In other words ... just regular people with regular lives. 

Once we remove all of the outside influences, we are left with the basic battle of ego self, versus Divine Self. Ego being your own self-centered, sense pleasure, and self only benefit thinking and acting. Divine being your default setting of love, compassion, peace, and joy, that can only be brought forth by taking the ego by the reigns and making the right decisions ... for ALL ... not just for you. 

Herein lies the battle. It's not a literal war of weapons and military power, but it is a war of courage and willpower. If we simply stop listening to the outside negative influences, and we turn inwards for guidance and direction, we can defeat any negative circumstances. This would include an overall improvement of not only the status of the entire world, but also improvement of your own personal physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health. All would benefit. ALL.

So when we add Banking, Religion, Government, the Global Elite, Big Pharma, and the Mass Media back into the equation ... we must come to the Truth. We must understand that worker bees and worker ants feed the Queen. Without us, without our blind acceptance and ignorant status due to missing knowledge, these “leaders” will continue to do what they desire ... right under our nose ... and in many cases, with our own approval and acceptance.

Be informed. Begin to research. Ask questions. You are entitled to a Life of abundance. And there is plenty of everything to go around ... except that there are a few thousand people hoarding resources and controlling finances. You can't have a sporting event, unless you have team players, and spectators. Without players, there would be nothing to play ... and without spectators, there would be no money to be made. We can have a voice simply by the way we purchase products, mind our thoughts, improve our actions, and above all ... learn their game ... and don't suit up. Remember, the best way to control the opposition, is to own the opposition. So be careful with what forces you join. You may be helping to progress the negative powers without even knowing it.

Let's face it ... the only way to control 7.5 billion people, is to keep them stupid, uninformed, and under a spell of deception at all times. All the music, concerts, party spots, nightclubs, professional sporting events, etc. are all ways they keep us busy and distracted. When we see a big story on the news ... know that there is something much larger taking place and this event is a distraction. Wake up, empower yourself with Truth. Become who you were meant to be ... and make today the day that you plan to enjoy your life. Help to end the suffering for all living creatures on this planet. Ask yourself, has the world gone mad? Or, has the world not become mad enough ... mad enough to stand for whats right, whats true, and whats good for all. 

Just a thought … 

Justin Taylor, ORDM, OCP. 

30 October 2021



For this writing, I am going to focus on some biblical scriptures that have some deep allegorical, metaphorical, and symbolic meaning beyond just paper and ink. Let’s start at the beginning. 

Genesis 1:5 (KJV)

"And God called the light Day, and the darkness He called Night. And the evening and the morning were the first day." 

The words which we find in the contemporary English Language Bible that translators interpret as "morning" and "evening" in Genesis 1, do not actually equate with our English words for those phenomena. In Hebrew, they actually mean "chaos/disorder" and "order" respectively.

When the sun goes down, vision becomes blurry and disordered, and with the break of day it clears. After all, what can be seen in darkness? The light pushes darkness out of the way and brings clarity into our lives in so many ways.

In the creation account of Genesis, the light existed BEFORE the sun and the stars were ever set in place. This was the light … of consciousness. We were brought out of the darkness, and into the light. Now lets move forward towards several other books contained in the Bible. 

Revelation 22:16 (KJV)

"I Jesus, have sent mine angel to testify unto you these things in the churches. I am the root and the offspring of David, [and] the bright and MORNING STAR."

John 9:5 (KJV)

 "As long as I am in the world, I am the light of the world."

2 Corinthians 4:6 (KJV)

 "For God, who commanded the light to shine out of darkness, hath shined in our hearts, to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God ..."

Revelation 22:5 (KJV)

"And there shall be no night there; and they need no candle, neither light of the sun; for the Lord God giveth them light: and they shall reign for ever and ever."

Now consider this - it is the same as when ours eyes are closed - we are in darkness. We are in chaos. This is the only time we can truly see inside ourselves. Without the light of the world, we will stay in chaos, with our eyes figuratively closed through Life. Our consciousness IS our light. It is our Mind that perceives everything, and remember that our brain is always in total darkness … our entire Life. 

When we open our eyes, we see the light from the inside out, and the order of all of God's creation. The Morning Star represented mythically as Jesus Christ pushes the darkness and chaos out of our sight ... if we set our sights on the Divine Spark of Christ Consciousness within us. In the same manner, the Morning Star (Phosphorus in Greek, Lucifer in Latin - the Planet Venus) arrives each day to usher in the Morning Sun (Sun of God). See the connection? By the way, “Lucifer” is not the Devil/Satan. Only the King James Bible uses this term. But thats for another writing. 

We will experience restoration and order in our lives ... just as the morning Sun brings ORDER from CHAOS. 

Awaken and open your eyes to see all that life has to offer. Too much time in darkness with your eyes closed, and you'll stay asleep rather than be awake, and aware. 

Just a thought … 

Justin Taylor, ORDM. 



cog·ni·tive dis·so·nance
"the state of having inconsistent thoughts, beliefs, or attitudes, especially as relating to behavioral decisions and attitude change."

As I get older, I find that I have opened up much more to new thoughts, new ways, new ideas of doing what may have been considered "standard" and acceptable by the masses at one time. Unfortunately, I also find myself feeling somewhat alone in this adventure most of the time.

The untouchable subjects of religion, politics, etc. just keep getting more untouchable. So many people get so offended if they hear something different than what they are use to, or believe in. In the ancient times, people didn't have books, DVD players, Cable TV, Cellphones, or Internet access ... they had themselves. And they talked about things … among themselves. They openly tossed around ideas, concepts, and beliefs back and forth and discussed the "why" of it all, mostly in a civil way. 

Today, not so much. It's becoming more and more difficult just to have a discussion about "touchy" subjects. People are held captive in their belief systems ... in what they've been told and sold. In some cases, it goes all the way back to their childhood. But we're in this physical form of matter to experience things and raise our awareness and our consciousness. To find Truth, and to make up our minds and hearts as to what makes sense and what does not. What speaks to our Divine Soul. Most times though, a wall of protection goes up immediately and blocks any new or different information from being allowed to enter the Mind. There's this information entry gate in our brain called the medulla oblongata ... and that's where everything flows into. Unconscious entry is gained all the time ... but conscious entry, is controlled by us. 

As we progress towards new experiences, instead of people coming together, they are drifting further apart. Letting the chasm grow wider through the extension of fear and ignorance (not knowing/sin). There is no need to place blame on anyone or anything other than ourselves. We have to take personal responsibility for our thoughts and actions. The Media, the Church, the Government, etc. all deliver their views and opinions. It is up to us whether or not to accept these views as Truth, illusion, or in most cases ... a combination of both. 

Ask questions. Investigate what it is you believe and why. This is all part of our experience here in Earth School. Sometimes we win, and sometimes we learn. No one else is going to do it for you. If a doctor tells you that you have some sort of disease, investigate it further. If the Government tells you there's nothing you should be concerned with, investigate it further. If the Church system tells you Jesus, or Allah, or Mercury, Zeus, or even a "holy book" is the only way to the Almighty Eternal Source in the afterlife or the next life, investigate it further. Question everything and find the answers you need for your experience here in this life. Accept new information and use your intuition. How does it speak to your Soul? Use your unique human emotions. How does it feel? 

We are all in this Life together. Let's do all we can to make it better for everyone. 

Just a thought … 

Justin Taylor, ORDM. 



The Mystical and Metaphysical ways of interpreting ancient sacred Scripture expresses that there was purposefully concealed and hidden within the scriptural allegories, a secret doctrine, a secret doctrine which came from the Ancient Masters under exacting conditions. By using allegory and metaphor, these ancient celestial myths kept the traditions alive through symbolism and buried literary treasure for those seeking higher enlightenment and deeper Truths. As St. Paul said, “the difference between milk and strong meat.” There were the masses who accepted scripture at face value, in a literal and historical sense only, and then there were those select initiates who wanted to understand the esoteric Truths beneath the surface stories. 

These deeper esoteric Truths were highly protected and reserved for approved candidates and initiates into the secret mysteries religions of the day. The secret path to enlightenment, to the Kingdom of Heaven. At the very center, the heart of these mysteries, was the descent of the Logos (the Word) and Divine Mind into all physical matter. Into humanity, as a spark of the Divine Source of all that is. Using the celestial methods of teaching, through myth and allegory, what was revealed was the metaphysical teachings of the descent and incarnation of the Soul into all of mankind … and the Spiritual Evolution and Involution ... the awakening of the dead within the flesh of man during this lifetime ... within every child of God/Source. 

“Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world. By this you know the Spirit of God: every spirit that confesses that CHRIST has come in the flesh is from God; and every spirit that does not confess CHRIST is not from God; this is the spirit of the ANTICHRIST … and now it is already in the world. You are from God … for greater is He who is in you than he who is in the world … The one who knows God listens to us; the one who is not from God does not listen to us. By this we know the spirit of Truth and the spirit of error.”
1 John 4:1-6

This descent or the “fall” of the Soul to Earth, describes metaphorically the descent of God, the Spirit, Divine Mind, Cosmic or Christ Consciousness into the realm of physical matter, or form. This is the temporary home of the Soul during this sojourn on Earth. We come to realize, and recognize this presence of God/Source within all of humanity as the indwelling CHRIST (KRST among the Egyptians, Christos among the Greeks, Krishna among the Hindus). This spark of God, is within each of us, awaiting the awakening and resurrection from the dead within every human being NOW, in this lifetime. This was Paul's original Gnostic Gospel before the Roman Church took pen and ink to rewrite it for its own narrative. Paul's Epistles were also later forged, and rewritten as anti-gnostic, and the Roman Church did it's best to rewrite the Ancient Wisdom and secret Mystery Schools that taught the God WITHIN, rather than their Saviour in Jesus, who according to the Church, was the only one to become God in the flesh.

But consider these verses from the New Testament Bible:

“ … because as He is, so are we in this world.”
1 John 4:17

“For IN HIM we live and move and have our being.’ As some of your own poets have said, ‘WE are his offspring.’”
Acts 17:28

Judaism maintained it's Divine Truths about “the Christ” and the “Messiah” through Kabbalah. Paul taught it through Gnosticism, and his Christ and the Divine Spark that was found within each and every man. Paul never knew of a human Jesus. Never taught a word of Jesus' teachings ... never even quoted the Sermon on The Mount. Paul's Jesus, and Rome's Jesus, were clearly different concepts of the ancient celestial and Divine Christ. So many Epistles that have been ascribed to have been written by Paul, came from the quill of Church Scribes with alternative motives. The motives were not to empower people, but to overpower them and control them through this life, the afterlife, and the next life. Research that which you believe. You’ll find empowering lessons contained beyond (meta) the surface text, that contain a deeper inner story and lesson. 

Just a thought … 

Justin Taylor, ORDM.

29 October 2021



Stay with me on this. I promise that we’re going somewhere important. The Bible says God was disgusted with animal sacrifice ... so he wanted a human sacrifice. So literal Roman Christianity came along, and said that God is not pleased by just killing just animals, he needs to have a human sacrifice. And so they misinterpreted the myths and parables of Jesus in the same way that the ancients misinterpreted the myths and allegorical metaphysics of Animal sacrifice. See this verse: 

"To what purpose is the multitude of your sacrifices to me, says the Lord ... I am full of the burnt offerings of rams, and the fat of fed beasts, and I delight not in the blood of bullocks , or of lambs or of the goats ... When you come to appear before me, who has required this at your hand ... And when you spread your hands, I will hide my eyes from you when you make many prayers. I will not hear. Your hands are full of blood."
The Book of Isaiah (OT)

God says: “I will hide my eyes from you ... your hands are full of blood.” So what are we to make of this statement from scripture? For the answer, we have to go beyond (meta) the literal and into the deeper message between the ink and paper. 

When you separate from thought ... you are sacrificing your animal nature. When you sacrifice your human nature ... you  become Divine, that is what these esoteric sacrifices are all about. It was misunderstood then, and even still today. The "old man" dies and the "new man" is reborn. The Christ (Divine Spark of God) resurrects from WITHIN you. Your negative animal base nature becomes loving, compassionate, joyful, caring, and unified with your Higher-Self. You have raised your consciousness to a higher vibration, and there’s no going back. As a caterpillar becomes a butterfly, there can be no return to the ways of old, and the existence you once had. 

All of the murders and sacrifices were intended to be allegorical and metaphorical. To "kill" everyone and save the young females was a surface story for a deeper message to keep and protect your creative aspect. The feminine is the creative principle in all of nature. God, Father, Source, Spirit, is masculine. Earth, Mother, matter, is feminine. The Divine seed is planted in the earth, and the begotten of God are brought forth into form ... manifest birth. Just as s seed is planted in the earth in order to grow. 

The Divine Feminine is the womb of the universe. The Divine Masculine is the void from which all unlimited and unbounded potentiality emanates. The ancient Wisdom of the early Pagan civilization has become lost through incorrect literal interpretation of the Sacred Inner Mysteries of The Ages. Question everything. Find the answers to the questions you seek. 

Just a thought,

Justin Taylor, ORDM. 

27 August 2021


You Are Not Your Experiences

Life is filled with experiences, unfolding at each and every moment. Like a film, frame-by-frame, each moment is captured, as it’s own independent experience. Your next one depends on what you just experienced. Be thankful to every person that has come into your Life even for a brief moment. They had a message for you … and a lesson.

In the same way as we cannot reach 11 o’clock without first having a 10 o’clock … we move forward from where we just were. Step-by-step. The wheel of life spins across every peg before it comes to a stop. Clicking its way from the one, to the next … and before that, and before that, and so on. This is karma, cause and effect, in an eternal cycle. Evolution, devolution, involution, and revolution, physically and spiritually.

You are not the experience; you are the one who is experiencing. You are not what’s taking place, you are the witness. Just as you are not the car, you are the driver. But that YOU, is based upon a certain duality - for reference only. Spirit, versus ego. Spirit knows what is right for everything and everyone and acts accordingly, knowing the effects. Ego is led by it’s own selfish desires and acts accordingly … ignorant of it’s effects. When we make the right decision, everyone experiences benefits. When we make an error in our decision, everyone experiences consequences.

So each experience is a lesson. We either learn from it, grow, and move on … or we repeat it, remain in ignorance, and get stuck. It is important to remember each and every thing we witness through our experience, is not what we are … it is what we are to learn from. It is our teacher. We are here in earth school to evolve our Spirit and Species. The body decays and returns to the elements from which it came, and the Spirit/Energy returns also from which it came. We cannot create or destroy energy. This is Law. What is really you, always was and always will be.

When you make an improper judgment that your experience is who you are, it is a huge mistake. When in school, you are not your books, your tests, or your lessons; you are the one who is having that particular experience. When you begin to take ownership of your “mis-takes” or poor ignorant judgment, you will get stuck in a track of guilt and “sin.” Your “sin” is nothing more than missing the mark … missing the bull’s-eye of Truth and Right Thinking and Acting. In Greek, SIN is “hamartia” and literally means “missing the mark.” This was an Olympic Archery term. You are not punished FOR your sin as is commonly taught, but you are punished BY your sin … that is to say, you reap the effects of what it was you thought, said, or did; to cause the negative results.

As I said earlier, every person, and every thing that comes and goes in your life is your teacher, and is there for a reason and a purpose. They can also be your Messenger (Angel from the Greek). Thank these experiences and be grateful you have them because they are your teachers, and you are the student.

The only “mistakes” that we make in life are repeating in ignorance the lessons we have not learned. These events are no longer a “mistake”, they are now a choice. We are to learn by wrong thinking, and not repeat the same thought, act, or cause; if it does not lead to good and right benefit to not only ourselves, but to others.

Live your Life with no regrets. Take no ownership of your experiences, only responsibility for the decisions you made that led to them. Learn all you can learn … as above, so below. You are the Witness to it all ... the Watcher.

I will end with the Test of Three, sometimes credited to Socrates:

The first filter is TRUTH. 
Have you made absolutely sure that what you are about to say or do is true?

The second filter is the filter of GOODNESS. 
Is what you are about to say or do, something that good?

The third is the filter of USEFULNESS or of BENEFIT. 
Is what you want to say or do going to be useful or beneficial?"

Take the time to respond, rather than react. Remember … in school, you're taught a lesson and then given a test. In life, you're given a test, then you're taught a lesson.

Just a thought … 

Justin Taylor, ORDM.


Emerald Tablet And The Kybalion

An Egyptian legend, tells us about the The Emerald Tablet Of Hermes & The Kybalion, written by the thrice great Hermes Trimegistus (Thoth/Enoch). In the tablet, Hermes Trismegistus, discusses the process of creation, and the Law of One summarized in the quotation “As Above, So Below, As Below So Above.”

The Principle Of Correspondence

This Principle embodies the Truth that there is always a Correspondence between the laws and phenomena of the various planes of Being and Life. The old Hermetic axiom ran in these words: “As above, so below; as below, so above.” And the grasping of this Principle gives one the means of solving many a dark paradox, and hidden secrets of Nature.

There are planes beyond our knowing, but when we apply the Principle of Correspondence to them, we are able to better understand much that would otherwise be unknowable to us. This Principle is of universal application and manifestation, on the various planes of the material, mental, and spiritual universe, It is one of the Universal Laws.

The ancient Hermetists considered this Principle as one of the most important mental instruments by which man was able to pry aside the obstacles which hid from view - the Unknown. Its use even tore aside the Veil of Isis to the extent that a glimpse of the face of the goddess might be caught. Just as a knowledge of the Principles of Geometry enables man to measure distant suns and their movements, while seated in his observatory, so a knowledge of the Principle of Correspondence enables Man to reason intelligently from the Known - to the Unknown.

The Higher, The Colder

Since the dawn of civilization, human beings have always been in a lifelong quest for the very fabric of universal reality, - the Matrix (or Field of Consciousness). As you peer into the veil of reality through Science, Philosophy, and Religion ... they all seem to seek the meaning of Life. Religion seeks the Universal and loving "Father," while in Philosophy they seek the Person who is self existence and requires no other being for existence, and science seeks the first cause. “As you approach to the peak of the mountain all routes point to the same peak.”

We Are All Connected

Life is teamed up with countless creatures. There are creatures that crawl on the surface of earth, there are those who swim deep down in the abyss, and those who fly high in the blue sky … and yet they all eat, breathe, and give birth to their offspring. It is a continuous cycle. There are over a million types of bacteria invisible to the naked eye, yet a single one is as important as anything else in life, they are responsible in the process of a lot of things … like in the process of cheese manufacturing, making of a beer, decomposition of waste products, etc. In the chaos theory, a butterfly may be flapping it’s wings in New Zealand, and may cause a catastrophic tornado in Ecuador. This theory/process gets much deeper in Quantum Physics and String Theory.

Heaven And Earth

The heavens are portrayed on the earth. With the rotation of the earth on it’s own axis we get day and night. When the earth revolves around the sun, we get the seasons of the year. Some surgeons avoid surgery during the high tides simply due to the fact that the patient may have severe bleeding more so than during the low tides. In Astrology they believe that the planets affect people’s behaviour relative to their positions in the solar system. The sun provides all energy on earth and if it weren't for the sun, plants would not be able to break down carbon dioxide to provide us with oxygen and make simple sugar such as starch. Some micro-organisms respond to the temperature and pressure in the atmosphere as well.

The Footprints of Reflection

The decisions that we make every single moment plays a big role in shaping our lives, yet it’s not easy to notice, that thoughts are vibrational energy, the drift velocity of electrons vibrating in the neurons. As for now “vibration,” can be regarded as the very fabric of reality according to string theory. Vibrations is everywhere from the smallest particles to the largest heaven bodies, the six senses that we perceive through out sensory organs (in our brain) are all in the form of vibration. Waves and particles.

The electrons vibrate as well, In cosmology we see that everything revolves around bigger objects. Galaxies revolve around black holes, suns revolves around galaxies, planets revolve around the suns, even people with strong personalities have others with weaker personalities around them. When you move into the microscopic world, it behaves the same as electrons revolving around the nucleus. as you go up and down, in and out, you find the same pulsating phenomenon repeating itself.

Circle of Life

It is the same with Life. When you look into the cells, you see that there is always a nucleus that is the center of the cell. In the physical world you will find out that there has to be a source of water or at least food somewhere for Life itself to exist. Take a look at any huge city. There are always natural resources that tend to run that city. And on a much larger scale, as the earth spins on it’s own axis - we get day and night - and when it revolves around the sun, we get the seasons of the year. And, when the sun revolves around the galaxy we get the astrological ages. Everything has a pulsation, heart beat, breathing in and out, day and night, consciousness, etc. Since there is correspondence in everything, as everything reflects the other, we should treat each other as One, because we exist as part, AND The Whole. We are an individualized essence of the entire universe ... each being a piece of one complete puzzle.

Just a thought … 

Justin Taylor, ORDM.

07 August 2021



"By this, love is perfected with us, so that we may have confidence in the day of judgment;
“… because we live like Jesus here in this world.” (NLT)

You won't hear this verse being preached from the pulpits. Simply because if “as Jesus is, so are we in this world” ... then as Christianity believes Jesus to be God, then WE, are also God. There is no way to dispute this verse. If you are a believer that the Bible is the infallible Word of God, then you must believe this to be a true statement. 

Herein lies the problem of modern day Roman inspired Christianity. They take the Bible to be a literal and historical record of true events only, rather than the intention of the writers who delivered the original message with allegory, parables, and metaphors. These original Writers masked the hidden lessons or Truths, within a story, myth, or fable. They didn't have DVD's, movies, Internet, and recorders. They used a passion, a play, a drama, to speak the story mouth to ear until eventually they began to write it down. It had to be entertaining to the masses. It had to draw their attention and help them to remember the hidden Wisdom behind the myth by remembering the story itself. 

The Bible, although a magnificent literary and spiritual artifact, is a composite of multiple myths from multiple civilizations and belief systems gathered, collected, and personalized by the Hebrews in the Old Testament, and Hebrews, Greeks, Egyptians, Persians, and Romans, etc. in the New Testament. The stories have existed since before historical records had begun. But the names, places, people, and geography have been changed to fit the Hebrew people of the time. Then, Roman Empirical powers formed the New Testament myths by combining, editing, changing, adding to, revising, and essentially taking creative license to create a new unified or “universal religion” to bring the empire back together under one system of belief. Keep in mind that the Greek word for universal is “catholico” (Catholic). At the Council of Nicea in 325CE, Emperor Constantine and his council created what would become a new religion known as Christianity. 

Now, back to the original verse from 1 John 4:17. We have to go beyond the letter of the law, and into the Spirit. We also have to go back in time to pre-Roman Christianity. We have to find the “pearl of great price” hidden in the the text. We also have to look at “Jesus” (not yet Christ) as an archetype, or a reflection of each of us. His-story, is our-story.  The story of mankind, becoming awakened to the Divine within. “Jesus” became the Christ. All of us have within us the Divine Spark of God and “AS JESUS IS, SO ALSO ARE WE IN THIS WORLD.”  

We have to awaken or resurrect this Divine within us (our boat/ark) ... which resides in the same way as the pearl lies deep within the oyster. Just as the Apostles went inside the boat to awaken Jesus during the storms and tempest they were experiencing ... so we go within our boat/body and awaken the Christ to carry us through our storms. This is the deeper teaching. It is the Divine within us that helps us to calm the rough seas and high winds we experience here in the Earth plane. 

Symbolically within the texts, we see the “INRI” symbol. This can be found above many crosses and crucifixes of Jesus and stands for the sacred fire. In the Old Testament Book of Exodus, Chapter 3, God reveals himself to Moses through the sign of a burning bush, which miraculously is not consumed by the flames. We also find in the OT Book of Deuteronomy 4:24 “For the LORD your God is a consuming fire ...” In Latin, that fire of the Lord is symbolized by the mantra written at the top of the cross, I.N.R.I., Ignis Natura Renovatur Integra, meaning “fire renews nature incessantly”. That fire is a solar fire; it is the cosmic Krestos, that in order to work, to manifest its power, it does it through the cross. 

Thus, this is something that we must analyze and comprehend, because the cross is formed by two beams, one vertical and the other horizontal. The vertical beam represents the masculine, positive, solar force that emerges from the abstract absolute space, and penetrates the universe when impregnating the matter, which is that other substance which in Sanskrit is called Akash. In other words, what in Sanskrit is called Prana is Christ, the positive energy, and Akash, the passive energy, from the same source. You will also see this symbolism in the Egyptian Ankh. Complete with its womb of the universe at the top of the cross. 

The union of the two originates the universe. So from this point of view, we have to understand that the cosmic Christ is universal and the origin of everything that exists, in any galaxy of matter or anti-matter. The cross is the intersection of Spirit and Matter ... positive and negative ... masculine and feminine. So from the crossing or union of these two forces appears that which we call the universe. Now, the objective for that energy to appear in the universe is to make Consciousness of its own entity in its different aspects. 

Jesus becoming the Christ (karest, christos, krishna, krestus) is an archetype of you and I also becoming one with Christ Consciousness ... the Divine. Jesus said to his followers “you shall do greater things than I.” How is this possible if Jesus is God, as Christianity believes? In the NT Book of John 17:21 Jesus is quoted as praying to the Father/Source and saying “I pray that they may all be ONE, even as Thou art in me, O Father, and I am in Thee; that they also may be in us ...” On a deeper esoteric level, and through modern Quantum Physics, we now know that this statement was nothing other than Truth. We are all one. We are tied together through universal unconsciousness ... the Field. The fiber of the Matrix of the entire universe. There are no "things" ... there is only IT. And we are all an individualized integral element and substance of the entire universal organism. 

The Beatles wrote and recorded a song called “I Am The Walrus.” The song's opening line, “I am he as you are he as you are me and we are all together” which pretty much sums up the concept of Oneness with Source/God. The very word “Jesus” is the Greek (Ieasus) and Latin (Iesus) version of the Hebrew word Joshua (Yehoshua). They are all the same. And from the original Hebrew, the meaning of the word itself in it's entirety (YHSVH) means “God is Saviour.” Just as Yahweh, and Jehovah are transliterations of YHVH ... meaning I am that I am, or I exist. Not the name of God ... but actually being God. 

God is not a name, it is a title. Just as Jesus Christ is a title. The title would be something along the lines of “I AM anointed Saviour, or King.” So, God/Source IS the Saviour is what Yehoshua Messiah (Christ) means. That force within us all that saves us from our base nature ignorant and self-centered ego driven animal being, to the Divine and righteous knowing and illuminated Higher-Self that can connect to, and become part of ... God/Good/Source. Because ALL things have come from ONE SOURCE, all things contain the elements of that Source. This is simple logic. Just as anything made from water, contains water. 

So in closing, “Jesus The Christ” represents ALL of us. Because just as 1 John 4:17 clearly states ... “because AS JESUS IS, SO ALSO ARE WE IN THIS WORLD.” The NT Bible is not merely the story of a man who walked the hills of Galilee, it is OUR story presented in myth in the same way thousands of years of previous civilizations related celestial astrotheology to mankind. Our story, is written in the stars ... and we are made of star stuff. Awaken, and be the Light of the World. 

Just a thought, 

Justin Taylor, ORDM. 

25 July 2021



The word “Pastor” comes from Pa-stor, “Pa” meaning great or father, “Stor” or ASTER meaning Star (Greek word for stars is asteria). Therefore, the etymology of Pastor means the Great Star or the Father Star, or ... Sun God. 

“Minister and Ministry” come from Min and Aster. “Min” was the common ancient term and root of MOON whereas Aster, Stir, Stor all relate to STAR. Thus Minister is “MoonStar.” Monastery, monk, and month have the same origin. This is also where we get “Minute.” 

This is a title that derives from the lunar and stellar cults. This explains why there is a minute hand on a watch. The three hands of a watch relate to the THREE PLANETS associated with TIME. 

The slow hand is the hour hand, meaning “Horus,” representing the SUN. The minute hand is for Min, representing the MOON. And, the swift ticking second hand is for MERCURY, the planet which rotates fastest of all, both around the sun, and on its own orbit. This is why the figure of the god Mercury was depicted with wings on his shoes or feet.

Also, Have you ever wondered how the names of the Days of the Week originated? The Roman people, as did many other ancient civilizations, named the days of the week after the sun, moon and planets, which were considered to be gods.

Sunday Meaning: The Sun's day.

Monday Meaning: The Moon's day.

Tuesday Meaning: Tiw's day; the Old Norse's equivalent to planet and god of Mars. 
Note: Tyr, Old Norse Týr, Old English Tiw, or Tiu, one of the oldest gods of the Germanic peoples and a somewhat enigmatic figure. He was apparently the god concerned with the formalities of war—especially treaties—and also, appropriately, of justice.

Wednesday Meaning: Woden's day: the Old Norse's equivalent to Mercury. 
Note: Woden was widely known as a god of war, but he was important also as a god of learning, of poetry, and of magic. His wife was Frigg, and his children included Thor, Balder, and Tiw. He was identified with the Roman god Mercury, and among Germanic peoples Mercury's day became Woden's day (Wednesday).

Thursday Meaning: Thor's day: Old Norse's equivalent to Jupiter. 
Note: Thor was the most popular of all the gods. He was a god of war and fertility. He created thunder and lightning as he rode over the clouds in a chariot drawn by goats, swinging his hammer Mjöllnir.

Friday Meaning: Frigg's/ Frica's day: Old Norse's equivalent to Venus. 
Note: Frigg is the Queen of Asgard and the highest of the goddesses. She is the goddess of motherhood and is herself the mother of Balder, Hodor and Hermod. ... Frigg is also the goddess of marriage and her name comes from the verb “fríja” meaning “to love.”

Saturday Meaning: Saturn's day. 
Note: Saturn, Latin Saturnus, in Roman religion, the god of sowing or seed. ... In Roman myth Saturn was identified with the Greek Cronus. Exiled from Olympus by Zeus, he ruled Latium in a happy and innocent golden age, where he taught his people agriculture and other peaceful arts. In myth he was the father of Picus.

Astrotheology has played an important role in the history of civilization. Astrotheology is a field of study that explores the role that the stars, sun, moon, and other “heavenly bodies” have played in the formation of various religious systems. This field can study anything from ancient mythological systems utilized by Romans, Greeks, Egyptians, and Sumerians to more modern religions and the origins of various traditions and practices. 

The basic purpose of astrotheology is to study various religious concepts with regard to astronomical objects and how they have influenced these religions and mythological systems. Some of the most basic studies in this field involve ancient mythological systems that often ascribed divine origin or identities to various objects in the sky. From the descriptions above, you will notice that inn these systems, the moon was often described as a feminine figure and the sun was frequently given masculine traits. Various gods and goddesses in different systems were connected to different astronomical bodies, such as the names of nearby planets, and through astrotheology these practices can be better understood.

The observance and concept of God is ever present in the celestial heavens ... seen in annual recurring cycles. The Eternal Universe, regenerating itself, from within itself. A constantly recycling infinite mass of energy of which all of us are within, and a part of. Not as individual members ... things ... but as ONE thing. Eternal bound by the consciousness that brings Life to ALL form.

all existing matter and space considered AS A WHOLE; the cosmos.

“For in him we live, and move, and have our being; as certain also of your own poets have said, For we are also his offspring.”
~ACTS 17:28

Just a thought … 

Justin Taylor, ORDM.

24 July 2021



The Mystical and Metaphysical ways of interpreting ancient sacred Scripture expresses that there was purposefully concealed and hidden within the scriptural allegories, a secret doctrine, a secret doctrine which came from the Ancient Masters under exacting conditions. By using allegory and metaphor, these ancient celestial myths kept the traditions alive through symbolism and buried literary treasure for those seeking higher enlightenment and deeper Truths. As St. Paul said, “the difference between milk and strong meat.” There were the masses who accepted scripture at face value, in a literal and historical sense only, and then there were those select initiates who wanted to understand the esoteric Truths beneath the surface stories. 

These deeper esoteric Truths were highly protected and reserved for approved candidates and initiates into the secret mysteries religions of the day. The secret path to enlightenment, to the Kingdom of Heaven. At the very center, the heart of these mysteries, was the descent of the Logos (the Word) and Divine Mind into all physical matter. Into humanity, as a spark of the Divine Source of all that is. Using the celestial methods of teaching, through myth and allegory, what was revealed was the metaphysical teachings of the descent and incarnation of the Soul into all of mankind … and the Spiritual Evolution and Involution ... the awakening of the dead within the flesh of man during this lifetime ... within every child of God/Source. 

“Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world. By this you know the Spirit of God: every spirit that confesses that CHRIST has come in the flesh is from God; and every spirit that does not confess CHRIST is not from God; this is the spirit of the ANTICHRIST … and now it is already in the world. You are from God … for greater is He who is in you than he who is in the world … The one who knows God listens to us; the one who is not from God does not listen to us. By this we know the spirit of Truth and the spirit of error.”
1 John 4:1-6

This descent or the “fall” of the Soul to Earth, describes metaphorically the descent of God, the Spirit, Divine Mind, Cosmic or Christ Consciousness into the realm of physical matter, or form. This is the temporary home of the Soul during this sojourn on Earth. We come to realize, and recognize this presence of God/Source within all of humanity as the indwelling CHRIST (KRST among the Egyptians, Christos among the Greeks, Krishna among the Hindus). This spark of God, is within each of us, awaiting the awakening and resurrection from the dead within every human being NOW, in this lifetime. This was Paul's original Gnostic Gospel before the Roman Church got their empirical pen and ink on it and changed everything around to suit them and their plans for world domination. Many of Paul's Epistles were later forged, and rewritten as anti-gnostic, and the Roman Church did it's best to rewrite the Ancient Wisdom and secret Mystery Schools that taught the God WITHIN, rather than their Saviour Jesus, who was the only one to become God in the flesh.

“ … because as He is, so are we in this world.”
1 John 4:17

“For IN HIM we live and move and have our being.’ As some of your own poets have said, ‘WE are his offspring.’”
Acts 17:28

Judaism maintained it's Divine Truths about “the Christ” and the “Messiah” through Kabbalah. Paul taught it through Gnosticism, and his Christ and the Divine Spark that was found within each and every man. Paul never knew of a human Jesus. Never taught a word of Jesus' teachings ... never even quoted the Sermon on The Mount. Paul's Jesus, and Rome's Jesus, were clearly different concepts of the ancient celestial and Divine Christ. So many Epistles that have been ascribed to have been written by Paul, came from the quill of Church Scribes with alternative motives. The motives were not to empower people, but to overpower them and control then through this life, the afterlife, and the next life. Research that which you believe. You’ll find empowering lessons contained deep within the surface text. 

Just a thought ... 

~Justin Taylor, ORDM., OCP., DM.

30 June 2021



Among the ancient beliefs of Zoroastrianism, the Persian Magi (Astrologers and Zoroastrian Priests) turned some Hindu concepts around, and with them the Asuras were good, and the Devas bad. “Ahura Mazda,” the god was good, his counterpart “Ahriman” was bad … the “devil” of sorts. So there was now evil and good. Therefore, there was between the god and the devil the waging of a perpetual war. And why not? Man has always been at war with himself, so why not the Gods as well?

Author Gerald Messandé wrote: “The early framework of the three monotheisms [Judaism, Christianity, Islam] had been erected. The Devil’s birth certificate was filled out by an Iranian prophet (Zoroaster).” Although, this is really only partly true, his full birth certificate was filled out by those who had changed the religion to what many contemporary followers of that faith believe today. And also, mixed in a bit from here and there, from among ancient myths and legends - and many other religions and philosophical systems - to create a conglomerate.

Now we move forward to the Hebrew Connection to all of this good/evil, god/satan stuff. Many years after all the changes to Zoroastrianism were made by the Magi, the Hebrew people came into contact with Zoroastrianism during the Babylonian rule, from 597 to 538 BCE. This was now a period after they had been exposed to numerous other beliefs and doctrines from other civilizations while under earlier Assyrian rule. Remember also, that the ancient Hebrews, were not always monotheistic. In their earlier times, they were polytheistic as many others before them were as well. There were Sky Gods, Nature Gods, etc. 

It is from this Babylonian exposure to Zoroastrianism, that Judaism acquired the belief in a dualistic cosmos being torn between the forces of good and evil. It was here that Judaism acquired the concept of angels and, more specifically, their seven Archangels (the Seven Attributes of Ahura Mazda). It was here also, that the Hebrews were exposed to the idea of the evil entity Ahriman (Satan/ha-satan) working directly against God and a Saoshyant (Messiah) who would come at the end of time (Frasho-kereti) to assure and guarantee the restoration of Divine Law to the world.

It is worth noting that the Hebrew word for “angel” is malach, meaning “messenger.” Also note, the same is true for the English word Angel, derived from the Greek word “Angelos,” which also means “messenger.” Throughout Biblical scripture, an Angel, is a messenger of God/Source who carries out the Divine will of the Almighty. There is not one example in the Hebrew scriptures where any Angel, Satan included, “opposes” God’s will. “Satan (or ha-satan)” in Hebrew means “adversary.” (or opposer/accuser)

Now, shortly after Satan’s “birth,” the idea of Hell gained wide acceptance. Prior to this, the official doctrine was that all Hebrew people who died went to Sheol. Sheol was a place of shadows where the world still existed but remained forever out of your grasp. Everyone went to Sheol whether or not they were wicked or holy. Our modern idea of ghosts emerged from this belief. But, technically, it was ultimately “the grave.”

The Persians are also responsible for the doctrines of a “final battle,” a “final judgment,” and the “resurrection of the dead.” From them, the Hebrews developed a scheme of world history, new beliefs about the end of time, and a more extensive set of beliefs concerning Angels. Frankly, the Hebrews had few original ideas.

In fact, all of what you will find in Old Testament scripture (allegory and metaphor) was nothing new or original. It had all been said before, and long before the Hebrews came along. They merely customized earlier stories with their own symbolism, rituals, geography, and names. The same goes for the Roman New Testament as well.

So, returning to where we were ... “Satan” gained a established place in late Hebrew and early Roman Christian thought to explain the sinister reality of sin and suffering in a world whose faith, was believed to be under the wise and beneficent guidance of the Almighty God/Source. Biblically speaking, this concept of Satan, was one of being a Prosecuting Attorney, under employ of the Court of God.

The conception of “the evil one” in his dual aspect of being the enemy of God, enemy of man … even a “fallen Angel” can be traced way back to its origins in much earlier religions, and is based entirely upon mythology. Just remember, under all of the stories, fables, metaphors, allegories, parables, and myth … is hidden much deeper lessons for the spiritual advancement of man. This evil one, is none other than the human ego. The one who chooses to either be in alignment with the default of goodness, or stand in opposition to it. 

The ancient Greek root word “mythos” is not as we see the word “myth” today. Today, we see see and use the word “myth” and the meaning we have attached to it is that “it never happened,” or “it’s just a meaningless fable, or urban legend.” But that was not the original concept by the Greeks. There was always something hidden under the guise of a myth that was much more important than the story itself. I will wrap this up with one of my favourite quotes from Joseph Campbell:

“A myth is something that never was, yet always is.”

Research everything you’ve been taught. Question everything you believe, and why you believe it. There is always something more to the story than meets the eye ... and the word. 

Just a thought ... 

Justin Taylor, ORDM. 



Religious beliefs, teachings, and dogmas have a tendency to create separation of Higher-Self (the Divine) from Source because these beliefs tend to discourage a full direct and meaningful experience of Source that is within all of us. God/Source is inside each and every one of us. And this understanding, this knowing and full acceptance is what is needed at these difficult times. A healing of the separation of Source is needed to reconnect all of us to Source, and as a result to each other.

Know and understand and accept that we are never separate or separated from Source. There is a God Essence and Source within all of us. Within everything. This is always the case. By relying on an outside agency or institution to manage this relationship for you, you are turning away from that God Source within you. Remember, what you are looking for is what is looking. 

You do not need to rely on and reach to outside and external sources as it is unnecessary. In essence, religion and its varying dogmas and doctrines teach you how to turn away from this God/Source that all of us have WITHIN us, by relying on an external God, and denying the internal essence. 

This lowers your energy vibration and does not help with your Christ Consciousness process. You can be blessed within ... and do not need to rely on others outside of you to bless you in this way. Relying on others gives away your control and freedom, as it implies separation. There is no separation as we are all One, we are all Source. When you see this for what it is, you can be ready to be blessed by Source directly. Also, remember the word “blessing” comes from the Greek word “eulogia,” which literally means “to speak highly of someone.” Just like at a funeral, the one speaking goodness of the deceased is delivering a Eulogy.

Understanding and accepting this Truth will serve your ascension of consciousness well. You must understand and accept yourself as a part of, and an essence of, God/Source ... and that the blessings will come directly from Source. We are all going to eventually merge back to Source when we are ready. This is what “Christ Consciousness” is all about.

Imagine Source as if a body of water, and you are a cup of that water experiencing life in that water on Earth. But that cup is still Source, that cup is still you, with your own separate and distinct energy resonance and vibrational frequency. Mind, is One. All is Mind. The Universe (YOUniverse) is mental.

There is nothing else that is required, just the recognition of You, for the magnificent being of Source Energy that we are. This is what living in Christ Consciousness is all about. When you know and understand and accept this Truth, you have resurrected the Divine within - the offspring - the Christ Consciousness. 

Religion has hidden this Truth from you through dogma, illusions, false teachings, and deceptions. It is time now to find this Truth. When you know this as Truth in your heart and Soul, these illusions and false truths disappear. You will stand in your Truth, light, and in your own knowing.

Every soul that incarnates on Earth is an innocent and pure Soul Essence. There are never bad experiences, just lessons and manifestations from the choices we make. We come to Earth School to learn these lessons, and to grow and develop spiritually. That is why we are here. Too many times, we waste these vast opportunities we have to evolve our Soul and Divine Essence. 

Christianity’s dogma of original sin is not true, and causes fear and disempowerment, due to the false understanding that there is an external God sentencing us for our sins and mistakes. Nothing can be further from the Truth. In addition, this unnecessary fear causes separation from the recognition of our Source within. As we are separated, our energy vibration is lowered when our goal is to raise it. “The Kingdom of Heaven/God is within you.” Remember, “God keeps no records of wrong” ... “His mercies are new every morning.”

If we feel that God/Source is external to us, we fear it, do not see it, and this causes separation. Not seeing this causes us to be blinded as our power is given away due to the false understanding of a fearful God living in the clouds on a golden throne that simply does not exist in this imagery. Not only does this manifest separation from Source within, but we are filled with fear that God will punish us for something we have done, or haven’t done. God never, ever, punishes. The Bible stories are allegorical myths, not to be taken literally. Look to the deeper esoteric messages. God/Source is inside us and loves us all immensely. We manifest our thoughts into form, so if we feel fear and guilt in a vengeful God, that is what we will experience in our reality. And both fear and guilt lowers our energy vibration to that of base nature. There is no benefit. This way of thinking does not serve us.

Through this type of process, we have given up our agency, control, and power. Be careful of religious institutions that are corrupted by false dogmas, teachings, and doctrines. Original Sin does not exist and was invented to enslave the masses. We do not need to rely on an external God. Look within for salvation ... salvation from ignorant thinking and actions. The light within will shine on the Truth, and all illusion will dissipate. Saviour Self.

We will find our God Essence within us, not without us. We need to remove ourself from this hindering external belief systems, and raise our vibration from the destructive base nature frequency of fear - and to love, as God/Source is pure Love. We experience and create what we think, feel, and choose. Our thinking manifests as energy and will manifest into thought form. And if we are projecting a frightening God and sin, then we are scared and become more and more bound to the dogma of the various religions that control us ... which leads us to being a subservient puppet. It is time to stand up in our light and in our Truth.

Eliminate fears of a vengeful and frightening God and eliminate separation from Source Energy / God Essence. Our ascension will serve us well by realizing and accepting these Truths. We will experience our own revelation and resurrection when we release ourselves from the control and manipulations of religions that do not serve the highest and best good. The Kingdom of Heaven is within us ... as is Source.

Forgiveness and redemption will not come to us through religious dogma and rituals. We must develop our own internal relationship with Source. Look within to find our Source Essence. It is there. It always has been. And it is the same within ALL ... as we are all One in God/Source. Always be in a state of forgiveness, thanksgiving, and gratitude. and do not rely on the need for others to forgive you. You are not responsible for the spiritual journey of other.

Forgiveness is for you, not for the other person. It releases you from the burden. As you continue to forgive, you are developing a closer relationship with Source. Remember that we are ultimately Source as we are all One. Only we have the power to make changes to ourself. This is all done through our thinking. When we understand this and accept this, we live in Christ Consciousness and reclaim our power back. We rise up to the glory that is US, to the powerful and illuminating I AM Presence inside our Soul. We find the God Self within us. Our Higher Consciousness. 

Be careful also of martyrdom religious beliefs. Jesus did not come to suffer for humanity so that we can all be saved and thus be forgiven by God/Source by dying on the cross. Once again, these are allegorical and celestial myths ... with deeper hidden teachings. Composite teachers, sages, and shamans taught us how to live in the Christ Consciousness long before the story of the man from the hills of Galilee. Jesus, representing a higher being of Light for us ... he represented for the common man the Truth of the Christ Consciousness that had been known for centuries among Royalty and the Elite. 

A martyr can never result in the forgiveness of others because this would violate the Universal Law of Karma (Cause and Effect). You cannot escape your own karma and no savior will remove it for you. That would be cheating the Universal Law of Karma. This would violate people’s free will and take away the karmic responsibilities of everyone. We are not punished FOR our sin but BY our sin ... negative consequences of wrong thinking, feeling and choosing ... and wrongful action. 

Believing that Jesus or any of the other previous Godmen died for the sins of humanity has bred the belief of a saviour. There is only one saviour and that saviour is you. You are the only one that can save yourself (saviour self). You do this by living in Christ Consciousness, by understanding and accepting your own Divinity. People need to be aware and be responsible for their own actions and this false religious belief takes this onus away ... as now they feel that Jesus is their saviour and took upon him their karma. This cannot be. If you wholeheartedly believe that Jesus died for our sins, then why is there so much “sin” in our world 2,000+ years later? Either this teaching is false, or he failed. You choose.

Every person needs to be responsible for their own actions and their own karma. This is Universal Immutable Law. This is how we grow, develop, and learn. The story of the crucifixion of Jesus was to breed martyrdom, fear, and a sense of obligation to be subservient to the dogmas of early Roman Christianity. These were not the original teachings of the Great Mysteries. 

This was done to keep people in fear and by doing so, take their power from them and put it in someone else's hands. Holy Men and Hierophants have tried to share the Christ Consciousness with others for millennia, to show others how to connect with their Inner Source Essence ... or God. We are our own savior, and the only thing we need to be saved from is illusion, ignorance, and negative emotions and actions. 

It is the full knowing, the full understanding, and full acceptance and integration and the BEING of Source vibration while we are in our physical body. “He who denies Christ came in the nobody is an anti-Christ.” Not in HIS body, but in THE body ... ours. It is being awakened to our true Self, to our Divinity. We are all an individualized essence and part of Source. And Source is a part of us ALL. We must understand and accept this Truth. That is how powerful we really are. That is how beautiful we are. When we realize this, then we are living in and with Christ Consciousness. That is when Life can change for us. That is when ascension will happen for us. We become fully awakened to the beautiful Source being that we are, and all of us will eventually return to Source when we have completed this incarnation and Life experience.

You are living knowing that Source is a part of you, that Source is in you, that you are part of Source, as that cup of water discussed above. Find your Christ Consciousness within and find your Source within.  Do not resort to devotion or worship to religion or a vengeful God that does not exist ... but find the self-realization within.

There is no separation. We are all One. By realizing the Christ Consciousness within, you are then forgiven for your so called “sins” (karmic transgressions and wrong thinking) automatically through recognition of your own true nature as Beings of Source. This is important to understand because then we realize that we are our own saviour. 

No other being will be saving us. We are the ones we have been waiting for. What you are looking for, is what is looking. When this is understood and accepted, there is a freedom from all religious dogmas that do nothing but to entrap one in unnecessary guilt, religious obligations and subservience to religious institutions. Then the shackles of oppression and control can be removed and our I AM Presence can be seen and we have risen.

You then realize that Jesus is representative and the full embodiment of the Christ Consciousness ... our Saviour within. This is a Truth, a Truth that was hidden from us for thousands of years to control us ... and designed to manipulate us through fear by false religious institutions serving their own purposes. As soon as you discover the Christ within, the Source Awareness, you WILL realize that you are your own saviour.  Be your Source. Be your Saviour. Be You. Be love as Source is Love. Be One will all things in this universe. All is one, and one is all.

Just a thought ... 

Justin Taylor, ORDM.