13 April 2015

Blog Cabin

Blog Cabin

Imagine owning a restaurant. You spend a lot of your time working on so many different things, and you're always at it. You come in early, get all the prep work done, make sure all the supplies are in order, and spend a lot of time preparing for people to have a great meal when they come in. Then you open the doors and wait. 

Now imagine reaching the end of a long business day at your restaurant, and only 3 to 7 people stopped in. "Today's Special" was amazing, but nobody ordered it. You check the register, and find that it cost you way more time and money than you've ever seen in business. All the while, across the street, the double drive-thru fast food joint is always busy. Never and empty parking place. 

Welcome to my Blog Cabin. The place where I spend endless hours researching, studying, and explaining spiritual and philosophical Truth & Wisdom everyday ... only to find that my audience reached is on average 3 to 6 people, an occasional "like," and once in a blue moon a comment or reply. It's just like the restaurant. You serve good quality food, have a great menu, yet people have been so programmed by society, that they cut through your parking lot to get to the fast food joint next door. They probably didn't even see your sign. 

I try and get creative with a catchy title, or add a picture that might catch your eye on the Facebook Wall ... but still most people stroll on by without stopping in. When it comes to my Blog, I always have to wonder ... do people stay away because of fear, or because they just have no interest? It's probably a little of both. Once in while I run into somebody who says "I read your articles and I would click like but I cant let my family see that I like it or they'll give me crap." So, now we have another category ... the closet reader.

What is it about discovering something different than what you may have been taught that invokes fear and makes you put up a gauntlet? Personally, I was always hungry for new information. I wanted to study both sides of a presentation and then let my Spirit decide what to ingest, and what to incinerate. I think that the looming possibility of "change" drives people away from new information. They're comfy where they are, even though they're not at ease or at peace within. Of course, cognitive dissonance it at play as well.

Life has it's peaks and valleys, physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. We are all subject to these ups and downs. It's all part of the Law of Polarity, and the 50/50 rule. Obtaining proper balance in all that we think and do is paramount. Like a Surfer, we ride the waves of life. And like the Surfer, the goal is to stay on the board, enjoy the thrill of the experience ... all the way to the end. But the Surfer can't do this if he struggles and resists the waves. He has to ride along with them, to work within the guidelines of nature. That which we resist, will always persist. The more we push, the more the universe pushes back at us. When we learn to work within the boundaries of natural occurrence, we learn to balance and to be well when times are good and not-so-good. 

Spirit can guide us through all of life, but only if we can get ego out of the way. Ego is always ready to take over and does ... and it is up to us to bring our base nature ego under control of high nature Spirit. This will give us a huge advantage in life, because Spirit is perfected and always knows what is best for us ... whereas, ego is on the radar for itself. Ego-centric desires, and egotistical ways. This creates a blockade for information to be received. It's kind of like a little kid that doesn't want to eat his peas. A struggle ensues.

When I write my Blog Articles, they are always in a "consider this" format. I never tell anyone they're wrong, or that I am right. I merely present my findings by sharing them in the hopes that you can find something that speaks to your Soul. Something that can become a personal Truth to you ... and maybe even spark you to do your own research. After all, this is Earth School ... we're here to learn.

Just a thought ... 

~Justin Taylor, ORDM., OCP., DM.