12 February 2015

Vibration A Fundamental Characteristic of Energy

Vibration A Fundamental Characteristic Of Energy
Vibration is one of the most fundamental characteristics of the entire Universe from the very highest vibration of The Source, The First Cause, of God, down to the physical world of matter. Vibration is an integral component of the great continuum of the Universe, manifesting an infinite number of characteristics. Energy is vibration; human beings consist entirely of pure Energy in the form of a physical body, even though the human body and physical surroundings might appear to be solid in accordance with the five physical senses.

You may be asking how can this be? Matter comprises smaller units known as molecules, and still smaller units known as atoms. Yet smaller still we find sub-atomic particles which in turn are made up of still finer particles and so on, until the ultimate constitution of anything is of pure Energy vibrating at specific rates according to individual characteristics. 

From The Source, The Prime Creator, God, down to the densest of matter there are an infinite number of modes of vibration. This is also now one of the basic accepted principles of quantum physics with the discovery that sub-atomic particles are ultimately not particles at all, but are rather progressively more subtle forms, until ultimately consisting of vibration, pure Energy and units of probability.

This Energy is also known as “Light”. This is not the light commonly known in the physical Universe as for example emanating from The Sun, but rather the Primordial Light from which everything in the Universe was created, lives and has its Being, the Primordial Light of God. As observed by quantum physicist David Bohm, the physical Universe of matter can be considered to be “frozen Light”.

So how do we reconcile this with multi-dimensional reality? We need to look at vibration much more closely in order to understand this. Most people know sound for example is vibration, and can be a very powerful vibration at that. Loud noises cause windows and other structures to vibrate, and indeed a sound of a high enough pitch or amplitude can cause fragile objects to shatter completely.

The frequency range of perception of the ear of the average human is from around twenty vibrations per second, up to around twenty thousand vibrations per second. Moving up the vibrational scale we reach electricity at around one billion vibrations per second. Moving up the vibrational scale further still we encounter heat at two hundred billion vibrations per second. Further up the scale the spectrum of visible colours vibrate in a range of around five hundred billion vibrations per second, and yet higher still is the invisible spectrum of colour including infra-red and ultra-violet. And so we can move further progressively up through the levels of vibration, still manifesting as Energy known to science, until we reach the higher levels where we encounter x-rays which vibrate at around two trillion vibrations per second.

As we progress up still higher in the scale of vibration we reach levels which do not manifest any characteristics known yet to modern science, and are therefore largely still ignored, overlooked or deemed not to exist at all; in other words vibration is often deemed by science to be finite as it pertains to the physical world and can be measured by scientific instrumentation.

However the reality is very, and fundamentally different. It is erroneous to conclude that progressively higher levels of vibration do not exist, simply because they cannot be observed or measured by science. Vibrating at speeds completely beyond the comprehension and observation of science are the inner dimensions of the planes of correspondence, The Great Astral, Mental and Spiritual planes. 

Ultimately, if something were to raise its vibrations to a high enough level it would rejoin The Source, God, The First Cause, and this indeed is the same ultimate destiny of every human being, each constantly raising vibrations of the Soul and Spirit by virtue of the process of perfection, ultimately realising the potential to achieve vibrational harmony with God, at which point the vibration of the Spiritual body of the individual would be approaching that of God/Source.

In addition, all life manifesting at any level of the continuum of the Universe vibrates at a level being exactly equivalent to the plane or sub-plane they occupy, but each at the same time exhibiting characteristics providing all forms of life in the Universe with unique individuality.

It is due to the fact that a Soul or Spirit body of a human being vibrates in harmony, at the same rate or frequency as the plane, sphere, dimension being occupied, that everything seems, and indeed is totally solid and real. This of course also applies to the physical world, which is also a rate of vibration, as is every human being and all forms of life and everything else existing in the physical Universe.

Everything (including matter) is Energy and therefore vibration. Everyone and everything therefore “tunes” into the plane, world, sphere, dimension, corresponding to their own unique vibration. This is comparable to television or radio signals ... although there are thousands of programs all being broadcast into the Ether at the same time, it is only usually possible to tune into one such program being broadcast at its own particular frequency at any one time.

Beyond the confines of the physical world of matter, frequency of vibration, Energy is therefore the means by which all life manifests and exists within its own unique, individual, corresponding level, or plane and state of reality. 

This also fully explains why humans, and indeed all forms of life upon passing on to the Astral worlds after the “death” of the physical body find a world which is every bit as “solid” and “real” as the physical world; in fact the Astral worlds are much more “solid”, and more “real” and vibrant than the physical world, and this becomes progressively more the case with the ascent to the ever inner spheres. 

The higher the level of Energy, the finer are the corresponding vibrations, and accordingly everyone and everything within that level of Energy or vibration will be much more “finely tuned” with it. Physical matter by comparison, being at the lowest level of Energy and vibration is extremely coarse.

So everything in the Universe, The All, God/Source is in a perpetual state of vibration, up to and including The Source Energy Who exhibits a level of vibration of such an infinitely high degree and of such intensity that He/She can almost be considered to be at rest. 

Such levels of vibration are far, far beyond any current human comprehension. This can be conceptualised on the physical plane by observing a spoked wheel (like on a bicycle) from a sideways perspective, spinning ever faster. The wheel soon achieves such a rate of rotation as to appear stationary and not spinning at all, its spokes appearing to be invisible to the physical senses of the human eye. Also, a spinning fan will offer the same effect.

As discussed earlier, science now recognises the fact that the “phenomena” with which everyone is so familiar such as heat, light, temperature and magnetism are all but differing degrees of vibration, each exhibiting unique characteristics, and each of which everyone can readily recognise and experience by means of the five biological senses. 

Modern science however is nevertheless still struggling to fully explain such important characteristics as cohesion, molecular attraction and affinity, and in particular the very force keeping everything rooted firmly on the ground, thereby preventing things from floating off into space; the force of gravity.

Vibration plays an extremely important part in the everyday lives of everyone by way of normal thinking processes and states of being. Thought’s, emotions, desires, temperament indeed any mental state of Mind or being are all ultimately degrees and aspects of Energy as vibration, as of course is thought itself. 

This is just one reason why in the collective plane of the human Mind thoughts can, often unwittingly or even intentionally be projected, and can affect other people by the process of induction. These are major factors in so called “paranormal phenomena” which people recognise as “telepathy” and other forms of Mind power. It is also the reason why a persons “mood” can affect those around that person, a “mood” simply being an energetic state of vibration.

It is a most important fact that every single thought, every single state of Mind and every single emotion is each characterized by its own unique vibration. In the physical world of matter these vibrations and “thought forms” are not readily apparent to the physical senses, however, in the infinitely finer degrees of the Astral worlds and beyond, thoughts and thought forms can actually be seen to be instantly created and projected, and which thought forms will persist in accordance with the level of Energy with which they were originally projected.

Those who understand these laws of vibration and mentalism can exercise a high degree of control over their own individual thought processes, thus gaining a high level of control over their own states of Mind, moods and emotions. 

In the same way, a person who is well practiced in these disciplines can also affect the Minds of others by applying the same laws; very often people do this without even realising it. On the Mental plane therefore, and in particular on the plane of the human Mind, people produce thought Energy, vibrations which can effect themselves and the people around them either unintentionally or at will. 

It should also be pointed out that conscious and effective use of these abilities can usually only be acquired by the means of dedication and practice over some period of time, although there are a very few people in existence who can command these powers as a natural ability, often from birth.

The principles we have discussed so far will explain many of the so called “phenomena” that have been demonstrated over the ages by the great Masters, Adepts, Guru’s and others, often considered to be “miracles”. 

All these people are really doing is to consciously control completely natural Universal laws, and in particular, in the case of physical manifestations, the law of vibration, in order to alter or transmute one form of Energy, vibration, into another form of Energy, thereby altering the form of physical objects. 

This would appear as miraculous to those who have yet to fully comprehend the law of vibration, and indeed comprehend all Universal laws, but yet is an ability that everyone has the potential to realize.

Just a thought ... 

Justin Taylor, ORDM., OCP., DM.

My thanks to Adrian Cooper.