19 April 2015

Our Mythical Babylonian View Of God Must Change

Our Mythical Babylonian View Of God Must Change

To sum up what we know about “God” we must begin with a deconstruction of the typical “Christian” view of God as an old man with a long white beard who resides somewhere “up there” and every now and then interferes with events here on earth. This view of “God” descends directly from the Babylonian and Sumerian view of Nanna-Suen the moon god.

The Old man with the long white beard was also how the Canaanites and the people of Ugarit pictured their god El.  Michelangelo immortalized that “pagan” view of “God” for western Christianity in his Sistine chapel paintings.  

Throughout history mankind has created his “gods” in his own image, but such an image of “God” is borderline infantile, definitely inaccurate, and if I were a religious person I would call it down right blasphemous. 

“God,” or whatever quantum activity out there that performs the functions we think of as “God,” is too vast and ephemeral (i.e. non physical, non-local) to be contained within a human-looking body, no matter how large we want to make that body. 


Rather, it appears that each one of us might well be part god, or have some smidgen of the essence of “God” within our very beings. We are all nothing but collections of oscillating waves vibrating on specific frequencies, and that our material existence is nothing more than an expression of these vibrations at these specific frequencies.  

In fact, all particles in the universe, all stars, and all galaxies, are precisely that—collections of oscillating waves whose physical manifestations are nothing more than the expression of these vibrations at specific frequencies. 

We also know that every particle in the universe, and every molecule, is in constant communication with every other particle and molecule in the universe at the quantum level.  All are involved in interconnectivity. This is the matrix. 

Something of this sort is what Yeshu’a ben Yusuf (Jesus) must have meant when he said “I am in that rock, I am in that piece of wood.”  In other words, we are all “God” and “God” is in all things, even the rocks and the pieces of wood. And, this, of course, is just another way of expressing “deism.” His words and descriptions were confined to the limitations of language and communications in those days.


So, I ask ... is the universe a giant quantum computer of which we all are components? Is that giant quantum computer “God?” And, this very important question: If the universe is a quantum computer, and that quantum computer is “God,” did it (God) come into being with the big bang? Did it come into being at the creation of the universe? Did it create itself? Or, was there something else already in existence? An Observer perhaps?

Quantum mechanics teaches us that all particles exist in every possible state until observed (or measured), only then do they assume the state that we deem as their correct physical manifestation ... AFTER observation. 

If there is any validity to quantum mechanics and quantum physics, then the same principle must have held true for the universe just prior to the big bang. We have found that the universe began as a primitive, pure, intense quantum state that existed in an infinitesimal point of space and time—a moment when all matter potentiality, all space, and all time, existed as one thing, one quantum state.  

We have further learned that quantum states and mind are one and the same thing. Quantum fluctuations are the stuff of consciousness and will. And, so, now, we find that this “mind stuff” was the beginning point of the universe—the stuff that out of a formless void created everything that was created.  

We find that in the beginning, there was this quantum potentiality. We discover that in the beginning, there was the Quantum Mind, a first cause, itself time-independent and non-local, that created space-time and matter/energy (earth/heaven).


We have seen that our universe came into being in an explosive expansion of potential states described by quantum theory. In an instant, the mind of the cosmos created our universe in a thought, in a conscious act of will. We have found that what we once had thought was an independent and objective physical world is in fact contingent upon the observer.  In other words, the quantum view of matter requires the presence of an observer ... and all is energy at different vibrating frequencies all interlaced and interwoven with everything as one organism ... one giant mind.


So what is “God”? And, where does “he” reside?  “God” is pure mind, quantum mind, will, and consciousness, he exists independent of, and outside of, our physical universe, space, and time, and yet “he” is also at the same time “in” our universe in the form of the Zero Point field, or quantum computer that is the universe. How's that?

It is this conclusion that has led believers in this unified force field that serves as a data base for all of our actions and thoughts, and even serves as a back-up hard drive for portions of our memory (The Book of Life/Akashic Record). And, it is to this energy field that we (that is our consciousness) return(s) after we die.

And the students asked, “Where is the kingdom of heaven?                                                                                        

And Yeshu’a said, “the kingdom of heaven is inside you, and it is outside you.”

And, Yeshu’a said, “I am first thought, the thought that is light ... I move in every creature. I am the life of my afterthoughts that is within every power and every eternal movement, and in invisible lights ... I am before all, and I am all, since I am in everyone.”  (Gnostic literature)

Just a thought ... 

~Justin Taylor, ORDM., OCP., DM.

My thanks to Bible Babel