The Esoteric “Last Supper”
The Last Supper, where Jesus and his twelve disciples, recline and eat the harvest. (Mark 14:12–26; Matthew 26:17–30; Luke 22:7–38)
Not only in antiquity, but even now; is the natural time of year to have a huge feast. In America we celebrate Thanksgiving and have a huge feast of food.
We eat the flesh (the body) of the fruit (the Tree of Life/ The Vine) —joining us with the Creator who makes the fruit grow; and we drink wine—the blood of the grapes (fruit of the vine), esoterically, Christ is the vine, we are the branch - joining us with the Creator/God/Source/Sun who makes the grapes grow. Without this food we would perish.
The “lower nature” in fact, is represented by the devil/ego (deceiver) which must be vanquished before we are able to re-member that each of us is a child of the divine Source. A begotten son/daughter of God.
The esoteric mystery of “The Last Supper” can, perhaps, now be more easily understood. As our spirit (Christ) comes forth, it begins to consume ‘the bitter herbs of the beast’ (“this is my body, this is my blood”), and any of the beastly tendencies of the lower nature. The process of the “last supper” continues until all of the “dross” (lower nature) has been removed from the Golden (Holy) Spirit and we have, by our diligence and God’s grace, restored our “original nature”. In order to get the gold, the impurities must be burned off.
So, as we continue to look at the real meaning of the LAST Supper, remember that the Bible is a multi-level transcendental masterpiece. Surprisingly it also includes, in symbolic language, a summary of the quantum physics of light … photons, and light consciousness.
To repeat, the esoteric mystery of “The Last Supper” explains the event that as our spirit / soul (Christus) comes forth, it begins to consume (replace) “the beast” (“this is my body, this is my blood”), and any of the beastly tendencies of the lower nature. This so that we can reach our Higher Self.
The process of the “last supper” continues until all of the “dross” (lower nature) has been removed from the Soul and we have, by our diligence in meditation and we are restored to our “original nature”. The souls who are “lost” (unaware of a spiritual “base”) have forgotten these precepts and live an uncomfortable existence that goes on eternally beyond the veil of time.
Those who practice the law of love ascend a “measure” with each victory attained over the “lower nature” and experience greater and greater blessings. Everything around them is “lifted up” with them. Until, finally, they are off of the cross of “self” and attain liberation. The esoteric crucifixion.
This last supper only happens to the few who attain the mount, those that have transcended the physical and have become one with the higher self, via meditation and contemplative prayer … to connect directly to the Divine within. The last supper represents the last meal or the last time that your mind will be under the influence of the false ego (persona - which means ‘mask of an actor’ in Latin) … the lower mind. We’ll look deeper into this false ego / satan / devil / ego mind in a later article.
Just a thought …
~Justin Taylor, ORDM., OCP., DM.