22 January 2015

The World Is Inside Your Brain

The World Is Inside Your Brain

Secret Beyond Matter

When you look out of the window, you think that you see an image with your eyes, as this is the way we have all been taught to think. However, in reality this is not how it works, because you do not see the world with your eyes. You see the image created in your brains. In the location of your Sight Center. This is not speculation, nor a philosophy, but proven scientific Truth.

This concept can be better understood when we realize how the entire visual system operates. The eye is responsible for transforming light into an electrical signal by means of the cells in the retina. This electrical signal reaches the Sight Center located in the brain. These electrical energy signals create the vision you see when you look out of the window. In other words, the sights you see are created … in your brain.

You see the image in your brain, not the view outside the window. For example, when the light reaches the eyes of the person from outside, this light passes to the small sight center located at the back of the brain after the cells in the eyes transform it into electrical signals. It is these electrical signals which form the picture in the brain. In reality when we open the brain, we wouldn’t be able to see any image. However, consciousness in the mind receives electrical signals in the form of an image. The brain perceives electrical signals in the form of an image, yet it has no eye, eye cells, or retina. So, to whom does the consciousness in the brain belong?

The same question can be asked about the article that you are reading now. The light coming to your eyes is converted into electrical signals and reaches your brain, where the view of the book is created … in your head, not outside of your head.

In other words, the article you’re reading right now is not outside of you, it is actually inside of you, located in the sight center in the back of your brain. Since you feel the material of what you are reading this on, the book/tablet with your hands, you might think that the book/tablet is outside of you. However, this feeling of material hardness also originates in the brain. The nerves on your fingertips transmit electrical information to the Touch Center in your brain. And when you touch the book/tablet, you feel the hardness and intensity of it, the slipperiness of the pages/screen, the textures and contoured edges, all within your brain.

When you’re reading a book, the reality is however, you can never actually “touch” the real nature of a book. Even though you think that you’re touching the book, it is your brain that perceives the tactile sensations. In addition, you do not even know if this book exists as a material thing outside of your brain. You merely interpret the image of the book within your brain. However, you should not be tricked by the fact that a writer wrote the book, the pages were designed by a computer and printed by a publisher. The people, computers and the publishers in every stages of the production of the book are only visions that appear in your brain, and you will never know whether or not they exist outside of your brain.

We can therefore conclude that everything we see, touch and hear merely exists in our brains. This is a scientific truth, proven with scientific evidence.

Acknowledge that all the individual features of the world are experienced through our sense organs. The information that reaches us through our sensory organs and is converted into electrical signals, and the individual parts of our brain analyze and process these signals. After this interpreting process takes place inside our brain, we will, for example, see a book, taste a strawberry, smell a flower, feel the texture of a material, or hear leaves rustling in the wind.

We have been taught that we are touching the cloth outside of our body, reading a book that is a foot away from us, smelling the trees that are far away from us, or hearing the shaking of the leaves that are far above us. However, this is all in our imagination. All of these things are happening within our brains. The entire universe is experienced in your mind and it can never be any other way.

At this point we encounter another surprising fact; that there are, in fact, no colours, voices or visions within our brain. All that can be found in our brains are electrical signals. This is not a philosophical speculation. This is simply a scientific description of the functions of our perceptions. In her book Mapping The Mind, Rita Carter explains the way we perceive the world as follows:

"Each one [of the sense organs] is intricately adapted to deal with its own type of stimulus: molecules, waves or vibrations. But the answer does not lie here, because despite their wonderful variety, each organ does essentially the same job: it translates its particular type of stimulus into electrical pulses. A pulse is a pulse is a pulse. It is not the colour red, or the first notes of Beethoven’s Fifth - it is a bit/byte of electrical energy. Indeed, rather than discriminating one type of sensory input from another, the sense organs actually make them more alike.

All sensory stimuli, then enter the brain in more or less undifferentiated form as a stream of electrical pulses created by neurons firing, domino-fashion, along a certain route. This is all that happens. There is no reverse transformer that at some stage turns this electrical activity back into light waves or molecules. What makes one stream into vision and another into smell depends, rather, on which neurons are stimulated."

In other words, all of our feelings and perceptions about the world (smells, visions, tastes etc.) are comprised of the same material, that is, electrical signals. Moreover, our brain is what makes these signals meaningful for us, and interprets these signals as senses of smell, taste, vision, sound or touch. It is a stunning fact that the brain, which is made of wet meat, can know which electrical signal should be interpreted as smell and which one as vision, and can convert the same material into different senses and feelings.

Because of the indoctrination that we receive throughout our lives, we imagine that we see the whole world with our eyes. Eventually, we usually conclude that our eyes are the windows that open up to the world. However, science shows us that we do not see through our eyes. The millions of nerve cells inside the eyes are responsible for sending a message to the brain, as if down a cable, in order to make “seeing” happen. If we analyze the information we learned in high school, it becomes easier for us to understand the reality of vision.

The light reflecting off an object passes through the lens of the eye and causes an upside-down image on the retina at the back of the eyeball. After some chemical operations carried out by retinal rods and cones, this vision becomes an electrical impulse. This impulse is then sent through connections in the nervous system to the back of the brain. The brain converts this flow into a meaningful, three-dimensional vision.

For example, when you watch children playing in a park, you are not seeing the children and the park with your eyes, because the image of this view forms not before your eyes, but at the back of your brain … the children, the park, you, and even your brain … is inside your brain.

Even though this has been a pretty simple explanation, in reality the physiology of vision is an extraordinary operation. Without fail, light is converted into electrical signals, and, subsequently, these electrical signals reveal a colorful, shining, three-dimensional world. All is light, all is energy, all is One.

Just a thought …

~Justin Taylor, ORDM., OCP., DM

My thanks to Harun Yahya