As I look back through the years, I realize one thing that is evidently clear. That one thing is: "I am not the person I was many years ago." Not even close. I know for a fact that I have evolved to a level of greater understanding, compassion, Wisdom, Truth, and appreciation for all things in this vast universe within and without us.
I have come to accept that people who knew me back in the early days of my career will remember me exactly the way was the day I left that industry. Funny how time is like a picture snapped and frozen until we replace that image with something new ... and hopefully improved.
What puzzles me most is that many people we encounter have NOT changed at all over the years. In some cases, they have even regressed. Perhaps they don't know how to move forward and onward to a better and higher level of consciousness ... or perhaps, they are too comfortable in their lower nature ways. After all, its familiar to them.
Why cause trouble for people? Why be angry, mean, hurtful, and in some cases downright evil? What does it gain them (or anyone else) ... other than to fuel the fire within that darkness where they are stuck.
Of the worlds 7 billion estimated inhabitants, over 2/3 of them believe in a higher power, a Source of all things ... a God. So I have to ask, if there is a higher power, then the force of love is the only thing that can create and move things forward. Anything else is devolution and destructive, rather than evolution and constructive.
Given our understanding of this Universal Truth, then I can only arrive at one conclusion. Either there is no God, or billions of people choose evil ways against their fellow man rather than right thinking and goodness. I choose not to accept there is no universal power we call God. So then it must be wrong-choices.
Every single day I must affirm that which I want to manifest in my Life, and detach from the things I do not want. I am still affected by outside karma and unwise decisions of others ... cause and effect ... but I do not have to add my own ignorance and unwillingness for change to this experience and the Field of Consciousness.
If you want change, then be the change. When we all re-member, become whole (holy), and become the one consciousness that we truly are ... then we will experience what the ancients referred to as "Peace On Earth (matter)," and the "Kingdom of Heaven (spirit)" ... and when the two become One ... the humanity experiment will be complete and successful.
Think right, do right, be right ... for all of us and for our children and future generations. There are currently only 3 Kingdoms ... Animal, Plant, and Mineral. It is up to us to establish the Human Kingdom.
Just a thought ...
~Justin Taylor, ORDM.