12 March 2015

Loss of Spiritual Interest

Loss of Spiritual Interest

Most of my writings deal with spiritual, philosophical, metaphysical, and emotion based subjects. In short, world religions and philosophy. My main social media for employing my articles is my Genesology Blogs and Facebook. I write and post daily, and sometimes multiple times per day. My articles may get 2 or 3 likes, and perhaps people are reading them and NOT liking them simply for what they are. I understand this and I am ok with it. My friend Rick Pinette once told me, if you want to learn, then teach. He was correct. As he was most of the time. So I followed his advice. I write my article so that I may further learn, and if someone else benefits from the knowledge and Truth that I share, then bonus. 

Granted. most of my subject matter is for deep reading and thought. Anything from ancient Wisdom, to Quantum Physics. But there is one thing that remains constant. And that is a total lack of interest from the general public. I too, had gone through a phase of having no interest whatsoever in the spiritual aspect of my life. I figured out the reasoning for it. I simply didn't believe it. Everything I had been raised to believe as a Greek Orthodox youth, to attending a Catholic High School just seemed to be ancient fable and myth, with no empowerment.

I was raised on Christianity simply because I was born into it. As we are all raised on the religious beliefs we are born into. If my parents were Muslim, I would've been Muslim. If my parents were Agnostic, I would've been Agnostic, and so on. Much in the same was as if you are born in California, you would be a Californian. But we must remember these to be merely labels. They are not who and what we truly are. they are programmed and geographic experiences and we are not out experiences. We are the ones who are experiencing. We are the Observer within, the Watcher ... the spirit who is experiencing. Science and Physics have both proven that all things we consider to be tangible physical matter, are in fact vibrational frequency and electrical energy. For those who have watched the Matrix Movie ... "there is no spoon." The conversation went like this:

Spoon boy: Do not try and bend the spoon. That’s impossible. Instead … only try to realize the Truth.
Neo: What Truth?
Spoon boy: There is no spoon.
Neo: There is no spoon?
Spoon boy: Then you’ll see, that it is not the spoon that bends, it is only yourself.

It is the basic premise of the entire movie. Once you realize that the limitations you believe exist are only in your mind, then you can do anything because those limitations actually do not exist. In this dialogue, actually bending a spoon begins in your mind. But its amazing what you can actually do if you take yourself out of the mindset that “x” is not possible. All is mental. The entire universe is created and experienced through the Law of Mentalism. 

Because the churches, temples, and mosques, have built a following of sheeple rather than empowered human beings, most people have no concept of the immense power they have within them no only to change their own reality, and the reality of those around them ... but the entire world through the collective unconscious Matrix fiber of oneness ... unity and connection of all things. 

We are ALL co-creators of this world experience. We should look back in reference only, but be moving forward with the changes that will better all of mankind. We should lead by Spirit, that spark of Source Energy that we call God, and not be led by ego. The ego is our servant, not our friend. It is the radar on our ship. It is not the guidance system. The ego screams at us while that still small voice of reason within whispers the beneficial instructions and directions that we should be following. 

Most of the religious systems of the world have failed to deliver the Truth of which they were first commonly based in. And that is, that we are divine. All things originating from the same Source have an essence of that Source within them. It can be no other way. This is immutable Law. If you plant an apple seed, you will get an apple tree. In fact, you will eventually get an orchard. Be careful what seeds you plant in your mind an in your thoughts. Eventually, they will manifest in form. This is also Law. Two tigers cannot bring forth a frog. What you plant in your mental garden is what you will harvest. Be careful, pick the weeds, water the thoughts, and care for that garden. And remember, the garden will eat not of it's fruit ... you will. It is for you. 

Take it upon yourself to research and study who you really are. You are an eternal spiritual being having a momentary material existence. This is to bring you closer to the Divine Source of where you can from and with a better understanding of all the positive and negative polarities that are also part of universal Law. The more that we experience, and discern what is good for all and bad for all, the higher our consciousness will ascend. The goal of any ancient system of Philosophy and Wisdom was "apotheosis" which in Greek means to become as God. To reunite with the oneness of all things and to eradicate and dissipate the illusion of separation and other.

My journey has taken me from believer, to agnostic, to atheist, to deist, to Gnostic, and through Kabbalah and Buddhism, among many other studies. Once you come to the realization that most things of scripture never really happened literally, you throw it all out and take the atheist door. But if you go further ... if you dig deeper ... you find the allegorical and metaphorical Truths that lay below the surface stories of literal and historical myth. You find the pearl in the oyster, without throwing the whole thing away. Ancient scripture has hidden (apocalyptic) Truth meant to be discovered by anyone who has eyes to see or ears to hear. If gold was laying on top of the surface of the earth, it would not have as much value. It's the mining and refining that gives it power. It's when all the impurities are burned off, that we find the real gold that was mined from within the birth cave. 

Do not let your religious upbringing lead you away from your goal in this incarnation. Learn who you are, take interest in who you are, find who you are by looking within. People frequently claim that they are traveling the world "to find themselves" when the Truth is that themselves is INSIDE of them ... not outside. It was once said: "what you are looking for, is what is looking." Do not ignore your spiritual needs simply because you were misled, misinformed, abused, hurt, or had any other negative polarity experience in a spiritual environment. Move forward. Study and discern the Truth. You will know when you re-member what you believe to be learning. All things are already known. We just have to re-connect to the Source of All There Is. 

Just a thought ... 

~Justin Taylor, ORDM., OCP., DM.