21 February 2015

You Can't Save Anyone

You Can’t Save Anyone

Despite what people may think, you simply cannot save anyone. It’s not your job or your responsibility. Just be a beacon of light and let those who want to walk through your light do so of their own free will.

When you watch a baby learn how to walk, you’ll notice it falls down quite a bit. Then it gets up and tries again. It keeps trying until it eventually finds its balance and can walk easily and well.

But what would happen if every time we saw a baby fall, we picked the baby up and said, “you can’t seem to walk on your own. I'll carry you. Don’t you worry.” That would be ridiculous right? A baby has to eventually learn to walk on it's own accord.

Let’s fast forward to high school and look at that same child. If he’s struggling to master his coursework do you start doing his homework for him? “Oh, you failed your last exam, I’ll start doing your homework for you and taking your tests so you can succeed." That wouldn’t help would it?

It’s painful to watch people that you love struggle, but sometimes they must struggle in order to learn. That doesn’t mean you can’t assist them. “Would you like to start seeing a tutor?” But if you do the work for them, they’ll just be at a disadvantage when they go out into the work force and don’t know how to solve their own problems.

Every person on this planet is walking their own path and it’s not up to anyone else to judge it. Even if you think you have the answer, that answer is not going to apply to everyone.

The best thing you can do is find your own true north and start walking. You’ll naturally attract other people who have also decided to go that way. Then you can walk together.

But never try to drag someone onto your path even if you think it’s the best path possible. People are here to learn different lessons, to explore different paths, to have different experiences. There is no one way to live. There is no right or wrong way to live. There are many trails that lead to the top of the mountain.

Now if someone reaches out to you and asks for help, then by all means, offer it. If someone says, “I really love how peaceful you are all the time. Could you tell me how you can do that?” then go ahead and explain it. But let them decide what to do with the information. Don’t push.

Focus on YOUR path. Shine YOUR light. Help those who ask for help, but don’t run their life for them. Help them find the tools they need to succeed but don’t build their house for them. Each of us needs to experience the things in life that will not only grow our mind, but our Soul as well.

Just a thought ... 

~Justin Taylor, ORDM., OCP., DM.

My thanks to Erin Pavlina.