18 April 2015

Message Interference, Turbulence, And Disturbances

Message Interference, Turbulence, And Disturbances

Lately, strange as it may seem for some, I have been receiving powerful spiritual and philosophical messages from within. These messages are sent in certain frequency and vibration and are intended for a specific receiver. So many times we are in-tune with the wrong frequency and we miss the message intended for us to receive. It's sort of like listening to the wrong radio station and expecting to win the contest. 

Looking at the very word "message" we find it's etymology in the Greek. The Greek word is "Angelos" and is translated into English as "Angel." So an Angel ... can be a messenger ... with a specific message intended for you to receive at that moment. It may come from within, it may come from the lady at the grocery store, it may come as an experience ... but we must be on the lookout for it, and we must be in the right vibe to download it. 

Everyone on this planet is on their own individual journey, but we are all connected as ONE through the matrix of universal consciousness ... inseparable and indivisible entity. The whole of the universe is within you and without you. We are all part of the great machine. This unified organism is Source Energy for all things. This is what we may call God/The All. The world is under the illusion that everything is separate, people, animals, trees, elements, planets ... all is ONE. When you learn and accept this Truth ... you will be made FREE.

This Source/God is within all of us and all things. It is the Divine Spark ... our Christ Consciousness needing to be resurrecting in Truth. It lays dormant under hostage of the ego. The ego is our physical radar system and serves a great purpose in our life ... but it was never designed to lead us. It is fear-based and always on the lookout for conflict. Spirit, on the other hand, is based in love and safety. It can never lead us wrongly because of it's default programming. Just like our subconscious mind runs the entire physical system of our body, Spirit is meant to guide us through this experience and learn the lessons intended for us to learn. 

Remember this: "In SCHOOL, we are taught lessons and then given a test. The opposite is true in LIFE. Here, we are given a test ... and then taught lessons." Nothing leaves us until we have learned the lesson. It is always best to pay attention to the message ... so that we can get each lesson out of the way as soon as we can. This will lead to less suffering, and a better understanding. 

Forget what you have been taught in the churches, temples, and mosques. These are the Outer Mysteries and cannot transform your life. The Ancient Wisdom is about the Inner Mysteries ... the stories contained in allegory that are transformative and can bring about a total metamorphosis from your lower base nature self to your Higher Divine Self. This is where the sin dies. This is where the wrong thinking and wrong actions die. World religions by taking events as literal and historical have set themselves against each other. Thousands of years ago, all world religions were unified ... unity without uniformity. They had a clear understanding that the Source/God was within all things. 

I'm learning to put my ego in it's place. Allow Spirit to lead. In this way, I have compassion, love, caring, and understanding for all of mankind and nature. It's the good stuff that is based in Love, and the bad stuff that is based in Fear. But know this ... fear, although it seems very real, is an illusion. It is a construct of mind and ego. All of life regenerates ... experiences constant re-genesis through particle attraction ... the love of energy elements. 

Proton, electrons, neurons, atoms, molecules, quarks, all attracting and reproducing in an effort to move mankind and the universe forward. Evolution and involution are the default. We can't ride a bicycle backwards, or turn back the clock of time. Learn your lesson, then put it down. Stopping carrying around the hurts, hangups, and negative experiences. Listen ... YOU ARE NOT YOUR EXPERIENCES. You are the one who is observing, watching, experiencing ... but you are not the experience itself. 

Your Soul is in the Spirit realm and you are operating this material body from that realm. You are eternal spirit energy, having a physical experience. You are God/Source, experiencing the universe ... all of life ... through you, with you, as you. This is the Wisdom of the ages. This is what religion does not want you to know. You are made of star stuff, the the entirety of the universe is within you. All of life is experienced INSIDE YOU. In your five sense centers of your brain. I am in you, and you are in me. And so is that elephant. 

Listen for the messages being sent to you from within. If they are good, beneficial to all, and True ... then act upon these messages. Protect the gate to your mind. Our thoughts, build our reality. It can be no other way. Listen to that still small voice within for guidance, not the screaming ego ... and you will tune in to the right frequency to receive it. Know that only LOVE is real. All else is illusion. When the light of love is shined on the darkness, the darkness will dispel and dissipate. 

Always walk in the light. You'll stub your toes a lot less.

Just a thought, 

~Justin Taylor., ORDM., OCP., DM.