14 August 2015

Revelation of Evil

Revelation of Evil

When we go within, as in meditation, many times we receive messages from beyond. In the stillness of Spirit ... in the silence ... that small voice of inspiration and intuition within our subconscious and superconscious mind finds it's way through all the clutter of our conscious mind and it's daily routine. 

In the NT Bible we find a very powerful message concerning these messages:

"But you, when you pray, enter into your closet and lock your door, and pray to your father who is in secret, and your Father who sees in secret will reward you in public."
~Book of Matthew 6:6

This verse deals not with a literal closet, a literal door, a literal father (lower case f), and a literal Father (upper case F). 

The deeper esoteric meaning of this verse which is cloaked and veiled in metaphor, is the following:

"But you, when you pray ..."
This is your Self, the Higher aspect of your consciousness. This prayer, is a connection to Higher Self, contemplation and meditation. 
"enter your closet and lock your door ..."
Your closet is your inner world. Within your Soul. Your deeper consciousness. The lock, is to close out the outer world. To isolate yourself from conscious distractions. 
"pray to your father who is in secret ..."
Meditate, contemplate, to your (f)ather ... your Soul, your Spirit essence of who you really are.  In secret is the isolation ... away from all distractions. Just you, and You. The me, myself, and I AM. 
"and your Father who sees in secret will reward you in public."
This (F)ather is what we would call God, the Highest Power, the Source Energy ... the Origin of ALL. This Divine Spark is latent within all of mankind. It is your default ... before your ego gets in the way of the original programming. Your reward in public is the outward manifestation of all that is good and beneficial.

Now, knowing this ... I would like to share a recent revelation that I received concerning evil. Remembers also that "revelation" means to reveal, to uncover, to unveil that which exists but is hidden. This also is the Greek word "apocalypse" which has been frequently mistranslated and misunderstood. An apocalypse is not the end of the world, or total mass destruction as many believe it to be. Scripturally, it is simply an unveiling of hidden Wisdom. 

While in my "closet" I was contemplating the meaning and purpose of evil. I am aware that good and evil are two sides of one coin and must coexist in order for us to freely choose what it is that we desire. We are co-creators in this universe and we have free will to choose what we wish to create. 

Now we go in reference to the OT Bible:

"I [am] Jehovah, and there is none else, Except Me there is no God, I gird thee, and thou hast not known Me. So that they know from the rising of the sun, And from the west, that there is none besides Me, I [am] Jehovah, and there is none else, Forming light, and preparing darkness, Making peace, and preparing evil, I [am] Jehovah, doing all these things.’
~Book of Isaiah 45:5-7

If you are lead to believe ancient scripture, then this verse is very clear that there is only God (Source) ... the Father of ALL. This cannot be denied in the above reference. Jehovah (YHWH/Yahweh) makes it perfectly clear there is "none other." God forms light, prepares darkness, makes peace, and prepares evil. "All these things." The very same teachings can be found among many world religions before and after the Hebrew scriptures of the OT Bible. So, what does this mean?

It means that the totality of the universe is One. One living organism in which there are countless individualized elements emanating from One Source in the same way there are countless rays emanating from the sun. All is one and One is ALL. From this great Mind comes all that springs forth in form ... manifest in material existence. Matter (Mother) is nothing more than the lowest vibrating frequencies of energy. The Source of all of this energy can be found within us and without us. There is no where that is not an essence of the Source. In the same way as water comes from the source of water, we come from the Source of ALL.

When we say "I got an idea" ... you are actually the receiver of what is already existing in Universal Unconsciousness. You received the idea in the same way as a radio receives a radio station. The frequency is matched, and a connection is made. This now brings me full circle with the reason for this article.

As I was in "receiving" mode during mediation, and asking what the meaning of evil was ... I received an answer. One that deeply moved me and connected with Truth. The vibration and the frequency "struck a chord" and reverberated with my heart and soul. Here is what I was told:

"Evil (bad) ... is unfinished good." 

Wow. So simple ... yet so moving. Let's say that a fire starts in my kitchen. This is BAD. Then, I use a water source and extinguish the fire ... this is GOOD. What started off bad (unfinished good) ... ended in good (finished/completed). Our thoughts begin the process of manifesting into form that which we desire to create. The default of nature is to move forward ... to move towards completion ... moment by moment. Life is a series of snapshots placed along a continuous string of events and experiences. Good and Bad (Evil) are two sides of a coin ... two polarities of ONE Principle. They show contrast and allow us the discernment to choose to right from wrong ... good from bad ... or vice-versa. 

When something Evil or Bad is in process ... it is unfinished good ... yet to be completed. The end result is left to our free-will and the choices we make. But if it ends in "Bad" ... it is because the process has not yet been completed. What goes up, must come down. A circle must complete in 360 degrees. Everything in existence is waves of frequencies going up and down ... like waves of the ocean. When we think something is a "bad ending" ... it is because we are under the illusion that it has ended. It is still in process. 

I close with one final thought. "Be thankful in ALL things" is another scriptural verse that reminds us of this concept. Be thankful IN ... not FOR all things. You see, some just diagnosed with cancer has plenty of thinks to be thankful IN. There are treatments, doctors, medicines, caring people, and family members to help. Even tragedies ... such as a child lost to a drunk driver. For one mother in particular, this led to the start of Mother Against Drunk Drivers (MADD) and as an end result ... many lives were saved in the process. Bad ... to good. Completeness. 

Someone asks "how do you feel?" You reply "awesome" ... end of story. You have no need to offer the "why." Yet ... if you reply with "horrible" ... they will ask you what is wrong? You are in the process of reaching awesome, yet there are obstructions placed in the path. This is why you are not feeling well/complete. We can't ride a bicycle backwards ... live moves forward ... click by click, frame by frame. Make "awesome" your goal and the evil and bad will dissipate upon completion of goodness. For ALL.

Just a thought ... 

~Justin Taylor, ORDM., OCP., DM.