18 January 2021



The fact is that the Language of the Universe is not English or any other “spoken” language on the planet. This is unfortunate, because it would seem our lives would be easier if we had direct verbal, speaking contact with the Divine Source. However, as it stands the Language of the Universe is one of vibration, feeling and symbolism. This is how God/Source talks to us and we can learn how to receive and decipher these communications from the Universe with some self-study and observation. There are Matrix of Consciousness transmitters and receivers going on 24/7. This is the Field. 

To start with, you have to come to the realization that the Universe is sending you (and everyone else) messages 24/7 whether you are awake or asleep. The incoming communication never stops. Source Energy is guiding you at all times - guiding you with information that comes through your physical body, through your emotions, through imagery in your mind, through your dreams, through your sixth sense (intuition), and any other way that you can be creative about receiving it. When we get an “idea” ... it isn't really ours, or “new,” it's that we are the receivers of that particular message and we have been assigned to act upon it.

This means that Source Energy / God, can converse with you through absolutely any means on Earth that your own mind can conceive of obtaining these means. Because vibration (One of the Universal Immutable Laws) is one of the tools the Universe uses to communicate. It can alter various vibrations in any way It deems necessary to catch your attention. 

This means that a song on the radio, an animal, an brief encounter at a store or coffee shop, a book or even a conversation you overhear can be a dispatch from Divine Source - a “sign” meant for you. The Greek word for "messenger" is "Angelos" which we translate in English to Angel. So, an Angel, is anything that is delivering to you a specific message ... meant for YOU. The messages never stop - so pay attention to what catches your senses, and realize this is The Divine’s way of whispering in your ear ... it's that “still small voice” that never yells to get your attention in the way that your ego does. 

The Universe delivers its messages in limitless ways. Surely you have had some sort of experience - a sign, an omen, a coincidence or even synchronicities occurring in your life. Pay close attention to time, and to the numbers as well for synchronicity. This is one of the ways in which Source communicates with you. Have you been able to receive, interpret, and understand the message(s)? These messages are usually symbolic in nature. Understanding this symbolic messaging was an entire level of the Ancient Mystery Schools Teachings thousands of years ago, taught and learned among the initiates through years of preparation and understanding.

The grades or levels of the teachings among the initiates of the Ancient Mystery Schools were designed in order to help create a healthy foundation and show how to live in a balanced, harmonious, reverent and abundant way ... regardless if there is a storm or sunshine in your life. Each level (4 levels, each taking 7 years to complete) offered a different perspective or way in which to view everyday occurrences and events. These initiates and graduates took these Inner Mystery teachings very seriously. It was Life-changing ... and for many - Life long.

Everyone among the ancient societies and Mystery Schools had to attend the first level called the Literal Level (exoteric). It was in this presentation that people learned about the nature of reality here on Earth - about vibration, energy, chakra's, auric fields, plant life, the animal kingdom and elemental life. Here they learned that everything on the planet has a vibration and how they interact as one large reflection of The Whole (holy). All is one, and one is All ... The All - God or Source.

The second level was all about understanding symbolism, because these very wise ancient peoples knew that the Absolute/Source/God was speaking to them, and through them, in a metaphorical and allegorical way at all times. Seven years of symbolic teaching. Imagine how this would change your life to instantly know and understand the symbolic meaning of every communication emanating from Source Energy.

Learning symbolism will change you life from the inside out. You will come to the realization that God / Spirit / All That Is / Source is communicating with you and the magic of your Life as a Spiritual Being will begin to understand the Language of the Universe. We are NOT a body, we HAVE a body. We are Eternal Spirit having a physical experience while we are here in this incarnation. In Truth, the body and everything else is actually IN us ... projecting outward through the light of consciousness. 

Because we as a society have not been taught this Ancient Wisdom and Symbolism from birth, one of the easiest way for us now to learn the Language of the Universe is through dream interpretation, meditation, and contemplative prayer. Our minds already accept that we dream in a symbolic manner, so it is easy to slip into the translation of waking times symbolic events and signs, by first becoming aware of dream symbols and their meanings. The Mind knows no difference between what is “real” and what is a “dream.” The experience is the same to the Mind. After all, our entire life is experiences in our heads. This is where all of our sensory systems operate. Therefore, we can never personally experience anything outside of the inside of our Mind and brain. 

Knowing the symbols is part of the ancient Mystery School Teachings that you can use as a tool to begin to see the deeper meaning behind everything in Life. Understanding how Source/God/Consciousness is touching your life everyday is an eye-opening and humbling experience. 

In the days of old, there were two presentations of spiritual Truths. One was for the masses presented as drama or passion play ... the exoteric literal-historical stories. These were the “Outer Mysteries.” For those who showed promise, and realized there was more to the fables, legends, and myths than just stories, they set out as initiates into the Inner Mysteries. This was where they found the hidden Truths buried beneath the stories, parables, metaphors, and allegories. The apocalypse, or revelation ... the unveiling of that which was once hidden, 

This is the buried treasure. The pearl in the oyster. The diamond in the coal. The underlying foundation of all world religions was founded on the principle that the Spark of the Almighty known for more than 10,000 years is ... the Christ. The Karest. The Sacred Fire that is planted within each and every human being that must be found, accepted, and resurrected IN THIS life ... not in the afterlife. This was the message credited to Jesus of the New Testament when he said: “The Kingdom of God/Heaven is within you.” Wake up ... there’s a brave new world inside of you.

Just a thought ...