31 May 2015
Not Knowing Something When You Should
30 May 2015
What Does This Satan Character Look Like Anyway?
28 May 2015
It Can Happen To You It Can Happen To Me
27 May 2015
Consciousness: The Bridge Between Science and Spirit
26 May 2015
Who Were You Listening To All Those Years?
25 May 2015
The Witness Within
24 May 2015
The Truth About Christian Charity
Hunger Hurts And Leads To A Slow And Painful Death
Hunger Hurts And Leads To A Slow And Painful Death
Remember, you should be doing something to stop it. In my nearly 60 years on this terra-firma, I have learned that regardless of your stance on birth control, abstaining from sex and as a result procreation ... it is our right to replenish our species and it is our responsibility to the WORLD as fellow human beings to make sure that EVERYONE has food, shelter, and clean water at the very least.
The world governments who allow this type of suffering or even CAUSE these atrocities are disgraceful and shameless ... evil incarnate. And the multi-billion dollar Empire of Religion is no better. Silk and satin robes, precious jewels, gold, silver, and platinum bling. Billions is gold bricks in the Swedish banks and other financial institutions. An even bigger shame on you.
You profess the love of God and your Christ yet you sit by in Mansions hoarding wealth all the while these children die by the thousands every day. You disgust me. It's time for humanity to wake up from their slumber and take matter into our own hands.
Kick the crooks out of office, boycott the church and religious system ... choke off their money supply. We are 7 billion strong. WE CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE.
There are actually people on this planet that wipe their ass with gold-leaf embroidered toilet paper. You too disgust me. Enjoy your wealth, enjoy your celebrity, enjoy your business accomplishments ... but how many will show up at your funeral because of your love and compassion for mankind?
I will actually be surprised and amazed if anyone even reads this post. But I write it anyway. There is enough of everything for everyone on Mother Earth. Make it happen. WE ARE ALL RESPONSIBLE. Rant over, that is all.
Just a thought ...
~Justin Taylor, ORDM., OCP., DM.
Comparing The Gnostic Christ With The Biblical Christ
Comparing The Gnostic Christ With The Biblical Christ
The Gnostic Christ and the New Testament Christ are not the same thing at all. Gnostism was the original Christian faith. The "Christos" was, and is ... the the "light within" (our Divine consciousness) that leads us to all truth. It was called the Divine Spark within us all that awakened us from our sleep. In the New Testament it became the Holy Spirit who then was a later addition to complete the three-parts of the Christian Trinity. The original Trinity was Father. Mother, Child.
The Gnostics had nothing to do with the Jewish Old Testament books as they felt they were forgeries and plagiarisms of earlier pagan philosophies. Today, one would find it very difficult to prove they any of the Biblical scriptures are real because of a complete lack of historical evidence.
It is a house of cards. The Old Testament writings were used by the Hebrews for power and control by the priest hierarchy. The trouble is that Christians have been so conditioned by the churches ... as to accept that the Old Testament is the true word of God, that church Christians will go on emotional overload if you dare to critically judge the texts.
The Gnostics always wrote scriptures using allegories to illustrate higher levels of thought and learning. In those times of scripture writing, allegorical writing was at it's pinnacle and was very popular. Many times apocalyptic ... surface stories with hidden messages and Truths.
Christos to the Gnostics was not a real person, but instead that small still voice inside (the Divine) that leads us to all Truth. Many decades ago, a small band of stubborn literalists taught and demanded that Christos was a real historical person, and they worked night and day to preach this false message.
They really got nowhere until Emperor Constantine showed favour on the literalists and made this new anti-Gnostic Christianity a state religion to unite the empire under one Holy Universal (Catholic in Greek) Church.
As a result of the First Council of Nicea in 325CE, Jesus was turned in to a real historical person thus making him a literal man on earth. But if he was to be real, Jesus then needed a physical past. This is where the four Gospels come in. Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John.
Only in Justin Martyr, writing in the 150's, do we find the first identifiable quotations from some of the early Gospels, though he calls them simply "Memoirs of the Apostles," with no names. And those quotations usually do not agree with the texts of the canonical versions we now have, showing that such documents were still undergoing evolution and revision. Always being revised and changed.
More than a century after the alleged crucifixion of Jesus, the writings of Matthew, Mark, Luke, John suddenly appear out of nowhere and are used to prove that Jesus was a real historical person, because there was no other reliable sources that could be used as proof.
Mind you, there is also no proof whatsoever that the Apostles of Christ did in fact write them. The churches demand that we must have blind faith that the gospels are not the words of men, but the infallible literal word of God. Yet God/Source is Spirit and cannot therefore write in a physical world. Also, "God" would not leave behind controlling demands for his little mice with a "do as I say or else" attitude. Not if he is in fact the great teacher and architect of what, or is what we call the Universe.
Problem is, that the Disciples of Christ as depicted as illiterate fishermen that could not possibly have written the gospels nor expressed the concepts in highly educated language as seen in the gospels. Not just that, buy they could not have created the beautiful English prose of the King James that was handed over to Sir Francis Bacon to "Shakespeare-ize" it for everyone. To ... "pretty it up" so to speak. To give the King James of 1611 a feel and sound of beautiful Olde English. And, by the way in the original 1611,. the letter "J" had yet to be invented.
Also where did these disciples go for at least 150 years? If Jesus wanted his message written down, the disciples would have been writing everything down on scripts as he spoke. The four gospels were complete forgeries. Why I say this is because almost every action and saying of Jesus was rehashed from the other savior gods of the past.
They too died on crosses for the sins of the world and had done many miracles long before Jesus appeared. But all these scriptures had hidden within them spiritual Truths layered under fables and stories. If you wish more information on these man-god saviors born of virgins, there are numerous websites and publications that further discuss the truths.
Rome was falling apart and suffered massive uprisings from the Hebrews who worshiped Yahweh (Their Mountain God and God of war), and considered Rome to be idol worshipers that had to be put down and slain.
In the 66 revolt, over a million Hebrews had died and by 74 CE Titus and his Roman Military Forces had completely destroyed the temple and brought it to the ground in Jerusalem (The South Country of Judea/Judah). The Nation of Israel, had ended. Forever. Today's State of Israel, is not yesterday's Nation of Israel.
Rome needed to unite the entire Empire or cease to be. Times had become desperate. Constantine was a clever ruler who created a state religion called Christianity. Religion was a fast way to gather to rabble, commoners, slaves, and uneducated under a central system of control. This would become a "Universal" (Catholic in Greek) religion that would unite the entire empire, by liberalizing esoteric Wisdom and Myth and anthropomorphizing these ancient stories in to one real man whom they created and in Nicea in 325CE. Ieusus Christos.
From the Hesus of the Druids and Horus of Egyptian lore (son of Isis and Osiris), and the Krishna of Hindu lore. Later, through mistranslations and invented letters, he became known as Jesus Christ in English. Even though the name never existed. In Hebrew it would've been Yeshua or Yehoshua Moshiach/Moshia/Messiah ... the Greek word Christos meaning the same as Messiah in Hebrew. "Anointed one. or King."
Then Constantine's Bishops would gather together and vote on which books were to be canonized and placed in an official Roman approved Bible. After all, sacred books that were not approved by the Roman Catholic church were destroyed and their owners and many believers were rounded up and put to death in the name of God. It turned out to be a holocaust against all Gnostic Christians at the time. Also, remember ... this was the "Authorized" King James Bible, When something is "authorized" ... it simply mean written by them. So this King James Bible, was "authorized" or written by him. It is HIS story.
What is interesting about Christianity is that it was built on a literal "Jesus" who never existed as a real person. He was a conglomerate concept of Truths having had flash wrapped around them. The main proof offered for this are the four gospels that contain the life and times of Jesus.
The problem is that the gospels are copies of copies of copies with the original scrolls long gone. Now out of the thousands of copies, no two completely agree with each other. You had scribes, (copyists), constantly removing or adding text to suit their on beliefs. This was a real problem since none of the gospels could be compared to the originals and be corrected.
"The differences among the manuscripts have become great, either through the negligence of some copyists through the perverse audacity of others; they either neglect to check over what they have transcribed, or, in the process of checking, they make additions or deletions as they please."
-Origen, early church father
"Some believers, as though from a drinking 'bout, go so far as to appose themselves and alter the original text of the gospel three four or several times over, and they change it's character to enable them to deny difficulties in face of criticisms."
-Against Celsus 2.27
In 1945 the Gnostic gospels were found in clay vases in the Nag Hammadi dessert. Because they were hidden away from the Vatican for thousands of years, they act as a time capsule of the original Gnostic faith and show a completely different Jesus than has been presented by the Vatican Powers of Rome.
In fact, the name Christ, never occurs in the Nag Hammadi Codices, nor does the name Jesus. Rather, there is a recurring code: Coptic XC or XRC (translated CHS or CHRS) and IC or HC (translated IS).
For instance, in The Tripartite Tractate (117.10) you find HC in Coptic, and the translators modify this to H(COY)C, "Esous," then translated into the name Jesus. You can see how far scholars must go to manipulate the codes and make them fit a preconception.
Most Gnostic texts use the terms "the Saviour," the "Lord" and the "Revealer," with no specific mention of Jesus or Christ at all. Scholars who come from a Christian background and consider the NHC to be early Christian writings routinely decode XRC as Christ, or sometimes as Chrest, and IC as Jesus. There is, however, no clear or firm basis for this convention.
I am convinced that these codes do not refer either to "the Christ" of Saint Paul or the "historical Jesus" of the New Testament. The codes are used precisely to avoid those identifications. The term "the living Jesus" found in the NHC refers to an inner guide or psychic entity, not a historical person ... a spiritual principle and inner guidance.
To Gnostics "the living Jesus" indicated a spiritual force that does not die, hence it could not be a real human person. Jesus Christ in the NT says things that would never have been said by a Gnostic initiate. His words and acts are inconsistent with an illumined teacher from the Mysteries. The Gnostic Christos is not the Christ, the Only-Begotten Son of God, in the theology of John and the churches rewritten and revised works of Paul.
Isn't it interesting how Rome invents a new religion that is totally compatible with the Roman Empire. There is not one word of rebuke towards Rome, the butcher of Christians in the New Testament. In fact Jesus supports Rome by instructing all believers to pay taxes to Rome. He also tells his followers to turn the other cheek and be submissive to government.
Note also that Jesus is so well liked by Pilot the Governor of Judea, that he washed his hands of guilt in the crucifixion of Christ in this story. Note too how the new religion of Christianity began to incorporate the Old Testament by saying that Christ was the incarnation of the Hebrew God Yahweh. So how could the Jews fight against Rome now when Rome was now a brother in Christ? A brilliant scheme to say the least.
Once all opposition to Christianity was exterminated, Rome had hoped that all the Hebrews and literalist Christians could now hold hands and united under the Roman empire. And soon they would have their own Bible, that now incorporated both the Old Testament scriptures ... that the Gnostics felt were fabricated with the New Testament. But that was not a major problem since most Gnostic Christians and all of their writings were destroyed and murdered inorder to make room for the new state religion.
Christian Gnostism pre-dated Roman Christianity and was the original faith. It was free of all Zionistic based beliefs that have destroyed the moral fiber of the world since, and has created a global banking system that has plunged the world into slavery, war, and poverty.
In the time of the Old Testament Yahweh was the war god of the Hebrews ... particularly when they became monotheistic from their original polytheistic ways. The nice loving God(s) "EL," or Elohim were shoved aside for the Mountain and War God YHVH - Yahweh/Jehovah.
"And the LORD said unto Moses, Take all the heads of the people, and hang them up before the LORD against the sun, that the fierce anger of the LORD may be turned away from Israel."
-Numbers 25:4
Then Yahweh comes in the flesh (as this guy Jesus) and says the opposite. We are told to love all our enemies and give them all big hugs in Jesus' name. Why do people not see the hypocrisy here? You cannot have it both ways.
Also how can the son represent the father when he preaches the total and complete opposite of what his father stands for, and that is war and extermination. Hebrews exterminated non-Hebrews, then the Christian Romans picked up the ball and started up again the same extermination doctrine ... by the millions.
Today the Zionist Jewish (converts to Judaism from Khazaria) banking system has a choke-hold on the Vatican so the residing power today is the Zionist regime and powerhouse of the Crown Temple and the Black Pope and Jesuits.
Needless to say they control all the churches and religions. They get mankind to war over man-made doctrines and exercise all power and control over them through religion and doctrines ... keeping them enslaved to their religious system rather than freeing them to the spiritual Truths of ancient Pagan Wisdom. Believe one wrong doctrine and you will burn and scream in the lake of fire forever. Talk about mind control. Talk about fear programming. The two thieves on either side of the cross were fear and guilt ... thieves ... robbing us of our spiritual lives.
Is this God our loving father? The greatest enemy to the Global Elite is free thinking Gnostics that think for themselves and do not submit to any religious institution. In other words they can't be controlled and told what to think and when to think. Gnostics (those who know) seek higher levels of knowledge about God and are not easily changed with responses like, "Oh forget all that other stuff. It's all Satan's deception. Just focus on the love of Jesus"
Gnostic Christians do not have a need to convert others to their religion because they have none. They have long realized that people who seek God have different life experiences and learn at different speeds. Gnostic knowledge becomes the wind in our sails that drives us on to greater and deeper truths of our understanding of God. We are set free from the church chains a spiritual doctrines of darkness.
Since we are all born God's children, we need not worry about having the "right doctrine" to be saved from something. God's children are here not to be "saved" but to learn from the Father/Source. If we are children of God (the begotten), then at death we go on to higher levels of ascension while the evil doers go to lower levels ... and then come back and try again.
This is what Grace is. It's a do-over, not a prayer before dinner. Salvation is in us. It is the small still voice that leads us unto all Truth ... a re-member-ance. We have no need of dead writings and dead churches. The Christ (Divine Spark) is in us, leading us in our physical journey of spiritual growth and personal revelation. Each on our own path of discovery. There are many paths lead to the top of the mountain.
Rome gave birth to the literal Christianity and the fruits of it became rancid and brought about the Dark Ages of religious control and death. You shall know them by their fruits ... their own book says it ... and when church literalists came to power, mankind was put into a deep spiritual sleep. A coma. And most still slumber in illusion rather than choose to wake in Truth. The blue pill, or the red pill?
Where the people are set free, is when they break free of controlled thinking and realize that God speaks to us though our spirits within, and not dead scrolls, that have all been edited, plagiarized, and forged. It is the Christos/Christ in us speaking and guiding us to full empowerment.
What Gnostics get rebuked for is that they do not believe that Jesus was God in the flesh on the earth which is the foundation of literal Christianity. If you do not believe this, then you are sent to a fiery lake of fire where you will scream and squirm in pain for eternity. This for the crime of not choosing the right doctrine. Is this a God of love? Literalists say that God did not create hell for mankind, so why is mankind sent there? The Truth is ... and you'll find it here:
"For many deceivers are entered into the world, who confess not that Jesus Christ came in the flesh. This is a deceiver and an antichrist" (2 John 1:7)
To the Gnostics, the resurrection story of Christ wasn’t about the literal man; it was about the spiritual awakening of the divine nature that can happen within each individual. This awakening happens while we are still yet in the flesh.
So John’s statement rings true after all. Christ DOES come in the flesh ... OURS. This coming of Christ is the gnosis (knowingness and mystical insight) attained by the individual going through a profound experience in higher states of consciousness.
So is it important to believe Jesus came in the flesh. Outside of debatable scrolls, there is no evidence for a historical Jesus who was the ONLY God in the flesh. I know many men that came to know a hero personally ... and fashioned their lives around a hero man they followed.
This hero stood for Truth, honesty, and justice, and had a huge impact on the lives of young boys. This man was a great hero of his day and served as an example for all mankind. So who was this great man? It was a fictional character known to comic readers as Superman. He greatly impacted my life as a child ... from comics, to TV, to movies. Ask the boys that grew up with him if it is important that he was a fictional character. Shall these boys who are now men rebuke all moral lessons that they learned and fashioned their lives after because Superman was not a real person? The moral messages remain true regardless.
In the Ten Commandments of the Old Testament it says "Thou not Steal." Do we really need stone tablets to tell us something we already know from the voice within us? If we should fail, do we need a religious hierarchy to enforce rebuke and punishment on us for such failure. Or do we pick ourselves up, repent (turn around and fly right), and move on beyond it having learned our lesson?
Is it knowledge that saves us? Certainly not. Let one who has all answers and knows all things please feel free to correct me. We are Spirit trapped in flesh (Soma/Sema to the ancient Greeks) growing and maturing inside for the final day of release much like a butterfly breaking free of its cocoon. We are in our chrysalis, in darkness, waiting to be freed.
As we are awakened we realize that we are different and do not fit in with the rest of the world and we begin to seek God as never before. People today need to break free from there cocoon churches and be led by the spirit within. Just as the Monarch butterfly can never return to the caterpillar that it once was. It is a metamorphosis, not just a transformation.
"Do not conform to the patterns (archetypes) of this world, but be transformed (a metamorphosis from the original Greek) by the re-new-ing of your mind."
-Romans 12:2
We hold that Salvation is not a matter of belief. Salvation is the outcome of a process of inner unification and transformation where our consciousness is withdrawn from our ego, and centered on the awakened Spirit within us ... and within everyone. The Spirit within has eternal life because it is the substance and essence of God/Source; the living light.
We grow up in the world while we are developing our ego. The ego acts as the interface between us and the world and is the chief interpreter of our experience in the world. The ego is a function of the physical body and derives its energy and life from the body.
When physical death is experienced, the life force of the spirit is withdrawn from the body. The ego no longer has a source of energy. The ego then weakens and fades away leaving only the sleeping spirit. All awareness and consciousness associated with the ego also fades away into nothingness. This is called the second death." Our Spirit and consciousness are eternal. We come and go. As above, so below. Our akashic record (book of life) is an ongoing experience both spiritually, and in metempsychosis ... or more commonly called reincarnation. We keep doing this, until we get it right, and learn all there is to learn ... once again ... joining Source Energy from whence we came.
Just a thought ...
Justin Taylor, ORDM., OCP., DM.